The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of getting a old wooden tyep sunbed,, u know the type with like 8 long bulbs and a square wooden frame that goes over the bed? well i was thinking of doing away with the fram and mounting the thing on my grow room ceiling,, dunno wetehr it would work,, if u get a tan then surely theyl do great for veg! u seen the guys using fishtank long bulbs so ther gorw is weird purple colours?

fuk led and jimmys rite plasma seem waaaay expensive,, will wait for the chinese to start bulding em to force the price down


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of getting a old wooden tyep sunbed,, u know the type with like 8 long bulbs and a square wooden frame that goes over the bed? well i was thinking of doing away with the fram and mounting the thing on my grow room ceiling,, dunno wetehr it would work,, if u get a tan then surely theyl do great for veg! u seen the guys using fishtank long bulbs so ther gorw is weird purple colours?

fuk led and jimmys rite plasma seem waaaay expensive,, will wait for the chinese to start bulding em to force the price down
Yeah thos fish tank tubes are all about spectrum, ok for veg and ive even seen them used in flower but you cant beat hids really. If your veggin under tubes they will be a bit slower than hids but for cuts and seedlings then theres no point in using hids your wasting leccy till they have roots. Once they have legs then chuck them under your hids. Go down BnQ for ya t5s pick up the batton and bulbs for 15 quid for a 3ft i think. They aint the high output versions i dont think but for rooting cuts and starting beans off they are more than enough and use hardly any juice.


Well-Known Member
fuk a duk i need to get these plants hudden maybe,,, ARGHH not goin into detai;s on a public forum for FUKS sake


Well-Known Member
no1 i can trust, put em in attick theyl stink to hi heavens so im just gunna take the choice,, not like its a commercial but still lol


Well-Known Member
Talk about innocent until proven guilty. That's a joke.


ther to smelly for that don,. the second they pop ther head up with the torch itel smack em in the face and theyl then wanna go up and find the source,,,,,,,,,,,,,,end of story,, AT least wer they are now its concealed better than wen they missed it twice and i can get sum airwicks up and cadles burnign in the room to deal with the slight smell thats escaping, after all they only need a sect 18 warrent, now he will have to go get that tele bak,or he will look gulty for not getting it bak
If the tv isn't hot, there's no reason they'll want to search your place mate
if the cameras wernt on then its not hot..if they wer........................


Well-Known Member
Can he not get someone to write a receipt for it, and tell them he bought it second hand. Hand over the receipt to the plod, tell them he bought it of Mr xyz, get someone to back that up? Just a thought.
EDIT: possession is 9 tenths of the law.


Well-Known Member
Can he not get someone to write a receipt for it, and tell them he bought it second hand. Hand over the receipt to the plod, tell them he bought it of Mr xyz, get someone to back that up? Just a thought.
EDIT: possession is 9 tenths of the law.

i know wat your saying tho,, my main point is i made my house quiet and eevrythign stopped the lot since beofre and all he had to say was no thats my old address FOR FUK SAKE,, well ima ride the paranoia train for a few days


Well-Known Member
Try the new High output t5s sambo you might like em. No point in throwing seedlings/cuts under hids till they ave legs cant process all that light you throw at them till then anyway. This 8 tube ive got covers alot of space and at 500w theres hardly any heat, could fit 200 cuts under this fucker.
Fuck that jim I'm on the phone at the ex's with no net, when I get back to mine I'll show ya plants that couldn't process all that light lol all ya doing with the t5s cfls etc is slowing shit down, ur mister 7wk chop and it not strong enough lol what ya expect at 7wk with a seed strain and all ya cfl t5 shite... Lol


Well-Known Member
I bet you would you top pervert you haha just a shame she likes a man not a mouse and certainly not an English mouse haha. Soo did she scare you? Lmao


Well-Known Member
Fuck that jim I'm on the phone at the ex's with no net, when I get back to mine I'll show ya plants that couldn't process all that light lol all ya doing with the t5s cfls etc is slowing shit down, ur mister 7wk chop and it not strong enough lol what ya expect at 7wk with a seed strain and all ya cfl t5 shite... Lol
Im talking cuts and seedling ya numpty no point in putting cuts under hids dont tell me thats what you do haha, ill root cuts just as quick under t5s as you will under hids all day long and ill use less leccy. When they have legs yeah under hids all the way but till then ya wasting leccy they cant process all that light hids produce without roots, why you think people use t5s for cuts.