Debate #3

A clear winner silly. The other debates have been bla bla,

#1 Romney won, barley
#2 Obama won, just over barley
#3 Someone could have a big break

because this is actually a civil debate

where they gettin all this barley? it costs me $3 a pound!

beef and barley stew

slice 4 large carrots and place in a large cookpot with a tight fitting lid
chop 1 lb of russet potatoes, add to the carrots
fill the pot with water till it just covers the vegetables and simmer till the carrrots and potatoes are done.
add 1 lb rinsed pearled barley and a generous handful of chopped parsley
simmer on LOW heat while you:

trim and cube a 2 pound beef rump roast, reserve the fat
render the fat in a pan starting from cold, until the fat is reduced and clear but do not let it smoke.
sear the cubed meat until well browned,
chop 1 large onion and 3-4 cloves garlicthen throw this into the pan with the hot sizzling meat

once the onions turn clear and the garlic is fragrant tip the excess fat off the pan into a cup. save this for flavour later

add the onions and meat to the vegetables and barley, raise the heat to a full boil then immediately reduce to a simmer.

salt sparingly, add some of the schmaltz if its not quite robust enough.

just before service stir in 1/4 cup bushmills irish whiskey.

what? oh yeah dude, it's totally vegan!

protip: its even better with venison or rabbit.
How will I go to prison?

I have a medical card that allows me to cultivate more than I do.
Yeah I might be a painted red target, but as long as I'm legal, what can they do that won't help me achieve a dream of mine, marijuana legalization?

I haven't dealt with gov work for over 2 years now. I'm clear, free, and willing to speak. Gotta love our first amendment rights

If you can give me a reason to believe I'm giving out too much, then I'm all for hearing it. But, I believe that I am not only playing this smart, but I'm playing it well, and progressively; when is the last time you heard of someone working on missile technology who blazes, due to pain, more frequently than daily.

When individuals who I talk to figure out I have a medical card, with a legal medical reason to do so, and smoke and work as I do, they gain a bright and positive perspective on our community; You should thank me. I'm only helping by putting one foot in front of the other on the yellow brick road to legalization. I'm not trying to say I'm someone special and better than everyone, just that I stick to what I believe in, and some people find that awesome. I know it sounds like a pretentious statement, but it isnt meant to be so. I think that if we don't each individually stand up for what we believe in, that nothing will get done; it is exactly why the 2 party system has degraded like it has; because, it is almost always between the democrats and republicans.

if you mean federally, I guess they could come get me. But they would get me for much less than 99 plants, even less than 50 (with 4 other cards, 12 max per), and under state law I'm legal. Not really a case that screams RICO, gang, or dealer. Because I'm just that, not a dealer, but a small time medical consumer who grows what he consumes.

Bro, I have a doc's script for 99 plants and realize it's probably not worth the paper it's printed on. Take some solid advice and keep your business to yourself, sure it's ok to post up some pics here and there but talking about massive quantities and yields or bragging (not saying you are) about how many watts you run is a game for fools and will only get you grief!
Obama has taken our Navy back to 1917 levels. I don't buy that bullshit about how we have aircraft carriers now. We've had those since 1922. And I don't believe Obama's bullshit about how we don't have horses and bayonets anymore. First of all, ships in comparison to horses and bayonets is like comparing apples and oranges. Second of all we still have both horses and bayonets in our military. But maybe Obama is too stupid to realize that.
Obama has taken our Navy back to 1917 levels. I don't buy that bullshit about how we have aircraft carriers now. We've had those since 1922. And I don't believe Obama's bullshit about how we don't have horses and bayonets anymore. First of all, ships in comparison to horses and bayonets is like comparing apples and oranges. Second of all we still have both horses and bayonets in our military. But maybe Obama is too stupid to realize that.
You've had carriers for years, now you've Super Carriers with full support fleets.

Wtf do you want? More deficit spending to continue to overfund an already massively over funded military?
Obama has taken our Navy back to 1917 levels. I don't buy that bullshit about how we have aircraft carriers now. We've had those since 1922. And I don't believe Obama's bullshit about how we don't have horses and bayonets anymore. First of all, ships in comparison to horses and bayonets is like comparing apples and oranges. Second of all we still have both horses and bayonets in our military. But maybe Obama is too stupid to realize that.

Dude, our military is second to none. Who are you afraid of? He said he doesn't want to increase the military, especially since nobody is asking him to, at a time of economic crisis. You understand we're going through a worldwide economic crisis right now, right? And you want to spend more? How does that make any logical sense? Romney wants to add 2 trillion to the military. Absurd.
When the fuck did we get ice cream?

