girl scout cookies

I hear ya on all counts, it's good medicine and people are willing to pay for it.

I just don't like this whole concept of charging outrageous prices for genetics.

I don't like it, but I understand it. People protecting their investment.

Maybe i'm an idealist, but wouldn't it make more sense to try and spread the goodstuff to as many people as possible by delivering the genes at decent prices? More good bud around.

These strains always end up leaking out and end up being sold in dispensaries for $10. This is how it always happens. It just gives the original breeders and the people willing to pay a year or so to cash in before everyone has it. I'm cool with that. Those big profits at first give people incentives to breed awesome strains.

I understand that breeders want to keep their name attached and want to make a healthy profit, but $1,000 for 6cuts? JESUS! That's greedy.

Well IDK. That price tag is meant to limit the amount of people growing it so the price of a pound stays high for a while. It's not forever, just for a little while so they can cash in. I think they deserve a financial incentive for breeding an awesome strain.

Not for me thanks. I'd rather spend the time, energy, and money creating my own unique fire that is more intune with what I like then dropping heavy dough on the OG-cut-of-the-month.

I've got a new strain coming out right now which I believe is elite and is definitely unlike any other out there. The outdoor version was passable for indoor. Stupid high thc content. Massive yielder. Distinct and unusual flavor. Doing the final test in about 3-4 weeks. Growing a full hydro tray of it. If it comes out as good as I think it will then I believe it's a winner. It's something dramatically different than the other popular strains. It's a sativa with a pineapple-mango-citrus flavor that so far is knocking everyone's socks off. HUGE buds, no fluff, no small buds on the outdoor. If it stays that way in a hydro tray I plan on slowly releasing it.

But yes, creating your own unique strain is the best way. If you have something no one else can get and everyone wants then you can really write your own ticket. It's nice.

No disrespect, I know you're with the business and you know your shit. I'm only posting here cus this trend of OG Piracy has to end.

It'd be nice to see some more non-OG elite strains being bred. I love me some OG, but it's not the end all to good strains. It seems like all the good breeders in Cali are now using OG as their starting point. Now we have a bunch of fantastic og's, but I agree with you, it's really played out.

Passion for patients' not profits' should be the driving force if this really is the medical industry we all claim it to be.

Being a grower isn't easy. It's a hard way to make an easy living. The dispensaries are the ones making the huge profits, not the growers and breeders. I don't mind seeing growers getting a little piece of the pie too. Anything that forces dispensaries to shell out 4k for a pound is a good thing IMO. Being realistic, growers shouldn't have to live hand to mouth while the middle men make millions. It's not as if all vendors are ballers.

And being realistic, 90% of the "patients" are just people who want to get high without the cops screwing with them. They aren't entitled to top shelf bud at a discount. There is plenty of bud out there for cheap that will satisfy their medical needs. Purple buds that taste like chocolate mint are not a medical necessity.

Growers deserve to have some financial stability in their lives more than patients deserve cheap buds that are purple with an awesome flavor. There are plenty of buds for sale at dispensaries everywhere in the $25 dollar an 1/8 price range. A lot of dispensaries take the budlets from their top shelf strains and sell them at half price. If you have a medical necessity you can buy those instead. High bag appeal and good flavor is not known to treat any medical condition.
thats true about growers its hard sometimes and shit happends all kinds of shit lolz but stability man i would love to see some stabilitie it seems like everyone wants something for nothing lolz
When I say OG Piracy, Kush Bandits are what I mean.

People who open up shop and charge $75-an-8th for the "Charlie Sheen OG" or whatever is hot at the time. Don't get me wrong, I love Top Shelf strains and I love OG's, but the pricing and the snoody attitude people walk around with is uncalled for (not you..just like BT's and whoever. You know who I mean).

That's what i'm tired of.

Obviously, I want complete legalization and regulation so that people CAN open up stores that sell buds, concentrates, clones etc. all for profit. But when you set up shop under the guise of helping sick people and then offer them either super high-priced meds or shit that isn't that good for a slightly reduced price that is kinda whack.

I guess my issue really lies more with the dispensary then the grower, at this point though I just find myself shaking my head at the whole culture now. A couple years ago I kept telling people "I can't wait till this OG fad wraps up so something new will come along.." but now I don't know. It seems like people are going to keep thinking in the box for the foreseeable future.

I can't lie though, your new little project sounds pretty damn tasty. I'm big on fruity strains and very recently have been somewhat of a sativa ethusiast.

