Debate #3


Well-Known Member
Haven't we had enough of this charade? we all know obama is the chosen banker and chief.
Just give this dog and pony show a rest.
slight edge to obama at the moment, but it's anyone's game with 2 weeks to go.

let us all hope for a fiery crash and burn, it matters not who does the crashing and burning to me.
Odd. I thought you had a clear favorite in this race. cn

i often have to correct the record, and this comes disproportionately from a specific group of butthurt righties. this does make it seem like i favor obama.

i also defended rick santorum various times, but no one ever accused me of favoring him.

i watch politics for the same reason that a lot of nascar fans watch nascar. that much should be obvious by how i wait for people in this section to fall into my traps, like clayton just loves to do.

i am starting to think clayton may be an automaton programmed solely for my amusement.
slight edge to obama at the moment, but it's anyone's game with 2 weeks to go.

let us all hope for a fiery crash and burn, it matters not who does the crashing and burning to me.

Dont doubt your god have faith!
He is the chosen.
Mittens aint gettin it, these conjured polls, are well, that exactly, they want you to think its a close race just like 08 but it has already been decided.
I am so sure of my self that i already bet if he loses i will take my life.
We should not be in Iraq, we shouldn't be protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan, the entire middle east is fucked and our presence puts America at risk.
What would happen if we armed the rebels in Syria to oust Assad? Do either of these guys think they'd put in a guy who America would support? That seems idiotic, I think it would end up like the Taliban except with bigger guns, and another dictator. Romney mentioned Egypt's government, why wouldn't the same thing happen in Syria?
what could ever go wrong with arming middle eastern revolutionaries?


Strange, I do believe that is how Saddam Hussein gained power. We know how that went.

listen to these two lying faggot motherfuckers pointing fingers at each other about who lies more...

"we need to strengthen our economy!" say both of em

neither bother to mention the petro dollar or the federal reserve's QE infinity

here are your fucking terrorists america,,,repeating the same old tired BULLSHIT

how can anyone call this empty fucking rhetoric a debate??