Looking for guidance, first grow attempt

First, let me say, this site has a wealth of knowledge, many of the questions I had I never had to ask because most of the information I seeked was already available to me. I decided I was going to put some of my bag seeds to use and see if I could grow them. I planted 4 seeds, the seeds were dark, almost black in color. I planted the seeds into 4 16 oz plastic cups filled with Fox Farm Light Warrior on the 13th of October. I planted the seeds about half an inch deep. It is now the 30th of October and nothing has grown yet. My question is, should I have these cups under lights or is the light not as important before they sprout a little bit? I plan on using CFLs in one of my closets, but I left the seeds on the windowsill, waiting for them to sprout. The windowsill usually gets a good amount of sunlight. At first, I may have been underwatering the seeds, I was waiting until the soil was completely dry before I watered again, I have recently in attempt to get them to sprout, started to water them every other day. Could it be the seeds aren't getting enough light or they were underwatered, or both? Or maybe I'm just jumping the gun and being inpatient? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any responses.


Well-Known Member
The seeds need to be kept moist while they are germinating by letting them dry out they probably died. Two weeks is a long time for seeds. I germinate my seeds directly in soil but I keep it moist with a spray bottle until it pops.
Thanks for your reply, maybe I should just scratch these ones and plant a couple more. So, light isn't really important, all I really need to do is keep the soil moist?


New Member
What I do is germ the seeds between paper towels in a contain with lid intill cracked. After they crack I make a little hole in the soil with my pinky, place the seed with the little stem DOWN and cover the top with a LITTLE soil. Then turn the lights on. People say "they don need light" but I belive if you want them to grow, give them so
Ethnic to grow too.

You can't masterbait in the dark, can you?


Active Member
I highly recommend root riot cubes for starting seeds and taking clones. I have not lost a seed since i switched to them, soak the seed for 12-24 hrs stick them into the cubes and put them in a humidity dome and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
First, let me say, this site has a wealth of knowledge, many of the questions I had I never had to ask because most of the information I seeked was already available to me. I decided I was going to put some of my bag seeds to use and see if I could grow them. I planted 4 seeds, the seeds were dark, almost black in color. I planted the seeds into 4 16 oz plastic cups filled with Fox Farm Light Warrior on the 13th of October. I planted the seeds about half an inch deep. It is now the 30th of October and nothing has grown yet. My question is, should I have these cups under lights or is the light not as important before they sprout a little bit? I plan on using CFLs in one of my closets, but I left the seeds on the windowsill, waiting for them to sprout. The windowsill usually gets a good amount of sunlight. At first, I may have been underwatering the seeds, I was waiting until the soil was completely dry before I watered again, I have recently in attempt to get them to sprout, started to water them every other day. Could it be the seeds aren't getting enough light or they were underwatered, or both? Or maybe I'm just jumping the gun and being inpatient? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any responses.
'seeked'="sought", sorry.
1/2" is too deep I think, but I wouldn't condemn it just yet.
Do you think you can carefully scrape some soil off the top?
If you still have decent sun in your window, this late in the year, you might be OK, if it stays warm enough, but I would rather use the CFL's if it was me, and I wouldn't let them dry out as you would an established plant yet.


Well-Known Member
What I do is germ the seeds between paper towels in a contain with lid intill cracked. After they crack I make a little hole in the soil with my pinky, place the seed with the little stem DOWN and cover the top with a LITTLE soil. Then turn the lights on. People say "they don need light" but I belive if you want them to grow, give them so
Ethnic to grow too.

You can't masterbait in the dark, can you?
I don't get it, but maybe 'cause I'm ornamental.