New Member
Put a bubbleicious auto in a wet paper towel...24 hrs later it cracked n i could see tail...I put it bout 1/2 inch below the surface....sprayed w plain long til it pops up?
I like this idea...i get off work in 11hours n if she hasn't popped by then I'll skim a layer off...very carefully1/2 inch is pretty deep. I don't pre germ anymore. Just soak and plant. I only have enough soil to cover the seed. You might carefully remove a little of the 1/2 inch
Haha...I'm at work so wont see for 11hours's gonna b a long nitetry doing something else for a bit, go out or do some other hobby to clear your mind
Yeah it was tiny....the soil I put back on was very loose....if she don't show her head by tomorrow...I'm skimming a little soil off..1/2" is a bit deep for an auto seed, those things are tiny! (the ones i have seen anyway). I do small seeds like that 1/8 to 1/4". It should still be fine though, it will just take a little longer to pop from the soil.
I had some clear plastic wrap over top of the pot...but it seemed a lttle too hot so took it off...was round 86 in 78 now.....I sprouted all the plants j have now exactly the same way i did this one....I'm just trippin n being impatientusually 3 or 4 days, do you have them in a humidity dome? that makes them sprout a little faster
Well it didn't cool down that much...still round 78-80°...if it hasn't popped by time I get home in morning ill put plastic bk on....Seeds can germ anywhere from 60-100 degrees
Actually you would have been better off leaving them in the 86 degrees instead of letting them cool off. roots absolutely love nice snuggly warm soil, they just take off in warm temps between 75-90