Early voting shows Romney +7.....

wishful thinking on the part of a lawnmower pusher who can't even read a map or cite his own "poll".

my wife has often laughed at the idiocy of your posts, by the way.

You underestimate how sexy a man with a job is...

In 5 minutes she would be gargling my nuts.... ;]
You underestimate how sexy a man with a job is...

In 5 minutes she would be gargling my nuts.... ;]

after having chopped them off, perhaps.

if my wife wants a moron who can not read a map and is only marginally capable at operating a lawnmower, i'll give her your info.

until then, you just go on citing imaginary polls and fantasizing of imaginary women flying into town to fellate you.
after having chopped them off, perhaps.

if my wife wants a moron who can not read a map and is only marginally capable at operating a lawnmower, i'll give her your info.

until then, you just go on citing imaginary polls and fantasizing of imaginary women flying into town to fellate you.

LOL!! She sounded quite real on the telephone when she made me the offer. Of course, the whole election thing is just a premise, I could get her to fly in pretty much anytime I want :}

My life is Awesome ;]

Probably just scored another account at 1K per year... Cha Ching!!! Made much more money than you did legally today Bucky!

Did you change the litter yet fresh step?
LOL!! She sounded quite real on the telephone when she made me the offer. Of course, the whole election thing is just a premise, I could get her to fly in pretty much anytime I want :}

My life is Awesome ;]

Probably just scored another account at 1K per year... Cha Ching!!! Made much more money than you did legally today Bucky!

Did you change the litter yet fresh step?

all the emoticons/smileys paint the story of a 14 year old who just got off of yahoo chat and is super excited at his prospects of receiving his very first BJ.

i'm up to $340 on the day, how about you?

and harvest time is over, litter is my wife's job, kiddo.
all the emoticons/smileys paint the story of a 14 year old who just got off of yahoo chat and is super excited at his prospects of receiving his very first BJ.

i'm up to $340 on the day, how about you?

and harvest time is over, litter is my wife's job, kiddo.

HAHAHA!!! Lies... It wasnt but a couple of days ago that it was your job to change the cat litter liar...

Sold another illegal treadmill eh? Tell me more stories about you being legit...
HAHAHA!!! Lies... It wasnt but a couple of days ago that it was your job to change the cat litter liar...

Sold another illegal treadmill eh? Tell me more stories about you being legit...

3 questions for the lawnmower pushing kiddo:

1) can you draw the iran-syria border?
2) can you cite your poll for this thread?
3) why do you hate cannabis producers so much?

my time doing the cat litter ended once harvest was over, kiddo. deal with it.

  • my time doing the cat litter ended once harvest was over, kiddo. deal with it.​

Dude, the cat litter needs to be changed year round, not every 6 months... You are fucking nasty....
i'm going out to make a delivery, ANALEXCESSGAY1.

i'll be waiting with baited breath for you to cite your own poll, kiddo.

you might also want to discuss your problems with geography and cannabis producers while you're at it.

  • i'll be waiting with baited breath for you to cite your own poll, kiddo.​

That is so sweet that you spend so much time thinking about me bucky!!!

You have left my mind before I even get to the door of my office!

And I have no problem with cannabis producers that support their families, I just dont like the ones that live off their relatives so they can spend all day trolling a pot forum.

It is possible for most people to grow pot and actually have a job as well... Amazing, I know...
if the PRESENT is any indication, he can only blame the last guy for like 3 1/2 years, after that, romney will have to take responsibility for his policies and the results.

so after obama fixed Bush's 3.5 years of shit .. he started to fix America and wow in the last 6 months things have started to seem better . . .i wonder who you are for voting for, and who you blame for the current problems at hand, after reading that above quote
HAHAHA!!! Lies... It wasnt but a couple of days ago that it was your job to change the cat litter liar...

Sold another illegal treadmill eh? Tell me more stories about you being legit...

when you live with people . .you share the responsibilities of the house hold . . what kind of person calls cleaning the cat litter a job
You are missing the issue there.

This is not bad news for Obama, it is bad news for the nation. The reality of the situation won't bite libs in the ass, it will bite everyone in the ass as realtity actually strikes home. The glee on the right will turn to sobriety as our country is dismantled and sold to corporate interests but they will continue to blame Obama. OF course when the economic picture gets rosey and jobless rates go down THAT will all be Romney's doing. Just watch as in the first 6 months after Romney has done nothing, the rates will drop and Romney will get the credit.

