Jane Roe of ‘Roe v Wade’ Airs Anti-Obama Ad in Florida


Scientia Cannabis
Some people are new and don't fucking know u assholes. I wil not STFU or leave, either

Have you noticed that we have some really loose rules, fucktards? That's cuz nobody gives a fuck to do it anymore
Actually it's because the mods seem to be on vacation here in the politics section.
I see the admin doing more cleaning here than the mods.
Most sections don't allow behavior like what's on display in this section.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The ultimate fail is "abortion rights", which is supposed to be for womens' rights, took away "Roe's" rights. She never had an abortion. While she was distraught you liberal men took advantage of her. Roe even hates you! Your fuckin hero!


Well-Known Member
We BOTH didn't want to get pregnant. AT ALL! Shit, we were living 90 minutes outta Vegas and were newlyweds! She had lived a sheltered life and i wanted to show her how to REALLY live. And she wanted to learn.

Neither one of us wanted a child at the moment or in the very near future. We took all the steps we could to prevent it short of abstinence. ANYBODY should know that no plan is fail-proof. High percentages are high percentages and slim odds are slim odds BUT, lighting DOES strike. If one, in ANY situation, believes that something is 100% ALL the time, they have committed a GRAVE mistake in logic and tactics. We had that "what if" discussion and her stated position was that we would follow through because if a sperm and an egg happened to meet in spite of all our attempts to prevent it, then there just MIGHT be a reason it happened. When it DID happen, against long odds, i felt less that "it" was special and more that "it" was a part of me.

I was the one who got morning sickness, I was the one who had weird cravings, I was the one who first felt him kick (because i was a doting daddy), I was the one who got us signed up for WIC, maternity and parenting classes, I was the one who nested. She, even for two months after his birth, referred to him as "it". i didn't really notice. My Mom and sisters did.

NOW, 6 years divorced with shared custody (she now sees him one weekend a month, LONG story), she is taking me back to court so she can have more time to re-build the "relationship" that she claims i have sabotaged with her son.

SOOoooo, here we are. She wanted to abort him. i wanted to have him. Lots of water under the bridge and she wants to go to court over the son she wanted to flush down a drain.

Sorry. End rant i guess. Just wanted to clarify my perspective.

It felt good.

Btw, don't think that her actions while pregnant and every day thereafter (as well as before) won't be used against her when determining her "fitness" as a mother. :fire:
IMO she should start her court case with the following line

IMO, abortion IS murder. At least when dealing with my ex who wanted to abort our son. i simply told her, "Abort him, i abort you."
this is a fucking disgusting attitude and speaks to what you think of women


Well-Known Member
I consider it murder if it stops a beating heart.
The thing is to be responsible if you want to have sex. We're more advanced than animals and can think and reason.
The only abortion I would have hoped for would have been for Uncle Buck.
What makes no sense to me is that people who are all pro-life and what not, believe that abortion is bad because it is killing or murder. But the idea that never seems to come to mind is miscarriage. Since apparently a miscarriage is "Gods" way of saying "now is not the time" or whatever.

Either way it goes, the end result is always the same.

So my question is this; how can anyone justify that having a forced abortion is bad when a miscarriage is exactly the same thing? But with help of a medical professional after you have done made one of the hardest decisions of your life.

And then you have people like Uncle Buck who thinks it's amusing to bring up one the hardest decision of your life every single time you make a post. He also finds it amusing and somehow clever to take a previous "quote" and change letters around to spell "Abortion" or "dead fetus." And anyone who supports that degenerate piece of shit should be ashamed of themselves.

For the record, I'm not for late term abortions but I'm pro-choice all the way. I would also have to agree with Padawanbater that it is mainly the females decision on what she wants to do in the end result. However, it is sign of love, compassion and respect if she includes you in the decision.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who supports PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTIONS has something mentally defective.
And I dont give a shit if people kill their kids or not, more resources left for MY KIDS.