If it turns out fly post some pics up :bigjoint:
i paid $20 for my thin mint and $30 for my platinum cookies, not a very heavy investment for the moms i will now have and how amazing the thin mint buds already look at Day 31.....the top buds getting the most light already look harvestable lol, but they just keep swelling and swelling and all the bottom buds are following suit.....the cuts arent expensive, maybe a few years back but not no need to bash people who were willing to invest in the strain, maybe jealous you cant get it? or have bought fake cuts? whos knows.....the bud is bomb, and im guessing if you dont think it is you didnt smoke the real stuff
When I say OG Piracy, Kush Bandits are what I mean.

People who open up shop and charge $75-an-8th for the "Charlie Sheen OG" or whatever is hot at the time. Don't get me wrong, I love Top Shelf strains and I love OG's, but the pricing and the snoody attitude people walk around with is uncalled for (not you..just like BT's and whoever. You know who I mean).

That's what i'm tired of.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I have to deal with intolerable douchebags like this all the time.

Obviously, I want complete legalization and regulation so that people CAN open up stores that sell buds, concentrates, clones etc. all for profit. But when you set up shop under the guise of helping sick people and then offer them either super high-priced meds or shit that isn't that good for a slightly reduced price that is kinda whack.

Yep. A lot of greedy mofos out there.

I guess my issue really lies more with the dispensary then the grower, at this point though I just find myself shaking my head at the whole culture now. A couple years ago I kept telling people "I can't wait till this OG fad wraps up so something new will come along.." but now I don't know. It seems like people are going to keep thinking in the box for the foreseeable future.

Most of it is the dispensaries, but not always. I know of several clubs that are charging 60 an 1/8 because they are paying their vendors well. If you grow a strain like pre 98' bubba kush or tahoe OG which yields HALF as much as most strains out there, you deserve more money. Growing pre 98 bubba and selling it to a club for $3600 a pound is still LESS profitable than growing blue dream and selling it for $2200 a pound. But there are some growers out there that still grow that pre 98 bubba just because they love the strain. If a dispensary buys a pound for $3600, the standard markup puts that at $55-60 an 1/8.

That's a boutique strain. It doesn't have any special medical properties. But people like it so they pay more for it because it's less profitable for growers to produce. That's fair IMO.

But then their are some other dispensaries who refuse to pay more than $2200 a pound and still charge $65 an 1/8. That's just robbery IMO.

I can't lie though, your new little project sounds pretty damn tasty. I'm big on fruity strains and very recently have been somewhat of a sativa ethusiast.

It's amazing. If it already looks like hydro growing outside, then I can't wait to see what it's going to do inside. We'll see in about 3-3.5 months!

If it turns out fly post some pics up :bigjoint:

Wish I had more. But it was all gone as soon as I trimmed it basically. Being cloned right now.
Also if you think about it, $1000 is nothing. That's totally worth it even if you only ran it for one cycle. Most of those people who did buy that clone for $1k made their money back many times over. If that meant you got $4k a pound instead of $2600, then all you have to do is grow one pound for that cutting to more than pay for itself. If you vegged it out taking clones and grew 10 pounds of those cookies and sold them for $4k a pound, well then that $1k cutting just made you an extra $14k. Worth every penny.

This is a business and there has to be a financial incentive for breeders if you want people always working on making better strains. That's just the reality of it. If that means you have to wait a year before buying that new strain for $10 a cutting, well that isn't so bad.

Also, not profit doesn't mean the same thing as charity. Breeding strains is hard work. It can take years for a single strain. Breeders gotta eat and pay rent too. They deserve to be rewarded for that.
I'll definitely be keepin an eye out for that hydro report. Sounds like you got a winner.

Just gonna have to agree to disagree with you on those cut prices I guess though. The math definitely adds up but it'd hurt my soul a little bit to pay that much..

I was gifted 2 Infinite Euphoria clones as part of a larger pack from a friend. I looked and those same seeds are retailing for $2k for the 20pack (I already know the prices, thc% and high-description BC Seeds gives are all whack, but i'm going off retail value here). It's apples and oranges strain wise, but my point is that's what i'm used to. Friend-to-friend, patient-to-patient. If there's any cost it's usually like "hey, hook me up with a fly nug when they're done!" or some trimming help down the line

All for growers paying rent and making ends. This is 'Merica and everyones' gotta make a living. I guess I still examines things through the lens of a consumer/patient though and when I see people charging +$3k for a P that raises an eyebrow unless its the super-fire. Of course, there are strains that do require a little extra love and attention, I get that. Whether or not that's worth an extra $1,500-2k I don't know.

I guess the point of this rambling was I wish we could all just have access to great genetics at cheap prices and make the World a danker place.

