Hi guys, I'm a newbie today


Active Member
50 rh and 25 to 28c is optimal conditions. u will get away without the cooltube bro, i have it and temps are 27c, u must have some lousy weather where u live lol kinda cold where i am i thought. peace
50 rh and 25 to 28c is optimal conditions. u will get away without the cooltube bro, i have it and temps are 27c, u must have some lousy weather where u live lol kinda cold where i am i thought. peace
Yea it is cold where it is dude, wow 50rh that a big difference from 80! Guess I better turn the humidifier down a bit then, cheers dude


Well-Known Member
50% RH? isnt that for flowering well 50% lower for flower about 80% for veg??
50% lower rh in veg wouldent that course the roots to take in more water leaving nutes in ya coco to build up??

and welcome dunne