12/12 from seed to harvest


Well-Known Member
Manicured and almost harvest time(1-2 weeks) she still ripening so depending how long i want to let it ride out.Sorry if the pics are shitty idk how they look yet on the computer but these were took from a old rumor touch phone since i haven't found my cam charger yet.The tissue roll is just for height comparison,she is gonna be 2 out of 9 plants to be harvested.The first plant wasn't even worth letting finish.



View attachment 2394566my first grow .. 12/12 lights from seed and this is 3 weeks old . idk where im gona put it yet when it starts getting super big lol, i have limited space, Im thinking its female right now but not sure, i dont see any pollen sacks -_-


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2394566my first grow .. 12/12 lights from seed and this is 3 weeks old . idk where im gona put it yet when it starts getting super big lol, i have limited space, Im thinking its female right now but not sure, i dont see any pollen sacks -_-
Why is it so low in the pot?
If/when you transplant, if you raise her up closer to the top, more light will be able to reach the lower leaves, and get rid of all that wrinkly aluminum foil if you can.


New Member
hey guys, what amount can you expect to yield on a 12/12.
using a 600w hps, big bang strain?
Depending on how big your space is will determan how many plants you can have. In the optimal conditions, and having let's say, 10 plants under it 12/12 from seed. In a 10 sq ft area(one plant per sqft) I would expect a harvest of no less than 1 ounce. So your looking at 10oz+

Things differ though...


Well-Known Member
Am I wrong to say that I'd fuck the living shit out of her?
I think it'd be the other way around, actually. LOL
Eddie Murphy "Raw" comes to mind, when he imitated Mr. T..........
'Don't make me mad, or I'll clench up my butt cheeks and rip your dick off'


Well-Known Member
I can heartily recommend G13 Labs' OG13 for 12/12 from seed. This thing is unreal! My WOS White Rhino X Mazar was the lead player until 2 days ago. The OG13 suffered nute OD on 1/4 strength nutes FIRST FEEDING so beware. Otherwise she be wailin'! The Blue Widow and Kandy Kush do not like 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I can heartily recommend G13 Labs' OG13 for 12/12 from seed. This thing is unreal! My WOS White Rhino X Mazar was the lead player until 2 days ago. The OG13 suffered nute OD on 1/4 strength nutes FIRST FEEDING so beware. Otherwise she be wailin'! The Blue Widow and Kandy Kush do not like 12/12.
You know, of course, with all your 'do's and don't's, likes and dislikes, I'm gonna come pester you for suggestions when I order my first seeds :)


New Member
I think it'd be the other way around, actually. LOL
Eddie Murphy "Raw" comes to mind, when he imitated Mr. T..........
'Don't make me mad, or I'll clench up my butt cheeks and rip your dick off'

Am I the only one that find mucle chicks bomb? That would be the fun part, wrestling one another trying to fuck each other. She might end up on top. Fine with me. Have your way with me baby doll


New Member
I can heartily recommend G13 Labs' OG13 for 12/12 from seed. This thing is unreal! My WOS White Rhino X Mazar was the lead player until 2 days ago. The OG13 suffered nute OD on 1/4 strength nutes FIRST FEEDING so beware. Otherwise she be wailin'! The Blue Widow and Kandy Kush do not like 12/12.

My true dream is to take black widow(original WW) and northern light(sensi, original NL) and cross those two bitches...


Well-Known Member
I did 4 plants on a 12/12 on a whim. I can see some benefits and a few drawbacks but for simplicity and fewer lights it's great.


New Member
For shits and giggles, for this thread I took my sons cabinet out of his room and through one of my UFOs in there. I got 3 NL from nirvana under that. 12/12 of course. Today will be day 4, (lights on at 12) and 2/3 have already grew 2" with there first set of leaves coming in(not counting the dummy leaves, and the 2 after those).. I'm not that excited at all to be honest hahaha