Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

My 4 plants are just over a month old and for some reason the leaves are drooping and there are very small brown spots on the leaves. I dont have any idea what it could be. Any ideas?


over-watered, i think
I have been very careful not to over water them. I wait until the soil is completely dry about an inch down, then i water. If there is a better, more accurate way to tell when your plants need water i would like to hear it. I cant figure it out at all. The ph is fine and i water maybe 1-2 time a week so i doubt its over watering.


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Guaranteed overwatering 100% the diagnosis, let them dry out completly between waterings and them brown spots are also a sign of mold spores from overwatering #1 mistake nubes make it overdoin it...
Thanks guys. I thought I was going a little too long without watering because the leaves felt pretty dried out and crunchy. I usually go through a gallon of water each time i water for the 4 plants. I make sure that water drains out the bottom. Then I wont water again until I can stick my finger about an inch down into the soil without feeling dampness. I will try watering by the weight of the pots.
Well if it's over watering, mine will never get well. They're in hydro., but had the exact same symptoms. Drooping leaves and minute brown spots on the face of the leaves. I don't think it's over watering cause I flushed mine and remixed the nutes to a lighter dose and the new growth does not exhibit these symptoms any longer. I think I was overdosing them with happy juice. Fox Farm stuff. Anyway there growing fine again.
I gave them a good watering and they perked up. I need to reduce my nute mix because i think i am getting nute burn. Still working out the kinks. I will post a picture of a new symptom on my plant in a a few. The edges of the leaves are turning brown.