desert dude
Well-Known Member
I take it you actually believe this crap. Obama will destroy Romney come Nov 6th. I have yet to understand why so many people are actually considering Romney, they must be way low information voters, the ones that actually believe what this white devil spews at will, flip flopping at every turn, saying whatever it takes to get votes, lying like a 2 dollar whore. This asshole (Romney) will turn this country into poverty central, where rich and poor will be so far apart as to never again be able to be a real democracy. If you get your wish, a Romney presidency, I suppose you will actually end up on my list, but don't be too proud, there a lot of others just like you, greedy assholes that don't care a hoot about their brother man or humanity in general. When it comes down to eating the rich, I'll have a big helping, medium well. This is written with liberal license, if the facts apply to you, I'm not responsible.
Ahh, the good ole pre-socialist days, when we could all afford a whore.