All this theory. Corporate interests? As if Obama is not picking choosing corporate interests?

- What is lobbying?
- What is advertising?
- What is "news" if it sells advertising?
- Who is advertising?
- What are you buying?
- Who is lobbying?

This entire thing is what you dismiss as Corporate interests. It is the USA, by god, and anything else is theory and hate.

You and I can trade furs, without govt interference. That's how this American culture got started. Free will and self made, self reliance is what you call Corporate interest. Then later after you and I have a nice trade going, the govt. gets in to tax us. Then it spends. We make the money. It doles it out.

But, the govt also makes haters and theory mongers. They create divisions and labels and you buy it. I don't.
so after obama fixed Bush's 3.5 years of shit .. he started to fix America and wow in the last 6 months things have started to seem better . . .i wonder who you are for voting for, and who you blame for the current problems at hand, after reading that above quote

Fix America? Still blame Bush? America is not broken and has never been. Just hate. You have it all so negative.
The Presidency to me, is you don't blame the past after you have the ball, or your shouldn't run. It's cry baby.

It is exactly like a coach blaming the last coach after 4 years of still losing. Presidents can and have turned it around,
from even worse. Just cry about it. But, that won't work.

What kind of crap did Regan get handed from Carter? But, he didn't cry, he didn't hate. He fixed it. It's a matter of
class and style...maturity you can say.
i say to not put blame where it lies is neglecting the truth and history . . you cant learn from mistakes if you dont recognize how they happened . . its only a foot note to ahve a name behind some of the acitons

if your going to point any finger at anyone at least be honest. a lot of people say Obama is to blame for where we are, and in reality he has done the best with what he had . . . . .. . a lame congress/senate a shit ton of bad policies from the previous puppet . . . . and a rapidly failing economy . . . . .. id say he did pretty damn well with what he had

carter Regan you have got to be kidding me, if anything carter fixed it, dont get it twisted Doer bush and bush jr fucked this country with greenspans dick and then tried to pawn it off on a future generations .. . . .and that slick limp Clinton allowed for political doantions to be made from corperations with bush sr too . . . obama is just another pres, but romney is a snake . . i just dont trust him .. i dont trust him even more than i question if obama can effect anyhting

"Carter cannot be blamed for the double-digit inflation that peaked on his watch, because inflation started growing in 1965 and snowballed for the next 15 years. To battle inflation, Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who defeated it by putting the nation through an intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982, Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an expansion that lasted seven years. Neither Carter nor Reagan had much to do with the economic events that occurred during their terms."
That is so sweet that you spend so much time thinking about me bucky!!!

You have left my mind before I even get to the door of my office!

And I have no problem with cannabis producers that support their families, I just dont like the ones that live off their relatives so they can spend all day trolling a pot forum.

It is possible for most people to grow pot and actually have a job as well... Amazing, I know...

lawn mower pushing liar says what?


can't even provide citation for his own "poll".
What kind of crap did Regan get handed from Carter? But, he didn't cry, he didn't hate. He fixed it. It's a matter of
class and style...maturity you can say.

So Reagan
-Quadrupled the national debt
-Raised taxes 3x
-Cut deductions middle class families took
-increased goverment employees and the size of the goverment
-gave amnesty to 6 million illegals
oh, the republican record wasn't that bad because we only lost 800k jobs for a few months.

whereas, gaining 5+ million over the last 2 and a half years is horrible.

republican logic. astounding.

First, familiarize yourself with Glass-Steagall (keeps commercial/investment banks separate), then look at who got absolutely fucking disgustingly rich by it's repeal. Then ask yourself if it was party related after looking at the records.

When I said it happened during Clinton it doesn't mean I'm blaming dems. Pubs had control but it wasn't just them either. The driving force behind it was Clinton (D) and Phil Graham (R), but the real genius was Clinton's top aid Rubin who left immediately after for a sweet job with citibank. He's made 100's of millions. If you think there wasn't collusion involved with the banks then you'll have to explain to me how those credit default swaps gained AAA rating. This lead to reckless lending/borrowing coupled with artificially low interest rates led to a huge housing bubble. Values that had been in line for over 100 years suddenly were way out of whack, we needed a correction.

It wasn't simply the repeal but it was a major player and we've done nothing but put limits and restrictions on smaller banks. Too big to fail has become bigger and with our government pipeline to Gold Mansacks I don't see anything changing for the better. Especially if we just point at the other team and blame them.