I have a few question about michigan MMJ laws and growing

Sorry if this the wrong sect it was the only one that i thought this question fit into the most. Anyway, i am 19 and i live in ohio i want to move up to michigan and become a mmj grower since i am pretty decent at growing and i truly care about helping people with this plant, now i know you have to be 21 or older to get a growing card but i was wondering if there was anyway i could just team up with someone i trust and who is 21 or order and have all the paperwork in his name but i grow the plants and do all that kinda work and we split the profits is there anything illegal with that plan?

also side note i was wondering how companies go about and can get away with giant grow rooms? do they have a collective of guys who have the planets in their name or is there a special warehouse growing card you can get?

thanks for any help.

Well first off, you're very poorly educated. Now that that is out of the way, I can go ahead and tell you that if you do not have a medical growing lisence, and are growing marijuana, you are doing it illegally You're friend can't hold your hand and say you're with him. It doesn't work like that. And don't get all pissy because you didn't pay attention in school. That was your fault.
Well first off, you're very poorly educated. Now that that is out of the way, I can go ahead and tell you that if you do not have a medical growing lisence, and are growing marijuana, you are doing it illegally You're friend can't hold your hand and say you're with him. It doesn't work like that. And don't get all pissy because you didn't pay attention in school. That was your fault.
if you can show me one line of law that says its illegal to tend some elses plants if you can do this then I will admit youre indeed Superior and I will drop the subject matter at once. That is the base of the question: is it illegal to tend another growers plants
if you can show me one line of law that says its illegal to tend some elses plants if you can do this then I will admit youre indeed Superior and I will drop the subject matter at once. That is the base of the question: is it illegal to tend another growers plants

hahaha, I didn't say I was superior, those were your words. I don't need to go search the fucking law books to prove you're fucking retarded. YOU NEED A LISENCE FUCKING SIMPLE. you need to read a fucking book. This is easily common sense. I mean jesus christ, your generation fucking sucks, it's retarded, probably due to all the justin biebur u listen to.
hahaha, I didn't say I was superior, those were your words. I don't need to go search the fucking law books to prove you're fucking retarded. YOU NEED A LISENCE FUCKING SIMPLE. you need to read a fucking book. This is easily common sense. I mean jesus christ, your generation fucking sucks, it's retarded, probably due to all the justin biebur u listen to.
so you have nothing to backup your claim at all and you expect me to take you just at your word
And then you go on to insult me for no reason at all. So obviously you have no intention on helping me with this at all, so please stop wasting my time and stop posting, unless of course you have proof to your claim then I will listen to you
so you have nothing to backup your claim at all and you expect me to take you just at your word
And then you go on to insult me for no reason at all. So obviously you have no intention on helping me with this at all, so please stop wasting my time and stop posting, unless of course you have proof to your claim then I will listen to you

I obviously don't think you'll take my word for it. You're retarded, I was just giving you a heads up so that you can get a fucking lisence instead of hoping that you're within the law. I mean jesus, how the fuck have you not been killed. GOVERNMENT! IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH THESE SITES, PLEASE HIRE ME TO KILL OFF THESE UNDESIRABLES! PLEASE!
I obviously don't think you'll take my word for it. You're retarded, I was just giving you a heads up so that you can get a fucking license instead of hoping that you're within the law. I mean jesus, how the fuck have you not been killed. GOVERNMENT! IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH THESE SITES, PLEASE HIRE ME TO KILL OFF THESE UNDESIRABLES! PLEASE!
Bro why are you raging so hard on a simple question it not like I asked for people to send me free weed, as one member suggested I will be going to a mmj lawyer to get an official answer but if you can prove its illegal then that will just save me the time. I mean seriously what did I ever do to you to make you go off like this ona simple yes or no question and im sry my school didn't have a mmj law course so yes I am ignorant of the current laws that's why I asked. And I have a friend that has exotic pets and he has a license to own these pets, when he goes to vacation I feed and water them so in your logic I am breaking the law by doing this, since I don't have a license for exotic pets. Is this what you're trying to tell me.
Bro why are you raging so hard on a simple question it not like I asked for people to send me free weed, as one member suggested I will be going to a mmj to get an offical answer but if you can prove its illegal then that will just save me the time. I mean seriously what did I ever do to you to make you go off like this ona simple yes or no question and im sry my school didn't have a mmj law course so yes I am ignorant of the current laws that's why I asked. And I have a friend that has exotic pets and he has a license to own these pets, when he goes to vacation I feed and water them so in your logic I am breaking the law by doing this, since I don't have a license for exotic pets. Is this what you're trying to tell me.

