OG 13 and Blueberry Gum day 3 flower g13 labs


Well-Known Member
thanks bro means alot comin from you your isnt to shabby either:hump:
just takes practice. i got kinda lucky with the big screen. i had a bunch of 1.5 month veg untopped seed teens that i had no idea what to do with. so i took pliers to pinch them down low. folded 4 of them over. topped one and put it in the middle and laid a screen across them all. vegged it one more week and then flowered it. clones would have been much faster. but most of my grows are always pieced together at the last minute anyways. lol. they just always seem to work out and i get lucky. some have ended in tragedy. but those are always the planned ones. lmao.


Active Member
loli am the same way i havent gotten into scrog yet though i still likegrowin beast doin lil lst loli and super cropping guess im old school but ya my best and biggest grows i kinda peiced together my buddy was hurtn for cash and he ad about 300 in seeds he sold them to me for 150 i just give him a lil but here and there better than ordering seeds but i still find myself ordering more lookin for that ONE lol


Well-Known Member
its the blueberry gum. not the og13. lol. somebody might be a bit high. lol. looks good dude. how long of a veg did u give all the plants and how much was ur yield?


Active Member
thanks bro and it was 650 watts 1 400w hps and 1 250w hps buy ya ever since i switched to canna coco with sensibloom a and b and cal mag im getin great results beutiful lush green no mag or calium deff spots im lovin it


Well-Known Member
thats sweet dude. i have this whole little veg setup imagined in my head. i would have a few super short LST'ed moms in it under a few 250 mhs including a nice 8 bulb t5 for my 200 clones and either a nice 400 or 600 on a 4 ft light rail vegging shit all nicely and evenly.

flowering is two 6 ft light rails with 1000 hps's turning shit out constantly. soon hopefully. also im brewing my own tea now. hopefully going to start tomorrow. should be interesting. im considering a 2x4 scrog under a 400 in a dwc recently. have been in coco for a while. gonna mix it up a bit. see what i can do.


New Member
ive grown the og-13 and i think i musta just got a shitty pheno it didnt look like yours and i was dissapointed with my end results it just wasnt a very high quality smoke, yours looks like a better pheno


Active Member
thanks bro ya i wasnt even gonna clone it becuase i heard mixed reveiws butit it had vigor from day one i will sayyou gotta have space mine is alreade 4 ft tall on start of week 2 im good thoughdank2.jpegdank3.jpegdank1.jpeg


Active Member
so i have been eyeing my next strain on attitude been lookin at blue dynamite and holy grail kush maybe some chocolope what you guys think


Active Member
sorry guys its been a few days lol flew out to holland with a buddy wow what a trip i swear im still high from all the hash and opium picked up some badass poppy seeds thinkin of doin a run also picked up some amnesia haze beans from a local grower might pop them soon for the next run but im blabberin here is some picsbbgum5.jpegbbgum6.jpegbbgumdank.jpegboth4.jpeg