Think the stress set me back a week?


New Member
I need seeds before I stop this strain. I can't keep up with the demand for it. It gets sold as grade A( top shelf) the way you talk I'm guessing LA area. There is a chance you have had my MK. I'm just going nuts and playing around to much to try and keep it going. I want a challenge. Not something I can grow with eyes closed. Think you know what I mean. Need something new.
Definately man! I am in between LA and SD myself in oceanside. Possibly have tried it, only had MK ultra once or twice though, and if you have brought it all the way down here lol. I'll gladly keep your strain going and take any old growing equipment you dont want :D


Well-Known Member
Strain has been given to 2 other people. And that will be it. And I would bring extra EQ. But I gave it to somebody last week. Maybe if he reads this and desides he dosnt want or need it he will give it back. I go from LA to SD every 2-3 weeks. Fighting a case down there and not doing so good right now.


New Member
Strain has been given to 2 other people. And that will be it. And I would bring extra EQ. But I gave it to somebody last week. Maybe if he reads this and desides he dosnt want or need it he will give it back. I go from LA to SD every 2-3 weeks. Fighting a case down there and not doing so good right now.
Ah shit man. I don't want to ask since u prolly don't want to talk about it but I obviously can't stop my fingers.


Well-Known Member
Crash and possession and under the influence. All becouse a tire blew out on me. Going to take a deal just they haven't offered anything without a fellony. I'm not taking a F. I'll go to the box first.


New Member
Crash and possession and under the influence. All becouse a tire blew out on me. Going to take a deal just they haven't offered anything without a fellony. I'm not taking a F. I'll go to the box first.
fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Well, I got a gnarly gnarly GNARLY story because it took a retard to do what I did. Want to hear it? Might cost you 3 seeds? :)


Well-Known Member
I can't get my girls to give me 1 seed how can I do 3? And there is nothing I haven't been charged with. I grew up in Palmdale. Drugs where how we lived.


New Member
I can't get my girls to give me 1 seed how can I do 3? And there is nothing I haven't been charged with. I grew up in Palmdale. Drugs where how we lived.
Hahahahaha alright so, my friend and I went around to different fast food places getting free food. He was going to college at chico and we wanted to see how many places we could "knock off" in one night. We were smoking spliff after spliff. We hit in and out first. Drive up to the window and tell the workers "I was just here and got a number 1, I was on my way home and took a bite of my burger, I stopped half way through the bite, and pulled out the nastiest longest hair from my mouth, I threw the whole burger and the bag out the window in disgust! They ask if I have the receipt and I repeat "I threw out the whole bag, why would I search for the receipt" so they make me a burger. We do this at in and out, carls jr, didn't work at mcdonalds, and we didn't have enough to satisfy. We drove to the next city and hit the other in and out! On my way back home, stoned out from about 6 spliffs, I saw a road name that I recognized and took it. I was so out of it, I came to attention driving into camp pendleton. I roll my window and tell them I took a wrong turn and I just had to take a u-turn but they wouldn't have it. Got pulled over, police came, took me to the police station. Got bailed out around 8 in the morning. Went to my court date and all charges had been dropped.


Well-Known Member
Got that beat. I was working as a government emplyee on base. Pendleton. This gave us officers privileges. We got drunk as fuck. Got in truck went to our rooms but found that we headed out the gate. Took a left when should of been a right. Turned back in. Gave badges. I was the only one held for failure to server duty. It was (at the time) a 26 year old worrent. I was born on base so got a call to duty slip I was 3. Mom tossed it out. Who eould of known let me tell you. Basic jail is way better then the brig for deserters. And they got some big ass mp's in the brig


New Member
Got that beat. I was working as a government emplyee on base. Pendleton. This gave us officers privileges. We got drunk as fuck. Got in truck went to our rooms but found that we headed out the gate. Took a left when should of been a right. Turned back in. Gave badges. I was the only one held for failure to server duty. It was (at the time) a 26 year old worrent. I was born on base so got a call to duty slip I was 3. Mom tossed it out. Who eould of known let me tell you. Basic jail is way better then the brig for deserters. And they got some big ass mp's in the brig
damn that's so fuckin similiar, I think that with my high ass tolerance, my body breaks down cannabinoids quickly, and by the time they transfered me from one jail to the other, I had already lowered the levels by the time they took blood.


New Member
You know how to tell when someones old? They have swollen joints.
I'm 22 with swollen joints man. My right leg is angled inward and after wrestling and cross country my knees are completely fucked because my left one began to compensate and got fucked up as well, resulting in back problems too. I'm so fucked when I get old


Well-Known Member
I'm 22 with swollen joints man. My right leg is angled inward and after wrestling and cross country my knees are completely fucked because my left one began to compensate and got fucked up as well, resulting in back problems too. I'm so fucked when I get old
I wasn't quite talking about joints of the body haha