Early voting shows Romney +7.....

I take it you actually believe this crap. Obama will destroy Romney come Nov 6th. I have yet to understand why so many people are actually considering Romney, they must be way low information voters, the ones that actually believe what this white devil spews at will, flip flopping at every turn, saying whatever it takes to get votes, lying like a 2 dollar whore. This asshole (Romney) will turn this country into poverty central, where rich and poor will be so far apart as to never again be able to be a real democracy. If you get your wish, a Romney presidency, I suppose you will actually end up on my list, but don't be too proud, there a lot of others just like you, greedy assholes that don't care a hoot about their brother man or humanity in general. When it comes down to eating the rich, I'll have a big helping, medium well. This is written with liberal license, if the facts apply to you, I'm not responsible.

Ahh, the good ole pre-socialist days, when we could all afford a whore.
I take it you actually believe this crap. Obama will destroy Romney come Nov 6th. I have yet to understand why so many people are actually considering Romney, they must be way low information voters, the ones that actually believe what this white devil spews at will, flip flopping at every turn, saying whatever it takes to get votes, lying like a 2 dollar whore. This asshole (Romney) will turn this country into poverty central, where rich and poor will be so far apart as to never again be able to be a real democracy. If you get your wish, a Romney presidency, I suppose you will actually end up on my list, but don't be too proud, there a lot of others just like you, greedy assholes that don't care a hoot about their brother man or humanity in general. When it comes down to eating the rich, I'll have a big helping, medium well. This is written with liberal license, if the facts apply to you, I'm not responsible.

Every bailout goes to the 1% first. Every stimulus spending went to the 1% first. Every dollar printed by the Fed went to the 1% first. There is a clear pattern over the last 30 years of increased government spending coupled with an increase in wealth disparity.

The public unions were in a fight for their lives in Wisconsin. Obama promised he'd walk with the unions but instead said he was too busy(he kept backing losers in 2010 so he skipped this one). He flew over the state twice that day, once to Minnesota for a fund raiser then on his way to Illinois for a fund raiser.

Obama doesn't give a shit about the middle class, he's done more damage to us than any other president in my lifetime. But he does talk a good game.
The unemployment rate will start dropping the minute he wins the election, it wont take until he gets into office for that to happen. Gas prices will start dropping too...

Oh the horror...

once romney is elected, he will also clean your car once a month, you'll never step on a bee again, and puppies will be 50% cuter.

so i've looked around and can't find this mystical 7 point lead in exit polling, can't find it.

perhaps the lawnmower pusher can cite his sources (i'm guessing breitbart or worldnet).

you would all be well advised to take anything the OP has to say with a grain of salt, he is the same moron who asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

also, with regards to the OP...

so i've looked around and can't find this mystical 7 point lead in exit polling, can't find it.

perhaps the lawnmower pusher can cite his sources (i'm guessing breitbart or worldnet).

you would all be well advised to take anything the OP has to say with a grain of salt, he is the same moron who asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

also, with regards to the OP...


Quote from your wife...
Ahh, the good ole pre-socialist days, when we could all afford a whore.

I would imagine you spent most of your cash on whores as you are the one bitching about the present circumstance. I actually owned an outcall service here in Vegas, might have had you serviced, which would mean I got some of your cash, Hoorah! I rather prefer socialism, The modern kind, not the soviet union kind, you know, the kind where the government actually cares about its citizenry, like socialized medicine, (Medicare), socialized retirement (Social security) socialized disaster relief, (FEMA) and the many agencies that serve and protect the environment, the people in general and make rules for businesses to operate under, like work hours and age requirements, so we don't go back to the pre social days of child labor and 80 hour work weeks. It makes me wonder what kind of dickheads want to do away with these services and send us back to the 19th century, all I can say to youse is FUCK YOU!!!
Quote from your wife...

current requests i have for NLXSK:

1) draw the iran-syria border
2) cite your source for this mystery poll
3) stop being so bitter that he is an ugly, overweight, impotent, lonely douchebag and go find his own woman. my wife would not piss on you if you were on fire.
current requests i have for NLXSK:

1) draw the iran-syria border
2) cite your source for this mystery poll
3) stop being so bitter that he is an ugly, overweight, impotent, lonely douchebag and go find his own woman. my wife would not piss on you if you were on fire.

