We already went through this.
Coin, paper and physical "currency" is a primitive human concept.
If you live off of energy, and you have an abundant form of energy, you don't need petty currency. I don't see how you could even project currency onto an intelligent species as it is given... No it isn't. Neither is arithmetic.
And my statement is so much different than your "analogy" lol... He was trying to TELL me that IT IS 100% IMPOSSIBLE to have an intelligent life form without physical form, as if he can scientifically prove it. I never once stated that it is CERTAIN to be true, rather, I speculated it COULD be true, much like your example. However, the Earth is a finite size, and a small finite size at that relative to the universe, which could be infinite, and could exist infinitely in parallel, who knows. Comparing speculation of bigfoot to the universe is silly.