What's a deal breaker for you?

When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars
wow nice, back at ya :eyesmoke:
This is not true.. The theory behind bi guys are that, even the littlest homo in them usually turns there whole body gay.. And ladies know that. So, all strait guys will claim they have never had a homosexual thought. It may be true, but if ya think about it once, you think about more.. Usually you become bi.. And then... BOOM.. Your gay

OMG carne is that how it happened???? :eyesmoke:

Ganjapussy i'm starting to see why maybe you are getting picked on, you weren't cruising were ya?
Sorry guys, don't know who that is. I see alot of quote sigs though.

That last theory was kinda out there.. I wasn't talkin out there just.. Tryin to get a few laughs in
Asshole people.. Have you ever had a good vibe roll going on the whole day then somebody is just a flat out asshole to you?

Like I was doing something and had to go to a place where I had to wait in the waiting room. I see a couple of empty seats and sit down.. Then some old hag sits next to me with a very big SIGH and tells some random dude "Lesson learned, don't get out of your seat or some rude person will take it". Then she laughed like an absolute bitch. You can tell she was one of those rich stuck up dickwads. So I just lightly mutter "what a bitch, it's just a chair" just loud enough for her to hear and she let out a big gasp and before she started bitching I just scooted over a god damn seat.


So I guess my deal breaker is stuck up rich people? Oh, and rant over.
When I'm talking, listen, I'm a very quite person, and if I'm saying something it's worth saying, trust me. When I ask you a question, answer it, don't change the subject like a bitch. That's when I get in your face and threaten you, if you are a bitch, youll listen, if you show me you got balls, I'm fucking you up. Just cause your drunk doesn't mean your def, fuck all you black people in bars

You are the bitch for acting aggressively in moments of dialogue. Too weak to win with words. Every asshole resorts to violence as the first ditch effort.
Asshole people.. Have you ever had a good vibe roll going on the whole day then somebody is just a flat out asshole to you?

Like I was doing something and had to go to a place where I had to wait in the waiting room. I see a couple of empty seats and sit down.. Then some old hag sits next to me with a very big SIGH and tells some random dude "Lesson learned, don't get out of your seat or some rude person will take it". Then she laughed like an absolute bitch. You can tell she was one of those rich stuck up dickwads. So I just lightly mutter "what a bitch, it's just a chair" just loud enough for her to hear and she let out a big gasp and before she started bitching I just scooted over a god damn seat.


So I guess my deal breaker is stuck up rich people? Oh, and rant over.

Been there man. One of those times where you only WISH you were baked... I hope you were
Asshole people.. Have you ever had a good vibe roll going on the whole day then somebody is just a flat out asshole to you?

Like I was doing something and had to go to a place where I had to wait in the waiting room. I see a couple of empty seats and sit down.. Then some old hag sits next to me with a very big SIGH and tells some random dude "Lesson learned, don't get out of your seat or some rude person will take it". Then she laughed like an absolute bitch. You can tell she was one of those rich stuck up dickwads. So I just lightly mutter "what a bitch, it's just a chair" just loud enough for her to hear and she let out a big gasp and before she started bitching I just scooted over a god damn seat.


So I guess my deal breaker is stuck up rich people? Oh, and rant over.

Fuck you! :finger: