Should I pull them?


Well-Known Member
I have been watering heavily with RO water only no nutes for a little over a week. Pandora's Box and Blue Dream are on day 60 of flowering and NYD is on day 68. I feel it is time to pull them and start drying. What do you think?
Pandora's BoxDSCF6460.jpgDSCF6461.jpg
Blue DreamDSCF6462.jpgDSCF6463.jpg
NYC DieselDSCF6464.jpgDSCF6465.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have been watering heavily with RO water only no nutes for a little over a week. Pandora's Box and Blue Dream are on day 60 of flowering and NYD is on day 68. I feel it is time to pull them and start drying. What do you think?
Pandora's BoxView attachment 2389654View attachment 2389655
Blue DreamView attachment 2389656View attachment 2389657
NYC DieselView attachment 2389658View attachment 2389653
All of the close-ups look like there are a few amber trichs visible, but have you checked with a glass yet?
It all depends on how ripe you want them.......


Well-Known Member
There is a thread about flushing on here somewhere and almost every post in it was saying that "flush" additives are a waste of money or only good if you have a build up in the soil and are getting nute burn. Many people in there said they either just stop nutes before harvest or they dont stop feeding but lower it slowly. I did do a light Flush with Clearex at the start of no nutes just to help get some of the extra nutes out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
The plant is like a straw man, even if you were able to get ALL the nutes out of the soil, what is left in the plant would still continue to travel through the plant for 10 days.


Active Member
It literally is a straw. Break the main stem and its hallow to a point.. I had some small indicas i took the stems and put them in drinks with hash oil and rum. But no dont flush dont stop feeding untill your like a week away. And usualy thats the last watering/feeding anyway. Never flush unless there is a salt build up. Which is seen as like a white crusty poweder. Other then that your drowning her and outdoor in the ground can get messy. The ONLY time i watered my plants were in the summer in veg and to feed nutes. Other then that my girls found there way to water on there own.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The plant is like a straw man, even if you were able to get ALL the nutes out of the soil, what is left in the plant would still continue to travel through the plant for 10 days.
Indeed, doesn't make a difference to the bud though when smoked so far as i, and others, are concerned. Simplest way to look at is is that people ahve always debated it and there has never been a conclusion to the debate, so it obviously isn't as important as folk like to make out.


Well-Known Member
Harvested, dried and curing. I managed to keep the good bud smell while drying no hay or grass smell. I did not end up with a lot being my first grow but it is looking like about 1 oz per plant give or take. I will weigh it one it has cured. Stuff looks and smell potent.


Well-Known Member
It seems many people dont "flush" just stop feeding nutes and water heavy for a week or so.
I just cut the top 6" off my Indica, bagseed, and gave some without cure, just quick dry to the guy I bought the bag from, and he didn't know the diff.
I fed up to the last water before the day I cut.