Marijuana and Ascension

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Ursus marijanus
Someone get this dumbass motherfucker out of this thread lol
But here's the thing, young padawan. Once you set a thread loose upon the uneasy tides of ROU, you no longer have any control over it, except in how you answer. I would simply ignore those who are offensive. "Sand monkeys", sheesh. cn
I dont care if you agree with me or not, I'd just appreciate it if you would be more mature and respectful in your responses dude.
He's defending whats right you fuckin attention whore bitch. You just try to pick fights on here cuz you got nothing better to do. Listen, you piece of shit, I dont know who you are calling a terrorist...but damn you're one bitter, egotistical, racist motherfucking bitch. No one likes you on here, bitch.


Ursus marijanus
I guess man, doesn't make sense why you would defend terrorists, then try to defend yourself for defending terrorists. Why are you even on here? If you really sympathize with them, go join in on their efforts, but don't sit in America rooting for the terrorists.
I have never supported terrorists. But your "sand monkeys" slur is racial and not occupational. cn


Active Member
one thing on all this negativity, sure nightmare it sounds strange, there's been no scientific, heck ANY explanation for that matter, but you obviously have some issues if this bothers you enough to keep coming back again and again to argue with this guy, the more it escalates the more your both not gonna care what each other says and your BOTH ruining what could've been an amusing insight into someones views and turning it into a boring argument.

so after reading this for 8 shitty pages can cooldude please elaborate on what he was talking about?


Well-Known Member
Bitch'n daddio

Maynard G Krebs for President!



Active Member
Please don't post useless links to random websites. Please refer me to a published book and not some random bs anyone could post. Even I could have made that website. So I would really like you to post something that has actually been published
nightmare is HAVE TO DISGAREE books are not necessarily true, they are just what the person who wrote them thought, maybe you are thinking of peer reviewed scientific journals, they are much more substantiated, are you a believer in god nightmare?


New Member
nightmare is HAVE TO DISGAREE books are not necessarily true, they are just what the person who wrote them thought, maybe you are thinking of peer reviewed scientific journals, they are much more substantiated, are you a believer in god nightmare?
I don't associate myself with any form of imaginary ideas.


New Member
To what do you refer? cn
Hitlers ideas were imaginary, and then he got people to do it. Most of the imaginary ideas of religious cults, like the extremists that turn those imaginary ideas into real life. Along with those suicide cults. Burning people as witches, that was an imaginary idea too. Witches are real! Burn them! you see?


Ursus marijanus
Hitlers ideas were imaginary, and then he got people to do it. Most of the imaginary ideas of religious cults, like the extremists that turn those imaginary ideas into real life. Along with those suicide cults. Burning people as witches, that was an imaginary idea too. Witches are real! Burn them! you see?
But I see you doing two things, both rationally disallowed.

The first is that you are describing the result of ideas realized, rendered concrete. The ideas are essentially without consequence as long as held in the abstract.

The second is that you assumed I was referring to ideas about religion andor ideology. For a second there, i was wondering if maybe you'd interpreted my reply to mean that I subscribe to a religion. cn


Ursus marijanus
Imaginary ideas ie: religion, ascension, scientology, and whatever other bs that people believe in, makes this place worse by making them fight over who's imaginary idea is right.
Conversely I hold that ideas are by nature imaginary. Once realized, they're no longer ideas. So when I say all my ideas are imaginary, I am stating a tautology and not providing information. "Imaginary" does not align cleanly with "fantastic" or "unreal".
This also frees us from the assumption that the larger set (ideas) need necessarily be squeezed into the smaller (ideology). cn
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