Pandoras box a Spacd queen BX?


Well-Known Member
looking through some of tgas strains I notice that pandoras box is JTR x Space queen. is this a space queen bx? Did it use the JTR male used in crosses like AOS? or was it the space dude + whatever subs favorite JTR female at the time was? I ask because JTR is listed as Jacks Cleaner P1 x Space queen (femal Jacks cleaner and space dude), which leads me to believe he used the Dude again in this cross. Just thought it was odd I'd never noticed before, as I opted for space bomb (f2), and I'm starting to think maybe I could have gotten a bit of a more uniform crop from pandora's box? who can fill me in?

Could pandora's box be the ultimate pack to find your very own dude in????


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use the word "uniform" to describe my Pandoras Box crop. Not entirely sure how Sub creates it, but he DID post a thread describing the process (here on RIU). Try searching something like "Pandora Escapes" if I recall correctly.


Well-Known Member
Great question sine143, and thanks for the clarification Sub!!

Pandora's Box happens to be the only "must have" strain that my wife and I both agree on. I've only grown out around 20 or so different strains but Pandy will stay in regular rotation unless and until she gets bumped off her pedestal by something else...


Well-Known Member
Pandora is a Male BX, JTR Pink L X Space Dude
so if you're looking for some space queen pollen stock, Pandora is where you ould look.

as a generalization, would you say Space bomb is about a 25% chance of finding a mostly tiny bomb out of the females, where as Pandora has a higher rate of finding a "space dude" out of the males?

while we're semi on topic, are there any plans of doing a female space queen bx? I realize this is a lot more work than your male bx because the male bx was made with plants you pretty much had around already, (space dude, + favorite JTR female), and its a LOT more work than the space bomb f2. A female back cross would require you to hit your Tiny bomb cut with some non related male.... which I dont really know if you have cause I havnt been keeping up to date with the weed nerd other than to know you recently moved to cali. I have heard you've got some jamaican male stock, so perhaps it would provide a suitable outcross for Tiny. Just sucks that you have to make ANOTHER male selection after that.

TL:DR, when are you gonna snag a male that has NO space queen lineage?


Active Member
If the male that he chose as his breeding male is working why fix it? I thought i heard sub say on a weed nerd a month or so ago that hes not looking for males right now. I wanna check out some of the hells angel og after TGA works there magic. I have heard this will an upcoming tester. I have both a pandoras box and a space bomb about to get flipped looking forward to both.


Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with space dude, obviously he's a dank male. however, for outcrossing and backcrossing its kind of hard to use the same male in everything as "i believe" (correct me if this is a wrong assumption), you are trying to add some hybrid vigor in the outcross, to prepare if for the IBL which is about to begin in the back crossing / cubing process. Since most TGA strains already have Space Dude or space queen in there somewhere it makes Space dude unsuitable for preparing an elite cut for cubing ( I think?). Also, after making the initial F1 outcross, the breeder has to select a male to cross back to the mother plant. I assume if Sub was going to put a ton of work into making a male selection he would want to discover something that passes on different traits than Space dude, because if they pass similar traits, whats the point in doing all that work?


Well-Known Member
I learn through growing no one had ever bxed a male to lock down taste traits from the male, only the female the cross is more stable than JTR and carries more of the cherry traits.
People order Pandora Less because they don't understand but she has fans worldwide.

Space Dude came out of a magic pack of beans can't help ya find him but Space Jill is where I would look and its a hard strain to find.



Well-Known Member
I have no intention of finding the dude, you've done so much beautiful work with him that it would be well worth my money just to buy 20 of every bean you have vs the 1000+ hours of growing it would take in the bible belt for me to find it (dont think I'd even find him if he grew right in front of me either).

i opted for space bomb cause I want the dank female flowers for sure. wouldnt mind a full on cindy pheno or a full on rom pheno, I just want dank.


Well-Known Member
Pandora is a Male BX, JTR Pink L X Space Dude
I actually was really excited to ask that same question at Hempfest this year (if pandora's box was a space dude bx), so while picking genetics i was talking to MrSpliff. i had the chance to ask him. But he told me it was the JTR male that was used. Thanks for clarifying!