When the hell did I say I worked on UAVs with nukes? I never claimed to ever work on a nuke. I did claim to work on missiles and rockets, but those are far from nukes.
Seems like your argument is quickly unfolding. First I wasn't an engineer, now I work on nukes. You might want to hightail it out of here

Yea man, my kid and I used to build and test Este rockets and missles. But we never put no damn nuclear warheads on them. Shame on you.
Dude, our military is second to none. Who are you afraid of? He said he doesn't want to increase the military, especially since nobody is asking him to, at a time of economic crisis. You understand we're going through a worldwide economic crisis right now, right? And you want to spend more? How does that make any logical sense? Romney wants to add 2 trillion to the military. Absurd.

The Chinese are starting to take over territory. Obama is talking about "more flexability" with Putin if he were to get reelected. Its scary because there is a lot of water in the world. Its NOT about increasing the size of our Navy, its about not downsizing so much its a bad idea. We need at least 300 ships; the world is huge. When Obama spoke about how he wants to live in a "world with no nukes" he is dreaming. Very naive to say the least.
To vary, try some shittake mushrooms in your stew. They add depth to the flavor of the sauce.

you know, i used the dried ones before, and they tasted like shit flavoured styrofoam.

i should try the fresh, but portabellas are cheaper round here.
The Chinese are starting to take over territory. Obama is talking about "more flexability" with Putin if he were to get reelected. Its scary because there is a lot of water in the world. Its NOT about increasing the size of our Navy, its about not downsizing so much its a bad idea. We need at least 300 ships; the world is huge. When Obama spoke about how he wants to live in a "world with no nukes" he is dreaming. Very naive to say the least.

Who says we "need at least 300 ships"?

What territory is China starting to take over?

Should we just not talk to Russia at all or put up embargo's or sanctions against them? What would that solve?

190 parties have signed the NPT, and the US signed it well before Obama became president. Do you want the president to say he wants to live in a world with nukes? What are you saying?
Obama is going to change the way people think, and then we will live in a " a world with no nuclear weapons"

Who says we "need at least 300 ships"?

What territory is China starting to take over?

Should we just not talk to Russia at all or put up embargo's or sanctions against them? What would that solve?

190 parties have signed the NPT, and the US signed it well before Obama became president. Do you want the president to say he wants to live in a world with nukes? What are you saying?

romney says the pentagon's perfumed princes claim they need 310 ships to do their job. either way navy funding is CONGRESS' job, not el presidente's

china currently occupies tibet, the land of the uygurs, and portions of the norther steppes that have not been in china's hands since Chin Sher Huang Di went on his fabled quest for the elixir of immortality.

who wants to talk to russia? dude. they dont even have standardized spelling for fuck's sake!

the non proliferation treaty is a running joke. it is a blind and toothless jackal snapping at it's own tail. either way you slice it Jack Johnson and John Jackson both spent the debate arguing over who went too far, and who didnt go too far enough in their identical separated at birth foreign policy positions.

at least Romney followed the rules of the debate when The O-Man and even the "moderator" spent the evening violating them.
That's one genie that's never going back in the bottle sadly.


put one of these in the bottom of the bottle and he will climb back in all by himself, with an erection.
Bro, I have a doc's script for 99 plants and realize it's probably not worth the paper it's printed on. Take some solid advice and keep your business to yourself, sure it's ok to post up some pics here and there but talking about massive quantities and yields or bragging (not saying you are) about how many watts you run is a game for fools and will only get you grief!

You're right, it always better to be more cautious than not.
The Trinity test was detonated on top of a 200-foot tower.

Here is a progression of the young fireball. Note "rope tricks" radiating from the lower portion in the later frames. These are caused by the guy wires vaporizing near the fireball, and the vapor incandescing. cn


Which is essentially ground level... 200feet is SEMANTICs when it comes to the discussion we were having.

The trinity test was close enough to ground level to produce glass out of the sand which was heated and pressurized. It is also what we see when large meteors strike the planet through impact. And yes, vaporization did occur. In fact, Dr. Oppenheimer even put on sunscreen for the blast, which worried the others lol.

"At 5:29:45 (Mountain War Time) on July 16, 1945, in a white blaze that stretched from the basin of the Jemez Mountains in northern New Mexico to the still-dark skies, "The Gadget" ushered in the Atomic Age. The light of the explosion then turned orange as the atomic fireball began shooting upwards at 360 feet per second, reddening and pulsing as it cooled. The characteristic mushroom cloud of radioactive vapor materialized at 30,000 feet. Beneath the cloud, all that remained of the soil at the blast site were fragments of jade green radioactive glass created by the heat of the reaction.

The brilliant light from the detonation pierced the early morning skies with such intensity that residents from a faraway neighboring community would swear that the sun came up twice that day. Even more astonishing is that a blind girl saw the flash 120 miles away."

fuck double post, my bad, thought I was editting and never checked