seedling question, stretching/feeding


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if this seedling is stretching at all, the top soil is also very dry, and when i stick my finger down into the soil, its cool but doesnt seem to be wet at all, maybe a tiny bit moist. Shall I wait till its really dry to water? And how much should I water it? Temperature under the lights is about 83-5 degrees and humidity is 65%.. thanks in advance for any advice.



Well-Known Member
it's stretching! get a fan on it to strengthen stem, get dirt right up to first set of leaves, water every 3-4 days only!! read 'growfaq' at top of this page


Well-Known Member
Too soon to tell.

But going by the pic, you under a HPS light?

Have a light breeze on it starting in a few days. Helps the strengthen the stems. And a light breeze, no Katrina here! Just enough to shake it a little.


Well-Known Member
great replies, thanks so much... alright ill push the soil up to the bottom of the leaves. I am using 40watt soft white CFL's 3000k 2600 lumens each. I pulled 3 more seedlings from the patch of dirt outside my house that I plant germed seeds in, every once in a blue moon ill just scoop one up from this place and stick it in my grow room. so now ive got 4 seedlings, each with their own light on top of them. I am planning on getting a 400w HPS soon, prolly by the end of the month. lights are on 24/0


Well-Known Member
here are some new pics of the seedlings, when do I know when to water them? Its been a day or so, the soil is a little cool when I stick my finger into it, but not too moist, just slightly.. the serrated leaves are pointing upwards on a few of them, is this ok?? Covered the stretched seedling up with soil up to the top leaves.. how r they looking??



Well-Known Member
well that all good men
i do keep my soil a little moister for seedling
since they dont have that much roots
u dont want them to dry up to fast
if u say soil aint that wet putting ur finger in
maybe ur root doesnt have any water left
when they get bigger
u can wait longer till water
and see all the leaves go down a little
then u water
and they all come back up
that so fun


Well-Known Member
your 10 degree to hot, so put a fan in.
like faralos said it will strengthen stem too.
maybe put some cfl's surrounding it cos it will grow wider...
water it when it's dry...
so keep dirt slightly moist. just dont over water cos that screws it.


Well-Known Member
Cool, they are lookin good, I think so. :-D Three are in green pots that I planted a day or two later than the one in the ceramic pot. The one in the ceramic pot is the largest so far, fun to see which will grow up to be strong. Room temp is 83 degrees which I think is a little too high.Humidity is at around 50-60% (but they are growing great). asides from that rediculous fan that I have pointed on the plants, there is another fan in the back as well.. I open the door periodically when I am around to get fresh air in.



Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me if these are looking good?? Are the stems too skinny?? I have been watering them a small ammount of water every other day or so since im scared ill over water. they are about a week old, minus a day or so. When I get my foxfarm nutes, what should they look like before I start the 1/4 nutes? maybe wait a total of 3 weeks from sprouting until I start grow nutes??


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me if these are looking good?? Are the stems too skinny?? I have been watering them a small ammount of water every other day or so since im scared ill over water. they are about a week old, minus a day or so. When I get my foxfarm nutes, what should they look like before I start the 1/4 nutes? maybe wait a total of 3 weeks from sprouting until I start grow nutes??
nah they;re looking ok now.


Well-Known Member
sweet, thanks! just got back from work and noticed that between the first two leaves are little tiny leaves (assuming) growing between them from the stem.. im excited, these plants are very interesting :-D