Did I mention I was a bit of an idealist?
The math definitely adds up but it'd hurt my soul a little bit to pay that much..

Here's the problem. When you go down to the dispensary and get a cutting for $10 dollars or your friend gives you a free cutting the breeder of the strain gets nothing. Zero.

These strains can take years to develop. I assume you do some kind of work to pay the bills. What if someone asked you to work for free for the next 3 years so they could get the benefits of your labor cheap/free. This means you can't support your family, can't pay rent, etc. Is that fair? Of course not. So why should breeders be asked to do something the rest of us won't do?

They don't complain when eventually their strains are sold by dispensaries and traded among friends for no profit to them. And all their good strains end up like that. All they are getting is a year or so of cashing in, and then they get nothing for it. If they worked for several years developing the strain, and it is work, why are they less deserving of getting a benefit from that work than anyone else? Eventually you'll get the results of their work for free, just not right away.

I don't think it's fair to ask of breeders something none of us would accept ourselves. Years of free labor. I have an arts background myself and this is common in the arts community. Everyone expects you to work cheap/free because you're supposed to be "doing it for the love of it". But does that really make you less entitled to be compensated for your labor? It's not like their rent or groceries are free.

I was gifted 2 Infinite Euphoria clones as part of a larger pack from a friend. I looked and those same seeds are retailing for $2k for the 20pack (I already know the prices, thc% and high-description BC Seeds gives are all whack, but i'm going off retail value here). It's apples and oranges strain wise, but my point is that's what i'm used to. Friend-to-friend, patient-to-patient. If there's any cost it's usually like "hey, hook me up with a fly nug when they're done!" or some trimming help down the line

And all good strains end up like that eventually. There is just a wait period before you can get it for free. Really not so bad.

All for growers paying rent and making ends. This is 'Merica and everyones' gotta make a living. I guess I still examines things through the lens of a consumer/patient though and when I see people charging +$3k for a P that raises an eyebrow unless its the super-fire. Of course, there are strains that do require a little extra love and attention, I get that. Whether or not that's worth an extra $1,500-2k I don't know.

I can literally produce more than double the amount of blue dream than I can a strain like Vortex in the same area. My electric bill doesn't get chopped in half if I grow vortex. My rent doesn't get chopped in half either. If all strains were sold for the same price you'd have the choice of about 5 different strains all the time. People would only grow what yields the best instead of their favorite strains.

I guess the point of this rambling was I wish we could all just have access to great genetics at cheap prices and make the World a danker place.

You do get access to all those strains. Like I said, you can now go down to dispensaries and buy girl scout cookies clones for $10. From that one $10 clone you can grow a mom that will give you hundreds of clones. You just can't have it IMMEDIATELY when it comes out for that price because the developers of that strain need to make a living too. With out that few months to a year where they can make those crazy profits, they probably wouldn't ever have created in the first place.

Did I mention I was a bit of an idealist?

It's not really ideal for all the people who would be working for free if they did it your way. Like I said, not many people can/would work for free. Most people have expenses.

If I asked you to work for me for 3 years for free because I thought it would be cool to get your labor without paying would you do it?
So if you can't sell your P's for $4k you give them away?

Of course not. You still sell them and you still make a profit. There's always overhead and living expenses. That's the case in any business and with any businessman.

I'm not trying to play devil's (or dispensary's) advocate. I'm just saying I think $4k is steep, regardless of genetics.

I get your arguement about the yields/difficulty to grow/unique flavor or effects of some strains are factors to consider in pricing. I laugh when I read the Blue Dream stuff because that IS kinda what everyone I know does too...buncha BD for commerch and then some fire on the side for headstash and/or Top Shelf. Maybe my main gripe is with the dispensary when it comes to cost.

But I do stand by the point I was trying to make originally. Which is that most people are far too concerned about the In Flavor when they should be focusing on perfecting their technique and finding strains that work best for them and their setup.

And i'm not mad about the cost and I understand it takes time for genes to get to the masses. I've just never seen buds (GSC included) that would have me paying that much.
So if you can't sell your P's for $4k you give them away?

Of course not. You still sell them and you still make a profit. There's always overhead and living expenses. That's the case in any business and with any businessman.

I get where you're coming from, that's a fair but, but it's not just the grow time which they are getting paid for. It's the time they spent developing the strain. If they spent three years developing the strain, getting basically nothing for that effort in that time, then yes, they should get paid extra per pound for growing it for the first year.

I'm not trying to play devil's (or dispensary's) advocate. I'm just saying I think $4k is steep, regardless of genetics.

