What's a deal breaker for you?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
rolling road blocks ..three fucktards side by side doing 10 mph under the speed limit and not one will adjust their speed to let you by


Well-Known Member
The anal wart and vaginal fungus cream in her bathroom medicine cabinet was the deal breaker.


Well-Known Member
A deal breaker for me is using the word whatever more than once in a normal fucken day lolo not use it as your go to lol! Having a sense of entitlement can be quite annoying too!


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
For starters I grew up in the hood, so I may talk a little funny, or dress differently, okay so here's the deal.

I'm sittin down, drinking my hein, smokin my cig and watching the news. A black dude, comes up behind me, and taps my shoulder. I turn my head, don't ever look back, ya know? So he sits next to me, says hey brah I like the kicks what's size are those? I said, my size. He says, how come you think you can walk in here an not anti up? You pay for your drink, you pay for your cigarette, but you ain't paying me to be in my presence? I didn't say anything, didn't even look at him. He says, why you wanna dress like a nigga but you ain't sharing with a nigga? I said, bro, can I get some peace? He says, oh you want peace now! Bartender says, everything cool? I said yeah. Then I said, why can't I dress like who I am, instead of what I am? He laughs... So I get up, and I said, let's go outside for a minute I wanna talk to you. He said he didnt trust no crazy white boy. I Chugged my beer an left.

This HAS happend 4 times, all black people, all different bars. Explain THAT to me?!?!!!

EDIT: I'm not sayin it's all black people, idk if there drunk, or just like starting shit with a white boy who dresses comfortably.. What is it son?
If you're from the hood then you know why. Hood folks are the most racist I've ever come across. The folks that moved to the subs along time ago aren't like that for the most part.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I sure as shit know what one of mine is. People who use their brakes while going up a hill. Yeah it's a deal breaker. If you use your brakes while going up a hill and can't comprehend gravity and physics I probably won't ever like you. And on bad days wish a fiery death upon you. :razz:

So how's about you? What's a deal breaker for you?
When your walking your dog and have it under control on a lead,and you come across some asshole walking their dog and they don't have control of it or have it on a lead and the dam thing won't leave your dog alone,and they just carry on walking leaving you to deal with the situation:evil:


Well-Known Member
idk about the term deal breaker neo, but one of my big pet peeves is soccer mom's in exotic cars.. not even so much exotic's, but say a nice porsche 997 or something similar...

same deal w/ soccer mom's in big ass suv's.. ffs, most of them can't even drive a vw bug, but they feel the need to get behind the wheel of a 3 ton suv and drive like shit..

i've got ton's of pet peeves when it comes to driving / cars...
*whistles and looks at ceiling...*


Well-Known Member
My deal breakers...hm...

Leaving the cabinet doors open. I haaaaate that. Why are there doors i you're just going to leave them open? I hate going in the kitchen and seeing all the doors open.

Poking/tapping me when you want to speak with me (alright, get the dirty jokes out of your mind). I will totally bit your head off. (Ha lol. OK now i'm thinking of dirty jokes...)

People who have no patience with others. This holds particularly true when it comes to elderly people. I was dating a guy once who yelled in the middle of the store, at me, about the elderly woman in front of us using coupons. I snapped at him and left him standing there alone. Unfortunately, he was my ride so I ended up taking the brunt end of that one..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
quilted toilet paper.................
Scented toilet paper! WTF? the perfume aint gonna do nothing once i use it!

and touchers.

people who touch touch touch everyone.

and those cockbags who think i need some jesus in my life for no apparent reason.

its like they can smell the apostasy on me and they roll up tellin me the "good word" in supermarkets and the DMV line. what the fuck?