This is something that has been happening to me since my early teens, IOW since I learned to masturbate. Occasionally after I orgasm I will notice a pain begin in my penis that eventually extends the length of the shaft and into the 'root'. This pain is delayed, onsetting about 10 minutes after orgasm, and lasts anywhere from 20-45 minutes before it peaks and then quickly fades away. The pain is also accompanied by a urgent need to urinate, although my bladder will be empty. I have found a warm bath will make the pain subside within a few minutes As I have gotten older, the pain comes less and less often, is not as intense, and does not last as long. I am more curious than concerned as, like I said, this has been a normal part of masturbation since I was young. It used to happen about once a month, now it happens just a few times a year.I am of course too embarrassed to ask my friends about this in person. I have asked online friends before, and they all have no idea what I am talking about. An internet search suggests the pain is similar to Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate, yet I can find no conditions where inflammation comes and goes throughout life.
So, any other guys have this happen?