For 9/11/2011 there was no assault that could be listened to. No plea for help. But, something was done. Bush made the calls to stop all air traffic. Unprecedented. He twisted the Congressional ball bag quite severely and got laws passed almost as a body, except Obama and a few others. The powers that were given is what Bommie refuses to admit except to use for political purposes. So, tap dance.
Bush reacted. Granada? Our Commander reacted. Panama? Haiti? Even Iran, Carter eventually reacted. It is the job of the President, to do something when we are directly confronted. This was on 9/11/12. What was Stevens doing there? Weapons? What was the Turkish Envoy there for? Weapons?
Why no response? Kill us? Kill them! And then this reduction to insanity. " You don't expect strafe down town with fighter jets at night, do you?!?"
That is so retarded on so many level, I can't bother. Just write off the lies. In the rule of Law and the trial by jury we are to discount it all if there is even one DAMN material LIE.
The direct comparison is Mogadishu. The ancient creed of conflict is, 'don't just do nothing'. Honor the threat. To stand down is cowardly and cost lives. Then cost more lives than that in the pan-Islam rioting over a video. An seperate and criminal Damn Lie, imo.
And this is an offense that warrants punishment in a martial sense. This Commander has never commanded even Boy Scouts. But, he has a Sharia education.
No Commander is above account, only politicians. The President does not rule. He only lead, temporarily.
And stupido will have to understand this was not 6000 miles away. It was on US soil. A US Ambassador has a great legal ranking and it is criminal to sit by while he is being attacked. And horrible to sit there after he has begged for help in cables that are now part of the record.
The reason for the big deal is the Damn Lies about doing nothing.