everyone read!!!!


Active Member
stealing isn't cool especially from a fellow toker! if it has few roots go small on the pot. it will be sensitive to light for a few days. then if u do grow it take half to the person you took it from!
wouldn't you be pissed if this happened to you!


Well-Known Member
first of there is no certain age for people who smoke there are old people who smoke probably for medical reasons some even grow it for their grand kids. i would be so fucking mad if i had plants growing on my property and someone invaded my yard and took them or even took one. pot smokers should never steal a plant. maybe because you stole it your not attached to it in anyway but i am proud of my plants and would rather go with out rather than steal a plant. you SORRY LITTLE BITCHBOY if you really are sorry then do the right thing and put it back with an apology note. other wise karma will bite you in your stupid ass.


Well-Known Member
I for one am pleased at the responses this thread has gotten. I'm shocked at how many people spoke up for the unknown victim here. It really shows me how many of us growers stick together, even when you don't know the person you are defending.

Nice ethics by the way. Except for a few of you. :D


New Member
I for one am pleased at the responses this thread has gotten. I'm shocked at how many people spoke up for the unknown victim here. It really shows me how many of us growers stick together, even when you don't know the person you are defending.

Nice ethics by the way. Except for a few of you. :D
..Well Put.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
o really?
id like to know where at i said that,
"i was walking home from school today,
and i cut through my neighbors yard, when i ran up on a little pot plant and i ripped it out of the ground (cutting a few roots)

if i put it back in some soil, will it grow its roots back??
or water maybe?

what do i do??

reply quickly pleasee!!!


second sentence you big fuckass :D


Active Member
The neighbor probably called the cops, watching him planting a weed thinking some punk ass is trying an illegal grow-op in their back yard.


Well-Known Member
THAT PLANT WILL DIE if you don't water it with a 70% bleach solution every day for one week.

Seeing that its been growing in sod, the roots are probably on their way to their funeral, and they need to be cleansed of the sod immediately. Bleach will do the trick.

After about a week of watering with bleach, you'll want to start watering with 100% strength nutrients every day until it starts to perk up.

Hope I could help! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
why the fuck are you all such goddamn <big> DICKS</big>??

i fucking asked a question, i know stealing is wrong, im not fucking 2.
that plant has been back to its owner for a long time now..
i have my own. 4 of themmm...


Well-Known Member
Because you're a god damn big THEIF. If you knew stealing was wrong, why did you take it? (see sentence 1)

And I take your amazement at the size of my dick as a compliment.


Well-Known Member
"i was walking home from school today,
and i cut through my neighbors yard, when i ran up on a little pot plant and i ripped it out of the ground (cutting a few roots)

if i put it back in some soil, will it grow its roots back??
or water maybe?

what do i do??

reply quickly pleasee!!!


second sentence you big fuckass :D

hmm "fuckass" i dont see anywhere about me sneaking around someones backyard.
..you FUCKASS.


Well-Known Member
"i was walking home from school today,
and i cut through my neighbors yard, when i ran up on a little pot plant and i ripped it out of the ground (cutting a few roots)

if i put it back in some soil, will it grow its roots back??
or water maybe?

what do i do??

reply quickly pleasee!!!


second sentence you big fuckass :D

hmm "fuckass" i dont see anywhere about me sneaking around someones backyard.
..you FUCKASS.

and what is dissing me going to do?
not helping?
all of you are so stupid.
if you do cuss at me , whatever.. is that going to help that plant?
its back to its owner now..
