Need Help!

Ok this is my first grow and i got a set of T5 fluro's. I have 3 clones under it and 2 of them are doing great but one is showing signs of some kind of deficiency and i am having troubles pinpointing it. On the cup i got it in it was it was cloned 9/20 and transplanted on 10/10. I moved it to the pot its in on 10/23 and it started growing steadily but just having some leaves turn yellow and some tips browned and curled.


Thanks for any help its greatly appreciated!!!
I agree with dimebag87. Try backing off the nutes a bit. I don't know what kind of soil you are in but if it is a quality soil it should have enough in it for a while.
ok in your first pic, it looks like your main stems are purplish? Ususally thats lockout of phosphorus. I would do a quick fllush then, re-feed with a weaker more ph balanced solution. Ph everything that touches your soil. This may not totally be your issue tho. Could be several things but without any solid information on how your growing it makes it very difficult to diagnose.
I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and im using Fox Farm Big Grow Nutes which is a 6-4-4. After doing hours of more research on my soil i found out it has nutes for at least a month so imma back off and go to water for a little while longer. If anyone else has any other ideas please share all help is appreciated. Also am using T5 Fluros if that makes a difference.
ok in your first pic, it looks like your main stems are purplish? Ususally thats lockout of phosphorus. I would do a quick fllush then, re-feed with a weaker more ph balanced solution. Ph everything that touches your soil. This may not totally be your issue tho. Could be several things but without any solid information on how your growing it makes it very difficult to diagnose.

This stem was purplish when i got it but i have transplanted it to the new Fox Farm soil which is Ph balanced will this help? Also will be using just water from now on with no nutes for a while longer.
ph to 5.8 to 6.3.

That's what they say. My water is 7.1-2 out of the tap and the plants seem to stay no lower than 7.0. Strangely, everybody raves about the weed grown. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. Should I add some sodium biphospate?
Different macro and micro nutrients are took up by the plant at different ph's . I would say keep it at 6. This is the short answer because I'm on a cell not a computer. There has to be a diagram on here somewhere showing what is absorbed at what ph.
Thats in no way bad advice. I stick by what I say. Like I said that's the short answer. I always run 6.0 ph with no lockout. Depends on the ph of the soil he's using as well.