Sad to Say, I ended my grow....


Well-Known Member
If it were me? I'm now growing some lovely orchids and maybe a bonsai and I "accidentally" let the neighbors keep sneaking peeks. See how that shit plays out after the raid.

Secondly, you need to reign some shit in. Neither the landlord nor his agents have 24-hour-a-day non-emergency access to your home. I guarantee that dude did not just pop in on the landlord and said hey dude, can I check your shit out? It was scheduled. You deserve at least the same courtesy, legally and morally. Nor do you allow people to creep around your backyard and peek into your windows - cop connection or not. A video camera in your backyard could get some very important videotape for you. If not for the dope then just for your peace of mind, no?

P.s. Good bye. I hope to see you back.
Hey, It is what It is. My neighbor was in my yard, Maybe he was maybe he wasn't looking for his cat. There is nothing I can do about it now. About the home appraiser, what was I suppossed to do. He traveled like 60 miles to get here. If I didn't let him in, I'm sure he would have called my landlord right on the spot and then my landlord would have demanded he come in. If I still refused, my landlord would have just come right on over, who knows how that would have ended. Putting video cameras out in my backyard would cetainly draw much unwanted attention by the neighbors and landlord, Talk about a red flag.

I'm sure I was told the Appraiser was coming, I wasn't given an exact date or time though. They have been here before. Never during flowering thought. I was just caught off gaurd, and didn't have time to kill the lights or cover up the oder.
Fuck it, No harm done. I'm safe, sound now and will grow another day.


Well-Known Member
Hey, It is what It is. My neighbor was in my yard, Maybe he was maybe he wasn't looking for his cat. There is nothing I can do about it now. About the home appraiser, what was I suppossed to do. He traveled like 60 miles to get here. If I didn't let him in, I'm sure he would have called my landlord right on the spot and then my landlord would have demanded he come in. If I still refused, my landlord would have just come right on over, who knows how that would have ended. Putting video cameras out in my backyard would cetainly draw much unwanted attention by the neighbors and landlord, Talk about a red flag.

I'm sure I was told the Appraiser was coming, I wasn't given an exact date or time though. They have been here before. Never during flowering thought. I was just caught off gaurd, and didn't have time to kill the lights or cover up the oder.
Fuck it, No harm done. I'm safe, sound now and will grow another day.
There are many unobtrusive cameras now available. Even at Wal-Mart! The important thing is you are safe and sound though and will live to fight another day. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Who, the landlord or the neighbor?
Before I move, Someone is going to get what they have coming. Why can't people just mind thier fucking Business.
If I saw someone snorting coke at bar, I wouln't call their mother on them. Why would a home appraiser call a landlord if he smelled some pot.
What the fuck is wrong with people???
See how much the house is worth, when I forget and leave the tub running, while I take a weekend vacation.
I just wanted to be able to mind my business, and do what I want to do. I'm not getting in thier business. Why did they have to get in mine. Well, It's on now.....

I would love to get some dirt on these people, Maybe spread some rumors about my nieghbors wife having an affair with a Cop at work... Or better yet, maybe my nieghbor is a closet homo And I saw him blowing some guy behind a dumpster. People would love to gossip about that shit...

I'm just rambling on now, Although they do have a 18 year old daughter, Who is most definatly hurting for ride on my bologna pony. That would really Stir thing up with the nieghbors...


Well-Known Member
I'm just rambling on now, Although they do have a 18 year old daughter, Who is most definatly hurting for ride on my bologna pony. That would really Stir thing up with the nieghbors...
DOOO itt.
its legal, maybe you should "accidentally miss" n give her a good poke in the stinkeye for her old man.


Well-Known Member
that sucks bro... good thing you are wise enough to see the big picture... hate that such a helpful plant is so harmful to so many people..... glad you got away clean, even if it was just your paranoia....


Well-Known Member
Your land lord is a dick,i could not care less what people do in the homes they rent from me as long as they dont tear the house up,when i open my mailbox on the 1st of the month & their checks are there all is well,if it came right down to it i'd advise them how to safely set their grow up.

You want to get back at your dick land lord ?

Find out what day your local supermarket throws away expired meat,dumpster dig all the blue chickens & green pork steaks you can get,go home & put that rotten shit in the freezer,on the last day you live there take off all the heat register covers & start stuffing the blue chickens in the air ducts,make sure to push that shit in as far as you can,use a broomstick to get maximum reach.

It'll take about a week for the meat to get ripe,after 3 weeks the whole building will be fucked up & need professional clean up,that fuckstick will dream of the day he smelled something as pleasant as marijuana in bloom.


Active Member
my landlord is coming to my rented house in August to paint, smack in the middle of my outdoor, and hopefully an indoor setup as well.

And when his fat ass comes waddling up questioning me about the garden, I'll be sure to show him my scrip....and if he's stupid enough to press the issue, I'll have his ass in court for discrimination!

I hate california...( I have to live in LA, no offense TO THE TRUE CALIFORNIANS )....but I love my cali scrip anyway

It's all coming soon for everyone, just be safe till then


Well-Known Member
my landlord is coming to my rented house in August to paint, smack in the middle of my outdoor, and hopefully an indoor setup as well.

And when his fat ass comes waddling up questioning me about the garden, I'll be sure to show him my scrip....and if he's stupid enough to press the issue, I'll have his ass in court for discrimination!

I hate california...( I have to live in LA, no offense TO THE TRUE CALIFORNIANS )....but I love my cali scrip anyway

It's all coming soon for everyone, just be safe till then
In alsost every other state you would get busted and do some time. Here you can take his ass to court like you said. At one time we had 15 clubs in a town of less than 100,000 people! What other state does that happen in?


Well-Known Member
I almost cried when I read this. I'm sorry. Wish there was something I could do for you.
Thanks for the compassion. I wish there was somthing I could have done. I haven't yet had any more problems although, I don't think this is the end of it. I'm pretty sure the police have gotten wind of the fact there may marijuana growing here. I'm sure a K9 could still smell the lingering odor and give them probibly cause to enter. It would be rather funny considering, the weed they would find is the stuff pictured on the HIGHTIMES magazines. I have is a little over an ounce, left from my last grow. I have it with some seeds stashed at my work I have moved most of my grow equiptment into a friends house. My friend also let me borrow a Lead smelting maching, which uses approximatly 1000w when on. I have covered all my bases and still anxiously wait for the police.... I am hoping it happens late at night, I would love to have more juror sympathy in court, when I sue their asses off for disturbing the peace, false actusations and ruining my good name.

My Testimony would sound something like this:::

Your honor, memebers of the jury. I'm just a poor metal smelter, trying to support my family. Late one evening, while I we were all sound asleep in our beds. There was a load bang, It first I thought it was a robber, I reached for my shotgun. Then I saw there police officers all over the house. My god, I could have been shot by one of them... My poor childeren, they can't even sleep alone anymore. The police ruined there toys, recked thier house, distroyed everything I have worked for.. :cry:TEAR:cry:.... How could this happen, and why me......WHY ME... And for what? They accussed me of making marijuana, Are they crazy. I can hardly keep my lawn green let along grow Marijuana... I can't face even my nieghbors. My landlord is going to throw us out with no where to go... I have done nothing wrong, What am I going to do now.. How will support my family with my good name slandered....