What a beautiful state; I can't wait to move!


Well-Known Member
I've been getting sick of Florida and thinking about moving up north for a while now. I just took a tour up to the UP, and fell in love with the scenery; now I can't move soon enough! After touring through 10 states, Kentucky and Michigan are absoloutley the most beautiful places I've seen.

To anyone thinking about moving to Florida:
Once you've seen the beaches, everglades, and theme parks, there's not a whole lot left to see!
If you're headed to the UP, you better pack some extra sweaters lol. The weather is pretty extreme up there, but thats what I love. Most people from the South would freak out after a month of solitude up there, unless you're into snowmobiling, ice fishing, or other outdoor activities. There are areas that get snow fall almost every day, and it starts pretty soon.
Never heard of spearing pike or perch...only gar...Michigan is a beautiful state- less bugs and less heat than Florida ..less lunatics and crime
snapper, flounder, grouper, dolphin(mahi) and my favorite hogfish... nothing like fresh fish tacos:leaf:
There are areas that get snow fall almost every day, and it starts pretty soon.
We got our first snowfall (@ sea level) on the 15th of this month - roads were super slick this am too.
Tis the Black Ice season.

Oh, in addition to early snow we get big gophers too ! ;-)

Bear shot to death while raiding chicken coop
A bear shot by Doug Pedersen is seen Sunday evening near his Otmeloi Way home. The troublesome bear was attacking a residential chicken coop and is one of several that has been spotted in urban Kodiak since Oct.
Chicken feathers were flying late Saturday night as Doug Pedersen took careful aim and with one shot brought down an 8-foot Kodiak bear raiding a chicken coop on Otmeloi Way.

“It just killed him stone dead,” Pedersen said.

The bear is one of several that have been spotted roaming urban Kodiak since Oct. 1, rummaging through garbage dumpsters in one last eating binge before hibernation.

On Monday, two days after Pedersen’s shot, Kodiak College issued a warning to students about bears on campus, and hikers at Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park reported spotting a bear on the beach.

Bear sightings are frequent in Kodiak, and especially in autumn, but Pedersen’s incident is the first violent encounter between humans and bears during what has been an especially bear-ish fall.

The Kodiak Police Department has fielded dozens of bear sighting calls, and police chief T.C. Kamai said the department even had to resupply its stock of rubber bullets and flashbang hand grenades, something it doesn’t normally do. Those two items are commonly used in Alaska to haze bears, scaring them away from human-populated areas.

“We’re still getting (bear calls),” Kamai said, “but the number seems to be decreasing.”

Larry Van Daele, the top Alaska Department of Fish and Game bear biologist in Kodiak, said this year’s encounters seem to be taking place in urban Kodiak instead of Bell’s Flats, which means more phone calls.

Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Fish and Game, Kodiak police, Alaska Waste and others have coordinated Kodiak’s bear response this fall, and Van Daele said that as long as people continue to keep their garbage locked up and away from bears, the problem will subside.

That can’t help the bear Pedersen killed, his first in almost 25 years.

About 10 p.m. Saturday, Pedersen said he heard noises outside and his dogs “were going nuts.”

He had a large big-game rifle that had gone unused for more than 20 years, rummaged around for shells and taped a high-intensity flashlight to its barrel.

The light illuminated a nearby tree and the bear leaning against it, attempting to reach chickens perched in its branches.

The bear had smashed through a gate and forced the chickens to flee as best they could. “They don’t nothing to do with people, normally,” Pedersen said. “They just want something to eat, like a dog.”

Pedersen shouted, shining the flashlight directly into the bear’s eyes. When the bear kept trying to reach the chickens, Pedersen fired. The shot entered the bear’s mouth and killed it instantly.

Pedersen, who grew up in Chignik, remembers going on bear hunts with his father, who was a guide. “My dad, every spring or fall, he would get five or six bear a year,” he said.

More often than not, Pedersen was drafted to carry back the resulting meat.

Pedersen said he’s had a few close encounters with bears since those days, but it’s not something he looks for. “I try never to get near them because they're just unpredictable,” he said. “They're kind of scary when you're up right close to them.”

Saturday’s shooting has been classified as a “defense of life and property” incident, and the bear hide has been surrendered to the state.
Things I love about Michigan already:

-you have all four seasons
-there are roads with curves in them
-all the beautiful water views with none of the beach headaches
-the fact that I came up with this list after only spending a few days there

I know winter will probably suck, but after riding motorcycles all my life, I'm looking forward to trying out a snowmobile; I hear they're fast and fun!
Spearing perch? That's a new one, not sure if that is legal or not though. Might as well spear some walleyes lol.

Spearing is fun but I'm a tip-up guy myself, and a die hard pike nut..
yea but i cant spearfish in a corn field...

Have you considered spearchucking? cn

Buddy of mine was telling me a story about when he worked up north for the state,the dnr would use a probe that you stick in the water and give a shock and fish would start to rise to the top,it didnt kill them just stunned them long enough to examine them (for whatever reason) well him and his buddy made a home made one and needless to say they ate fish that day lol.I would love to move up north but the old lady works down here and I hear its scarce to find jobs up there,
Yeah, have seen that done in Illinois too..to get a fish count ..believe it is called electroshocking .
Spearing perch? That's a new one, not sure if that is legal or not though. Might as well spear some walleyes lol.

Spearing is fun but I'm a tip-up guy myself, and a die hard pike nut..

Its legal. Lots of guys that are hard core perch fisherman on St. Clair keep a spear handy when in shallow water. You can select the really good ones and keep the fun going. My fishing partner (remember Mike the Pike!) got to do it a couple of times two years ago and loved it. He was with Brody and a couple of other guys from Michigan-Sportsman.

Walleyes. Lol. They're a little deep for that bro.
lol I keep forgetting who you are man.. Them walleyes arent always deep lol.. I've seen them in 4 fow.. You'll have to show me about this "perch spearing" some day.