I'm sick of the Tude's prices! Wish Sannie's didn't require a signature.


Well-Known Member
idk though.. i do love me some sannies, and order ton's of beans from ton's of places, yet the only order i have ever had caught by customs was an order from sannies.. it was legit caught to, got me a cool keepsake letter and all...
my thing is that sannies gear ships right from the netherlands and is coming into the us.. now the customs offices aren't really that stupid and know what is going on in the netherlands, therefore i think they tend to look at packages coming out of the netherlands way harder than say a package coming out of the uk ( the tude for instance )...

so while i thin of course there were some scammers trying to get free gear, i do believe that things coming out of the netherlands have a higher chance of being confiscated..
just my $.02
Bought 10 Vertigo seeds from Growshop Alien. Family run gig in Belgium. No email responses or notifications. 3 weeks. I email a second time and insist they let me know if the seeds shipped. "I ship". 3 days after that a padded mailer with a little present inside gift wrapped for a birthday. Inside that was 2 breeders packs of Vertigo (Paradise Seeds). Obviously Customs did not open THAT one - at least the little giftie inside. Whew.


Well-Known Member
Next cycle gonna finally try his line gonna gander with his extrema. Some good reviews i have read here is his herijuana ibl always sold out, Sugar Punch finally in stock again, Jack F7, and Killing fields. His lineup is so diverse I would love to grow everything of his eventually :-).
Reports of herms in the extrema certain phenos, I'm growin out some right now and they're gonna be flowering soon - just keep an eye out. It's the chem in it.


Active Member
Sannies is by far the most kick ass supplier out there. Nothing comes close when it comes to product quality, customer service andother intangibles. Honestly if a signature is going to keep you from doing business with a company that uses it's resources to improve the quality of their product rather then on marketing their sub par shit then your just selling yourself short. Customs is really the only real bottle neck and a letter is the worst you can expect. They won't be sending any swat team to your house because you signed for a letter.


Well-Known Member
Sea of Seedss isn't any doghouse either. Cheaper prices, far cheaper shipping, more free seeds. They take cards through SagePay - a proven payment processor. One of our sponsors here keeping it free and cool.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Never had to sign for my sannies...although I would...it is only seeds....a misdemeanor if that as it contains NO thc and is not a plant


Well-Known Member
Ordered from SOS Saturday morning. Received an email 48 hours later that my order was shipped and gave tracking. No signature required.


Well-Known Member
In some places a single seed will get you manufacturing with intent to distribute. If that is combined with mandatory minimum sentencing it becomes something worth worrying about.


Well-Known Member
In some places a single seed will get you manufacturing with intent to distribute. If that is combined with mandatory minimum sentencing it becomes something worth worrying about.
Just to be clear, its one thing to receive a criminal charge, and quite another a conviction.

If all you had was just one ceid, for example, I think it would be exceptionally difficult to make a "manufacturing with intent to distribute" charge actually stick. I could see a threat, but I can't see a prosecutor actually trying to take that in front of a jury. In most cases the worst penalty you'd expect for mere possession of a ceid would be equivalent, say, to possession of a small amount of actual weed.

On the other hand, a pack of ceids + grow lights, pots and soil. . .arguably, that's "attempted manufacture". Throw in bags and a scale somewhere, and "attempted manufacture and intent to distribute" is plausible, though again, how likely an actual conviction would be depends on a whole bunch of factors.

Its against Federal law everywhere in the USA to possess even a single viable cannabis ceid, though again, in practice, the Feds have much bigger fish to fry than busting people over this. Customs is mostly looking for actual drugs and weapons, and they don't get terribly worked up over small numbers of ceids. . .assuming they even find them.

Note if customs does find your ceids, its their policy is to confiscate and destroy them. Almost by definition if they arrive at your door needing a signature, they haven't been detected.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you jogro, just qualifying the fear. It's arguable that this individual is attempting to conquer said fears by being here on this site too.
Making an observation of empathy man, ya dig?!