Can I Bud With 400W MH???

Could I bud with just a 400 watt metal halide bulb or would you recommend I get a 400 watt hps light. I have 4 plants in a small 2x3' space. I am currently vegging them with the 400 watt Mh


Well-Known Member
yes u can but your buds will suck. the color spec on a MH is wrong for budding i think MH is like 8000k and you need like 3000k for budding a more of a red light that a HPS gives off


Well-Known Member
Could I bud with just a 400 watt metal halide bulb or would you recommend I get a 400 watt hps light. I have 4 plants in a small 2x3' space. I am currently vegging them with the 400 watt Mh
if the ballast does both mh and hps average hps lamps are cheap, especially in that wattage.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, i wouldn't expect quite as big as yield or quite as potent but it wouldn't "suck". they have expensive MH that have more red spectrum that im skeptical about
Yes you can flower with your mh. Plenty people just use mh the whole grow and dot hear no complaints about Yeild or buds sucking except you hear the buds are more potent and frostier.

Anyone of care to show me threads of my giving you some suck,airy buds? I can pull up a couple links that prove otherwise!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use a 400w MH to flower your plants,but your yields will be less than using a hps,but you will have more potent buds and tighter bud formation.I used my 400w MH for 3-4 weeks then my 400w hps for 8-10 weeks then i switch back to MH after the buds put weight so i can squeeze some more resin out.Only thing i don't like about MH is It puts out more heat than light.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can flower with your mh. Plenty people just use mh the whole grow and dot hear no complaints about Yeild or buds sucking except you hear the buds are more potent and frostier.

Anyone of care to show me threads of my giving you some suck,airy buds? I can pull up a couple links that prove otherwise!
Fluffy buds is usually strain related and is usually sativa or sativa dominant.