Emails Prove U.S. Knew Of Terrorist Attacks In Libya Within Two Hours


Well-Known Member
"We decline to comment" on when president learned of emails.....

Translation: He knew right away and is scared shitless now. Fear not boys. Its over.


Well-Known Member
The whole video story is a wtf moment but why he didn't at least jettison an F17 or something is the real question.


Well-Known Member
The whole video story is a wtf moment but why he didn't at least jettison an F17 or something is the real question.
Probably because the countries with "F17's" are china and pakistan, doubt they were readily available that day... plus he was golfing and lying, cant be bothered.
Cant really throw or drop one very far either.


New Member
I can't believe he went to bed that night knowing full well what was happening, only a cold hearted SOB could be so detached that he would get up the next day and jet off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser, he needs to resign!


New Member

Obama is toast whether he gets reelected or not!