Well-Known Member
No one has mentioned that this is the only right that is moving in the opposite direction. More people oppose abortions than support them now and the numbers are increasing every year. With the decline in fundamentalism and the increase in atheism we cannot use the religious scapegoat this time. Humanity is starting to have a poor view of abortion. That being said I don't think a woman should be forced to carry a child from rape and I don't think a women should be able to abort a baby if she has consensual sex and the father refuses. Once a parent says they want the child, it has life and will be remembered for the entirety of life from that point.


Well-Known Member
No one has mentioned that this is the only right that is moving in the opposite direction. More people oppose abortions than support them now and the numbers are increasing every year. With the decline in fundamentalism and the increase in atheism we cannot use the religious scapegoat this time. Humanity is starting to have a poor view of abortion. That being said I don't think a woman should be forced to carry a child from rape and I don't think a women should be able to abort a baby if she has consensual sex and the father refuses. Once a parent says they want the child, it has life and will be remembered for the entirety of life from that point.
isnt fundamentalism doing just in the usa? thought it was the moderates that were in decline

what does it matter what you "think" should happen with women and their bodies anyway


King Tut
Actually it's because the mods seem to be on vacation here in the politics section.
I see the admin doing more cleaning here than the mods.
Most sections don't allow behavior like what's on display in this section.
VERY few rules apply to the Politics forum, per Admin. When i get a "report", so do they. i would rather err on the side of not censoring than to stifle.


Well-Known Member
isnt fundamentalism doing just in the usa? thought it was the moderates that were in decline

what does it matter what you "think" should happen with women and their bodies anyway
Nope the problem we're seeing is women are turning against abortion as clothes hanger birth control.

With that viewpoint why the fuck do you care what happens in the US? I think your country has enough problems of its own wouldn't you say?


King Tut
IMO she should start her court case with the following line

this is a fucking disgusting attitude and speaks to what you think of women
i'd be down for that opening line. Truth is truth.

As for how i saved my son's life reflecting my attitude toward women, i think you speak without knowing me :)


Well-Known Member
i'd be down for that opening line. Truth is truth.

As for how i saved my son's life reflecting my attitude toward women, i think you speak without knowing me :)
a tacit death threat against your baby making machine speaks nothing about your "sons life" and everything as to what a scumbag you are

what disgusts me the most is you've obviously told this story many times while being patted on the back for can only be described as monstrous behaviour

im a single dad and i have custody but what you just described fucking appals me


King Tut
a tacit death threat against your baby making machine speaks nothing about your "sons life" and everything as to what a scumbag you are

what disgusts me the most is you've obviously told this story many times while being patted on the back for can only be described as monstrous behaviour

im a single dad and i have custody but what you just described fucking appals me
Everyone has the right to their own opinion. You miss the mark regarding how i feel towards women. You view it as a bad thing that my son is alive i guess.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has the right to their own opinion. You miss the mark regarding how i feel towards women. You view it as a bad thing that my son is alive i guess.
no your connection to your son didnt exist when you threatened his mums life stop using that as an excuse as to why you threatened the life of someone that "supposedly" was in a loving relationship with you

so your ex got pregnant to someone who thinks death threats are perfectly acceptable

hmm i wonder why she didnt want to have it


King Tut
no your connection to your son didnt exist when you threatened his mums life stop using that as an excuse as to why you threatened the life of someone that "supposedly" was in a loving relationship with you

so your ex got pregnant to someone who thinks death threats are perfectly acceptable

hmm i wonder why she didnt want to have it
The connection began the moment i knew we were pregnant. Not an "excuse". A motivating factor :)

See, here you are telling me how i felt/feel. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Nope the problem we're seeing is women are turning against abortion as clothes hanger birth control.
got cites for this? all evidence i've seen points towards the religious right causing this uproar
With that viewpoint why the fuck do you care what happens in the US? I think your country has enough problems of its own wouldn't you say?
its election season i wouldnt miss this song and dance for anything