Jane Roe of ‘Roe v Wade’ Airs Anti-Obama Ad in Florida


Well-Known Member
The decision to not get pregnant had been made. She got pregnant after a strong course of antibiotics counter-acted the pill.

She made her choice when she allowed me in her. We had discussed accidental pregnancy in the past and she flip-flopped when faced with reality. Her body, OUR child/fetus. In the end, all that matters is that she came to see my POV as being in her best interest.
If she was still under the assumption that her birth control would still work effectively, then how could you possibly say she made a conscious choice when she let you inside her? It seems like from what you've said she at all times did not want to get pregnant. It was an accident.

Her body, ultimately her choice. That's reality.

It's only not murder because its legal so the definition of murder cannot be applied. You still have to kill it.
It's a medical procedure, that's all. That's how it should be viewed. Interjecting emotion into any argument renders it moot, which is the only thing opponents of abortion rights have, emotional arguments.

And again, abortion is as much murder as masturbation is for males. Where are the screaming pro-lifers in regards to that?

According to that logic, I've "murdered" more people than every single dictator the Earth has ever seen combined.


New Member
^^ It does seem a bit extreme for an accusation that somehow has got something to do with Roe v Wade case

Romney put on a cop uniform and pulled over fags without being a cop in college - so it was said

Those dead baby pics still break my heart


Well-Known Member
^^ It does seem a bit extreme for an accusation that somehow has got something to do with Roe v Wade case

Romney put on a cop uniform and pulled over fags without being a cop in college - so it was said

Those dead baby pics still break my heart
Never hear that accusation about Romney.

That's the point of dead baby pictures, elicit emotional reactions to make people abandon their better judgment.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I consider it murder if it stops a beating heart.
The thing is to be responsible if you want to have sex. We're more advanced than animals and can think and reason.
The only abortion I would have hoped for would have been for Uncle Buck.


King Tut
If she was still under the assumption that her birth control would still work effectively, then how could you possibly say she made a conscious choice when she let you inside her? It seems like from what you've said she at all times did not want to get pregnant. It was an accident.

Her body, ultimately her choice. That's reality.

It's a medical procedure, that's all. That's how it should be viewed. Interjecting emotion into any argument renders it moot, which is the only thing opponents of abortion rights have, emotional arguments.

And again, abortion is as much murder as masturbation is for males. Where are the screaming pro-lifers in regards to that?

According to that logic, I've "murdered" more people than every single dictator the Earth has ever seen combined.
We BOTH didn't want to get pregnant. AT ALL! Shit, we were living 90 minutes outta Vegas and were newlyweds! She had lived a sheltered life and i wanted to show her how to REALLY live. And she wanted to learn.

Neither one of us wanted a child at the moment or in the very near future. We took all the steps we could to prevent it short of abstinence. ANYBODY should know that no plan is fail-proof. High percentages are high percentages and slim odds are slim odds BUT, lighting DOES strike. If one, in ANY situation, believes that something is 100% ALL the time, they have committed a GRAVE mistake in logic and tactics. We had that "what if" discussion and her stated position was that we would follow through because if a sperm and an egg happened to meet in spite of all our attempts to prevent it, then there just MIGHT be a reason it happened. When it DID happen, against long odds, i felt less that "it" was special and more that "it" was a part of me.

I was the one who got morning sickness, I was the one who had weird cravings, I was the one who first felt him kick (because i was a doting daddy), I was the one who got us signed up for WIC, maternity and parenting classes, I was the one who nested. She, even for two months after his birth, referred to him as "it". i didn't really notice. My Mom and sisters did.

NOW, 6 years divorced with shared custody (she now sees him one weekend a month, LONG story), she is taking me back to court so she can have more time to re-build the "relationship" that she claims i have sabotaged with her son.

SOOoooo, here we are. She wanted to abort him. i wanted to have him. Lots of water under the bridge and she wants to go to court over the son she wanted to flush down a drain.

Sorry. End rant i guess. Just wanted to clarify my perspective.

It felt good.

Btw, don't think that her actions while pregnant and every day thereafter (as well as before) won't be used against her when determining her "fitness" as a mother. :fire:


Scientia Cannabis
I don't understand why you keep arguing with these people padawan.
There clearly is nothing to gain here, when people don't value logic or reason there is no argument you can use to show the value of logic and reason.

