guy incognito
Well-Known Member
That potato bug would squash you and everyone you love if he had the chance. No mercy. No prisoners.
Think about how nature treats bugs. They will most likely be food for something else, often eaten alive or injected with poison which liquefies their insides. If they are lucky they will live long enough to starve or freeze to death. Of all the ways bugs can and will die, your shoe is one of the most humane.
This ... is ... SPORTO! cnThat potato bug would squash you and everyone you love if he had the chance. No mercy. No prisoners.
potato bugs can bite the living fuck out of you, their jaws are made for gnawing on tough roots and tubers. kill that bastard, pick up the corpse with toilet paper, throw it in the crapper and PISS ALL OVER IT before you flush it out to sea.Hear me out..
I actually feel bad for killing bugs..
I realize this is quite a weird opinion to hold, because, fuck bugs. Who cares?
But everytime I smash one, like I just did with a potato bug in my bathroom, I feel fucking terrible..
The bug didn't end up there on purpose, it didn't know it was invading someones household, it had no clue. Futhermore, it had no idea it was doing something wrong or right, as far as I know, bugs have no concept of such things..
So isn't it automatically wrong for me to kill it?
One moment it's alive and well, the very next moment it's a smudge on the bottom of my shoe..
What if it had higher intelligence I just never detected?
I seriously feel like an asshole..
Wouldn't the right thing to do be to capture it and let it go outside my house, unharmed?
Same goes with spiders, beetles, moths, etc.. they have no clue wtf they're doing, and even if they did it wouldn't be right to just execute them on sight...
well it IS the Sexuality forum ... cnSometimes I like to head to the basement with some pliers, a lighter, and some razor blades.