I have a friend who's girl thinks masturbation is cheating. My friend has to hide it from her, she even takes a shower with him most times just so he doesn't 'cheat'. He actually has to get out of bed and do it in the middle of the night to have privacy sometimes. Luckily she doesn't know how to use a computer beyond facebooking, so his history doesn't give him away.
I used to know another guy who claims to have never masturbated. He was the only boy in a seventh day adventist household that included 6 sisters, as socially and intellectually backward as anyone you could imagine, so he may have been telling the truth. He got a girl pregnant within a month of turning 18 and leaving the house.
My neighbor growing up was the opposite. He thought masturbation was gods gift and talked about it constantly. He was constantly asking us (his friends) to raid our fathers porn collections for him. He was also the type that would pull out his dick at the drop of a hat. I saw him whip it out in front of his own mother once because someone called him needle dick. It got to be a rule at parties not to mention the word 'dick' or 'penis' or some such for fear his cock would come out. I suppose if I had a 9 incher I might have whipped it out more often too. I remember he got kicked out of gym class once for chasing people around and trying to sit on them with his bare ass. He started smoking crack at 18 and by 19 he was in prison for armed robbery. I'm sure his 9 inches got much appreciation in there.