The amount of shite posted by these people is quite astounding. The fear mongering and religious bullshit is being treated as fact when it's clear to see for any logical person that this is equivalent to feces being pushed around by dung beetles.

Even after you provide salient information with credible sources they just jump around shouting personal beliefs and twisted facts trying to illicit a response or make people go against their better judgment.

This sort of behavior would never get an emotional response anywhere else than the in the US, the ignorance and arrogance it takes to believe these things is astounding.


New Member
All you do is think about Padawanbater2

I don't understand why you keep arguing with these people padawan.
There clearly is nothing to gain here, when people don't value logic or reason there is no argument you can use to show the value of logic and reason.

The amount of shite posted by these people is quite astounding. The fear mongering and religious bullshit is being treated as fact when it's clear to see for any logical person that this is equivalent to feces being pushed around by dung beetles.

Even after you provide salient information with credible sources they just jump around shouting personal beliefs and twisted facts trying to illicit a response or make people go against their better judgment.

This sort of behavior would never get an emotional response anywhere else than the in the US, the ignorance and arrogance it takes to believe these things is astounding.


King Tut
I don't understand why you keep arguing with these people padawan.
There clearly is nothing to gain here, when people don't value logic or reason there is no argument you can use to show the value of logic and reason.

The amount of shite posted by these people is quite astounding. The fear mongering and religious bullshit is being treated as fact when it's clear to see for any logical person that this is equivalent to feces being pushed around by dung beetles.

Even after you provide salient information with credible sources they just jump around shouting personal beliefs and twisted facts trying to illicit a response or make people go against their better judgment.

This sort of behavior would never get an emotional response anywhere else than the in the US, the ignorance and arrogance it takes to believe these things is astounding.
And THAT is why it should be between the mother and father and nobody else.


Well-Known Member
I don't think a person could feel the effects of abortion until you lose a child during pregnancy.
Big difference from wanting an expected healthy child and abortion.

Read what you wrote, this is another emotional plea.

Is there a sound argument against abortion that doesn't involve invoking an emotional response? Emotional arguments are about as objective as hearsay, he said, she said anecdotal accounts.

@ budlover, I won't comment on your particular situation. I don't feel it's really my place, so at this point, I'll respectfully agree to disagree.


King Tut
Big difference from wanting an expected healthy child and abortion.

Read what you wrote, this is another emotional plea.

Is there a sound argument against abortion that doesn't involve invoking an emotional response? Emotional arguments are about as objective as hearsay, he said, she said anecdotal accounts.

@ budlover, I won't comment on your particular situation. I don't feel it's really my place, so at this point, I'll respectfully agree to disagree.
Agreed and thank you. When emotions become involved (and i think it's clear i am emotionally attached when it comes to my son), i agree than logic has very little chance of prevailing.


Scientia Cannabis
All you do is think about Padawanbater2
That is not true at all.
I think about the women who get raped and have to carry the child of a man who put them through the most horrific and unsettling experience of their lives.
All because some religious nutbags think it's a sin to 'kill' a fetus.

I'm glad I live in a country where people can choose for themselves and aren't dictated by religious doctrine.
I'm extremely happy that when my sister got pregnant by her violent boyfriend she was able to get help, get an abortion and get out of the relationship.
And I'm frankly offended on behalf of women who won't get that choice (or dare not to in fear of retribution from their family, community).


Scientia Cannabis
And THAT is why it should be between the mother and father and nobody else.
I agree, if you mean it should be possible to make your own decision regarding whether to have an abortion or not.
The choice should be the parents choice but the option of having an abortion should be available.
Religion shouldn't dictate what people can and cannot do, religion has never been a moral compass for me (and millions of other people) and it will never be.
I don't need an old book to tell me it's wrong to kill and steal, I knew that all along without anyone telling me, like a normal logical and rational person.


New Member
Some people are new and don't fucking know u assholes. I wil not STFU or leave, either

Have you noticed that we have some really loose rules, fucktards? That's cuz nobody gives a fuck to do it anymore