New Member
Sorry if this the wrong sect it was the only one that i thought this question fit into the most. Anyway, i am 19 and i live in ohio i want to move up to michigan and become a mmj grower since i am pretty decent at growing and i truly care about helping people with this plant, now i know you have to be 21 or older to get a growing card but i was wondering if there was anyway i could just team up with someone i trust and who is 21 or order and have all the paperwork in his name but i grow the plants and do all that kinda work and we split the profits is there anything illegal with that plan?
also side note i was wondering how companies go about and can get away with giant grow rooms? do they have a collective of guys who have the planets in their name or is there a special warehouse growing card you can get?
thanks for any help.
Well first off, you're very poorly educated. Now that that is out of the way, I can go ahead and tell you that if you do not have a medical growing lisence, and are growing marijuana, you are doing it illegally You're friend can't hold your hand and say you're with him. It doesn't work like that. And don't get all pissy because you didn't pay attention in school. That was your fault.