IM AMPED UP SON! WHAT YOU TO MUCH OF A BITCH TO PRODUCE TESTOSTERONE!? YOU NEVER GET YOUR DICK SUCKED WHILE DRIVING?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOO! SUCK IT! Seriously, you can try to bend the law to sound like it will be legal, but you'll still be doing something illegal. Go ahead and sit here till some idiot tells you that it's legal so you stop posting, but personally I'd rather be safe than sorry, you can go ahead and be retarded about it though, I won't stop you.
IM AMPED UP SON! WHAT YOU TO MUCH OF A BITCH TO PRODUCE TESTOSTERONE!? YOU NEVER GET YOUR DICK SUCKED WHILE DRIVING?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOO! SUCK IT! Seriously, you can try to bend the law to sound like it will be legal, but you'll still be doing something illegal. Go ahead and sit here till some idiot tells you that it's legal so you stop posting, but personally I'd rather be safe than sorry, you can go ahead and be retarded about it though, I won't stop you.

you obviously missed the part where i said i was going to see a real lawyer to get some real answers. so youre only making yourself seem idiotic by continue to post like this, i weep for any offspring produced by you.
you obviously missed the part where i said i was going to see a real lawyer to get some real answers. so youre only making yourself seem idiotic by continue to post like this, i weep for any offspring produced by you.

AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA and I feel sorry for anyone that meets and gets along and shares the same sensability as a retarded kid like you :). Have fun seeing a lawyer, please come back and tell me how it goes so I can do this some more :).
AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA and I feel sorry for anyone that meets and gets along and shares the same sensability as a retarded kid like you :). Have fun seeing a lawyer, please come back and tell me how it goes so I can do this some more :).

whats sad is looking through your old posts you seem like a half-way decent person and we could have been friends, instead you wanted to troll.....
whats sad is looking through your old posts you seem like a half-way decent person and we could have been friends, instead you wanted to troll.....

Listen, it's only trolling if I were wrong, but I'm not, and the lawyer will tell you that. You should also ask the lawyer to point out the troll. (whispering) he'd point at you (snickers) hehhehhehe the candybar
Listen, it's only trolling if I were wrong, but I'm not, and the lawyer will tell you that. You should also ask the lawyer to point out the troll. (whispering) he'd point at you (snickers) hehhehhehe the candybar

its not what you said but the manner in which you said it that makes me believe you are trolling.
Ya that's what I figured but I didn't know is michigan had any rules with "hiring" people to tend your plants

There are ZERO laws prohibiting a qualified caregiver to hire whomever he or she pleases to tend plants.

You could be retained as an expert consultant, and it wouldn't be B.S. either.

Don't listen to all the posters who are telling you your plan is illegal.
Well first off, you're very poorly educated. Now that that is out of the way, I can go ahead and tell you that if you do not have a medical growing lisence, and are growing marijuana, you are doing it illegally You're friend can't hold your hand and say you're with him. It doesn't work like that. And don't get all pissy because you didn't pay attention in school. That was your fault.

Nighmaresgrowing is a condescending asshole who does NOT know what he's posting about.
Nighmaresgrowing is a condescending asshole who does NOT know what he's posting about.

hahahaha, this is exactly what I said! Someone would come here, say "well no it's not" and you'd just take his word for it because it's what you wanted to hear! Dray86man is a pompus asshole who does NOT know what he's posting about. He doesn't even bring any of the laws to back it up! BACK IT UP WITH SOME FUCKING LAWS INSTEAD OF JUST SAYING NO! YOU ILLITERATE FUCK. Seriously though, back it up instead of trying to just sound smart. So yeah? Anything? didn't think so, get the fuck outta here with your no proof showin ass.
Seriously, I'd love to see where it says "To operate and grow medicinal marijuana, one must have a growing permit. Unless your name is gilzar, then you can just piggy back off someone else, and you are magically outside of the law!" I mean jesus, that would make so much sense! Right?
hahahaha, this is exactly what I said! Someone would come here, say "well no it's not" and you'd just take his word for it because it's what you wanted to hear! Dray86man is a pompus asshole who does NOT know what he's posting about. He doesn't even bring any of the laws to back it up! BACK IT UP WITH SOME FUCKING LAWS INSTEAD OF JUST SAYING NO! YOU ILLITERATE FUCK. Seriously though, back it up instead of trying to just sound smart. So yeah? Anything? didn't think so, get the fuck outta here with your no proof showin ass.

you have the memory of a gnat im going to a lawyer!