What's a deal breaker for you?


Well-Known Member
I sure as shit know what one of mine is. People who use their brakes while going up a hill. Yeah it's a deal breaker. If you use your brakes while going up a hill and can't comprehend gravity and physics I probably won't ever like you. And on bad days wish a fiery death upon you. :razz:

So how's about you? What's a deal breaker for you?
Penguins. Thats a deal breaker. Lol.

I followed a guy who had one foot on his brakes for 15 miles the other day. I was wondering if something was wrong with his car, but he let them off before a stop light so he could step on them harder. My blood pressure was up there man.

My tolerance for people is at an all time low these days. 'Bout the only things I get along with are my dog and my plants. Sometimes not even those. I'm not aging well.
When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars
idk about the term deal breaker neo, but one of my big pet peeves is soccer mom's in exotic cars.. not even so much exotic's, but say a nice porsche 997 or something similar...

same deal w/ soccer mom's in big ass suv's.. ffs, most of them can't even drive a vw bug, but they feel the need to get behind the wheel of a 3 ton suv and drive like shit..

i've got ton's of pet peeves when it comes to driving / cars...
When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars

its no wonder people change the subject on you,if you talk like you type.My guess is nobody wants to become dumber just listening to you or reading posts like this.~Thumbs down~
Driving under the speed limit. Absolutely infuriating to look at the speed limit sign and see 40, then look at the speedometer and see the flow of traffic has been throttled to 34mph because of assholes. Grrrrrr.
When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars

Why you be hatin' on brothas up in the bar? Damn fool. Muh-fuckas like you always be tryin' to keep a ni33a down 'nd shit.
I hate it when people confuse my kindness for weakness. I give until I can't, and when I finally say no, people try to take whatever they want 'cause they think I won't do anything about it. Just ask the "friend" of 3+ yrs. who tried to burglarize me last week. (that is, if you can find him. lol :fire:)
People that want to argue with me..
I just shut up and let them have their way, it's more fun watching someone work their ass off cause they know more.
I'm too old to waist my time arguing with stupid people and arrogant dicks.
When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars

When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars

This guy...
People that want to argue with me..
I just shut up and let them have their way, it's more fun watching someone work their ass off cause they know more.
I'm too old to waist my time arguing with stupid people and arrogant dicks.

We're very much alike aside from the fact we're almost complete opposites lol
My quickest personal dealbreaker is people who, once proven wrong, won't admit it. Closely related: people who won't say "I'm sorry" when it's indicated. cn
I've noticed my biggest one lately is very much as WW is saying, but on tv and the radio. I'm kind of a news junkie, and the shows always having two guests to duke it out over their opinions can get hard to watch. I tend to turn the channel.
People who are habitually late. Like when you're meeting them some place to do something, inviting them over and they show up really late or say they're coming and never show up.
People who interrupt others or talk over them. And then keep on talking until you just have to walk away.

Once, purely as a test (or bet with myself) I decided to say not one word beyond "Hello?" when my former father-in-law called. He began the call with an expansive "Oh hi" and went from there into a monologue touching on fifty subjects. Eventually he said, unprompted: "nice talking to you but I have to go now," ~click~. Twenty-four minutes had gone by, and I don't think to this day he realizes that he had an entirely one-sided phone conversation. I still smile about that one when I bethink it. That guy could yatter the ears off a pack of howler monkeys. cn