First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
I am proud of her, the bad news is that Pink was a boy but oh well, I have Trinity as my mother plant right now and her fisrt real batch of clones are showing some nice roots so I'm on my way...


Well-Known Member
thanks Jason, I cant wait to smoke Big Mac, she smells so sweet and the main cola is beginning to come together...


Well-Known Member
not a whole lot to update, so far so good and I hope it stays that way, the buds are forming all over the place and the cola is coming together nicely, she is a big plant with a lot of bud sites, my girlfriend told me I can get a good light in a couple of months after the harvest so I cant wait to see what her clones will do



Well-Known Member
is it normal for her clones to show female parts? they have been on 24/7 lights or maybe because I took the clones 9 days into flower? I was planning on keeping one for a mother and flower the other one after it gets bushier and I want to top them too so what's the advice my friends?


Well-Known Member
is it normal for her clones to show female parts? they have been on 24/7 lights or maybe because I took the clones 9 days into flower? I was planning on keeping one for a mother and flower the other one after it gets bushier and I want to top them too so what's the advice my friends?
When you took the clones they thought they were flowering too. Keep em under 24/7, they'll snap out of it.


Well-Known Member
1/2 way flowering, 3/4 done with growing, I have another girl flowering next to her, she was a different bag seed and 2 weeks into flowering showing some pretty white hairs.....I have a total of 9 clones from the 2 of them that are growing like weed next to my ak47s, I'll keep one of each for mothers and SOG the others...


Well-Known Member
well, the next generation is growing fast, I'd say 2 to 3 weeks until they go to the flower closet, the only problem is space so I think I'l harvest Big Mac at 10 weeks of flower......
unless I come up with a great idea(as always) and she'll get a full 12 weeks of flower, I will be posting pics as soon as my family go back home..