There's a difference between in labor in between breeding your own strain and ordering a pack of seeds on attitude or going to your dispensary and buying a trey of clones. Yes, I think the guy who took the time and effort to develop that strain should get that extra cash for a while. He worked harder than the guy who just got the strain for free/cheap so he deserves more money.

I get your arguement about the yields/difficulty to grow/unique flavor or effects of some strains are factors to consider in pricing. I laugh when I read the Blue Dream stuff because that IS kinda what everyone I know does too...buncha BD for commerch and then some fire on the side for headstash and/or Top Shelf. Maybe my main gripe is with the dispensary when it comes to cost.

If I had my choice I'd grow nothing but blue dream and green crack all day long. They are both absolutely top shelf strains when grown correctly and they are easy and fun to grow. Unfortunately everyone who works at a dispensary also grows these strains and dispensaries aren't particularly happy to see you if that's all you're giving them. I try to mix them in once or twice a year, but when I do it too much I get complaints.

But I do stand by the point I was trying to make originally. Which is that most people are far too concerned about the In Flavor when they should be focusing on perfecting their technique and finding strains that work best for them and their setup.

I agree with this.

And i'm not mad about the cost and I understand it takes time for genes to get to the masses. I've just never seen buds (GSC included) that would have me paying that much.

I have.
But for all that time developing the strain, there is still money being made off the room, no? They're still selling their products during that development time for a decent profit.

I completely agree with you that they deserve compensation, those dudes are working and need to pay living expenses. But then what of the people who just simply tack that inflated pricetag on? There are plenty of legit breeders/growers whose efforts might merit that extra money, but then there's a decent number of them who are a little less deserving too.

Can you say the same for the guys who just grow whatever-OGs and still throw the topdollar pricing on it? Those guys who went out and bought those $10-clones, or even worse, just slapped a name on something to match a trend? To me, there's so much dishonesty in this industry at times it almost seems like your speaking on a slim minority of people when you talk about those whose efforts should be rewarded that handsomely.

I forget that some people live crop-to-crop though, which i'm sure would influence a pricing pattern. Seems perpetual is the way to go. That way even if the prices drop, you can still make good money and not worry too hard because you know there's a few lovely ladies coming right around the corner. That's why when I hear people saying they can't eat off of $2k-3k a pound, I start wondering what they're trying to load their plate with.

Too many people in it to get rich quick these days it seems. And that trend seems to go hand-n-hand with this OG-pricing/strain-of-the-week conundrum.

Saw alot of good meds get lowball pricetagged simply because they weren't In at the time. Saw almost an equal ammount put on Top Shelf when they had no business there based off of the name. Just like everything else in this World I guess, people are too lazy to see for themselves and decide its just easier to rely on what people tell ya/what you hear.

I want to try and help instigate the Pre98 Bubba Revolution. So far we are a ragtag bunch of misfits who have yet to cross the Delaware. But in time....:bigjoint:
Hi Dan. I'm totally new here but have previous experience. I was up in the Bay Area last month and checking out local dispensaries on the web, and I saw at least one ad for GSC clones. It might have been Berkeley or East Bay. Sorry can't remember better.
SCM Girl Scout Cookies--Day 32






DHN Cookies---Day 28





Its so easy to see.. miscbrah has both cuts forum cut and platinum Gsc aka ogkushbreath cut of Gsc which has shorter nodes and deformed leaves... both have similar finished product that most would call cookies. Cookies doesn't yield big and the forum cut which he also has stretches more and yields less than the platinum cookies.

Sinsemilla89 is also very familiar with the forum cut of Gsc. As she is on other sites also and has done multiple grown with this forum cut.

I also have the forum cut and the ogkushbreath cut.

Soon the forum cut will be available to many in socal.
Grew MO's Thin Mint Cut out, and the shit is NOT the real deal...just this hairy joke of a cut with no frost... last time i ever buy anything from MO
Grew MO's Thin Mint Cut out, and the shit is NOT the real deal...just this hairy joke of a cut with no frost... last time i ever buy anything from MO

I was very happy with MO's cut. If it was "hairy" when you harvested it that means you pulled it too early or it got inadequate lighting. Can't blame the clone for that. Mine yielded fantastic, and was reasonably strong. It had a great pure cookies flavor to it. I'll definitely grow it again.
Soon the forum cut will be available to many in socal.

This whole idea that everyone on the forum has the same cut is false. I've got about 4 cuts of cookies that you can not tell apart from looking at the plant. There are A LOT of different cuts of GSC that all look very similar. You really can't tell unless you smell/taste them. Just because they look similar does not mean they are the same.