How much for number 3? I might have some disposable income...
I would imagine you spent most of your cash on whores as you are the one bitching about the present circumstance. I actually owned an outcall service here in Vegas, might have had you serviced, which would mean I got some of your cash, Hoorah! I rather prefer socialism, The modern kind, not the soviet union kind, you know, the kind where the government actually cares about its citizenry, like socialized medicine, (Medicare), socialized retirement (Social security) socialized disaster relief, (FEMA) and the many agencies that serve and protect the environment, the people in general and make rules for businesses to operate under, like work hours and age requirements, so we don't go back to the pre social days of child labor and 80 hour work weeks. It makes me wonder what kind of dickheads want to do away with these services and send us back to the 19th century, all I can say to youse is FUCK YOU!!!

Let me get this straight. A pimp is ridiculing me? America, what a country!
If Romeny wins, I have to give my co-worker 20 dollars worth of weed...And I'm gonna start looking for work outside of the country.
How much for number 3? I might have some disposable income...

it's one of those things that only ANALEXCESSGAY1 can change.

every time i point out the series of lies he has been caught in, he goes for my wife. unfortunately for him, she would not brake for a douchebag like him if she saw him crossing the road.

perhaps inktheworld will show up so we can reminisce about the time we caught him lying about his shuper-aweshome (yet super imaginary) bushinessh. i forget what thread that was in.

at the very least, perhaps the lawnmower pusher can cite his source for this poll, i have looked and found nothing.
You are missing the issue there.

This is not bad news for Obama, it is bad news for the nation. The reality of the situation won't bite libs in the ass, it will bite everyone in the ass as realtity actually strikes home. The glee on the right will turn to sobriety as our country is dismantled and sold to corporate interests but they will continue to blame Obama. OF course when the economic picture gets rosey and jobless rates go down THAT will all be Romney's doing. Just watch as in the first 6 months after Romney has done nothing, the rates will drop and Romney will get the credit.

if the PRESENT is any indication, he can only blame the last guy for like 3 1/2 years, after that, romney will have to take responsibility for his policies and the results.
So, it's OK for liberals to say, "Boooooooooooooooossssssssssssssssscccccccchhhhhh!" every time an Obama failing is highlighted but not the other way 'round. Got it.

ah, yes.

republicans want us to forget history so we can be doomed to repeat it.

because the last business man president worked out so well!

800k jobs a month being lost, the stock market down 3k+ over 8 years, the economy on the verge of complete collapse...i mean, who wouldn't want to go back to those policies?
ah, yes.

republicans want us to forget history so we can be doomed to repeat it.

because the last business man president worked out so well!

800k jobs a month being lost, the stock market down 3k+ over 8 years, the economy on the verge of complete collapse...i mean, who wouldn't want to go back to those policies?

"who wouldn't want to go back to those policies? - Obama 2012!"
Let me get this straight. A pimp is ridiculing me? America, what a country!



Bitch Tested
Playah Approved.

Worker's World Party.
Turn This Economy Out.

paid for by the Independent Committee to Concentrate Wealth and Power in the Hands of an Unaccountable Shadow Government of Party Apparatchiks.
Why would anyone vote for somebody who will set the path for our future, and the futures of our children, who will not reveal his tax information? A fine election tradition started by none other than Romney's own father when he ran unsuccessfully for POTUS. And you would vote for a party whose strongest domestic issue for almost 3 years was Obama's Hawaii birth certificate? With Mitch McConnell announcing clearly, and multiple times, that the goal of the GOP in Congress was to limit Obama to a single term and then backed it up with a Congress that let our credit rating drop?

These are the assholes you want running the show?

This is super comical because Obama wouldn't even disclose his birth certificate after being elected president, and you even mention that 2 sentences later as it is no big deal!
"who wouldn't want to go back to those policies? - Obama 2012!"

31 months of consecutive job growth, 5+ million new jobs, stock market nearly doubled.

contrast with the bush record of 800k jobs a month being lost, the stock market losing nearly a third, and the economy on the brink of utter collapse. the worst macroeconomic figures since the great depression.

no wonder you want us to forget bush, you want us to repeat the same mistake and forget that republican policies do not work.
This is super comical because Obama wouldn't even disclose his birth certificate after being elected president, and you even mention that 2 sentences later as it is no big deal!

obama released his birth certificate before becoming president, that's how it works.

but, like a klansman at the polling station during the jim crow era, it did not pass muster with the sheet wearers even though it was accepted by the highest officials in the land.

obama released his birth certificate before becoming president, that's how it works.

but, like a klansman at the polling station during the jim crow era, it did not pass muster with the sheet wearers even though it was accepted by the highest officials in the land.


Looks real to me Cheech.