Aussie Growers Thread

herm, u da man, sorry me no visit site yet, email password issues,

recard has a disorder i call,

rectile communication dis-order, or talking through his rectum
herm, u da man, sorry me no visit site yet, email password issues,

bring friends :bigjoint: just playing around with the tech was fun but hard to get motivated to take it further without lots of people to make smile :bigjoint: btw, don't expect any emails from the forum even if it tells you to expect one (let me know if it does) - haven't had the time to secure emails yet so blocked the whole server from sending any for now.
Hey Guys, I have moved to Sydney about a year ago from South Africa, i have tried to grow my own crop but have failed twice, it would be great to put onto a contact to get some greenery in the mean time before i attempt my next grow. Its tough making contacts in a new city. Thanks for the help guys
I'm not sure that there would be many people actually willing to hook a stranger up with details of their connect... it is worth a try however...

I myself just went out to water my seedlings and found a 2nd little marijuana seedling growing in the same pot as the Mozambique Poison that was intentionally put there... tomorrow when the sun is up I'm going to take inventory to try to figure out what exactly is growing next to the Mozambique Poison... It shouldn't be there as I named all the little pots before putting each germinated seed in... but yet there is a tiny little one growing where it isn't supposed to be just throwing out it's first set of true leaves...

could be some bag seed I guess as I was re packaging my Bagseed collection the same day I was potting the germinated seeds... I guess it's just a bonus...
happy about this years:weed: outdo, i actually got,1 x SSH, 1 x widow, 1 x blackjack, and satori, landrace weed, from clone, then into soil

its possible i might get my weed on:weed: this year,

been learning way to much about:leaf: from the net lately
Gotta love how my missus goes into shock when i go into my room, smack my bitches up, take em down a peg and just basically be a cunt to my girls... Yet we look at em the next day and they are heaps bigger than the day before :)
Hey guys... I managed to pick up a 2 meter length of neoprene from Clark Rubber which should make around 100 neoprene discs. Just thought i'd give anyone else a heads up.
Hey guys!!! Day 20 Veg :p and a teaser of what's to come :)

:shock: nice stuff as always dude! little reminder i have somewhere else for you to show your grow ;-) .... its going to take a lot of nobody turning up to make me give up anyway, thanks for the pron :bigjoint:
2 of my 5 Leda Unos is pretty much dead... to hot in the makeshift greenhouse they were left in this morning... got back this afternoon and what do you call it Transpiration..? too much transpiration had occurred, it is not looking good for those two little buggers... makes me kinda sad...
anyone know were this seed company is base cause their prices are in australian dollars

I would say it's fake but let me give you the info I got in 5minutes.
Firstly the site says it's been in the business for 25 years but the website itself was only registered/created on 20/08/2012
It was registered using TPPWholesale web hosting Australia and the person who registered it is using IInet internet in Melbourne.
All the strains on there are not common and I have never seen them before with stupid names like GG allin and Chung Lee.

Too me this makes me think that it is fake but if it's real then the person running it is probably going to get busted soon.
looks dodgy as hell - as jimmy correctly pointed out, they are using no protection whatsoever; worse than that, the site itself is open to a number of easy attacks. so they're one of:
- idiots, in which case i don't think they would have lasted that long, and won't for very long (judging by its security, its a safe assumption that anyone hacking into their database will get a list of people who have done business with them along with their ips
- scammers doing a quick cash grab
- piggies collecting grower list (makes you wonder how many of the people who got busted here were using the same seedbank)

the seed banks overseas can get away with it because its legal in their country to at least have beans that haven't been germinated. just having the beans is a criminal offense here.

the great australian seedbank has gone into development yesterday though :bigjoint: if the participation there ends up better than the forum, when its finished, you can pick your beans from other growers in oz or in your particular state :bigjoint: