My Advanced Nutrients Organic Feed Schedule. ENJOY

i said before that i'm not here to defend advanced nutrients. i did not post here to start an argument or participate in one.

i'm more than happy to answer any questions about the regiment i posted.
thats cool man.

it matters not what others think, if it works for you (as it appears to) and your happy with your set up then run with it.

Blaze on!!
i said before that i'm not here to defend advanced nutrients. i did not post here to start an argument or participate in one.

i'm more than happy to answer any questions about the regiment i posted.

Some people just aren't happy with how they grow, they need you to be UNHAPPY with how you grow. It's like they can't be right unless everyone agrees with them or something.

Looks like you're doing really well with this and that's great by me. I run Advanced Nutrients too, a bit different list, but I'm not gonna tell you there's anything wrong with your grow. You're happy? I'm happy. Haters will hate no matter what you do and you can't please them all. Good for you for not playing the game.

I always get a chuckle out of the people who say that cannabis doesn't benefit from nutrients designed for cannabis. Do those people think the hydroponic tomato growers use the same fertilizers as the hydroponic lettuce, basil, etc. growers? Of course they don't. Everyone uses nutes tailored to their crops unless they're really small-time. Maybe it doesn't make a HUGE difference if your nutes are cannabis-specific or they're some retread soil-crop recipe for tomatoes or corn or some shit. But it does make some difference and it's up to each individual grower to decide if that difference is worth it to them.

Trying to tell one grower they're wasting their money because they put a higher value on something than you do is arrogant. None of us are qualified to decide what other people should value most.
Obviously a youtube guy (prolly 13%''s alot of guy's that are dominating spliff, and FMJ420, and there using less than half of the products spliff and john suggest....Not being a dick (at all), just saying....Now PLEASE dont get me wrong....spliff is a beast in the grow sho, I just think there are easier, and cheaper way's to get the end product your looking for....peace bro....
Obviously a youtube guy (prolly 13%''s alot of guy's that are dominating spliff, and FMJ420, and there using less than half of the products spliff and john suggest....Not being a dick (at all), just saying....Now PLEASE dont get me wrong....spliff is a beast in the grow sho, I just think there are easier, and cheaper way's to get the end product your looking for....peace bro....

Not being a dick? Not making much sense as far as I can tell, but if it's directed at me it certainly doesn't feel like you're trying not to be a dick. You might start by explaining what you mean by "obviously a youtube guy" and "prolly 13%'er".

As far as the thing you said clearly, that there are cheaper ways to get the end product you're looking for, it depends. The dollar doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. Some people would walk 5 minutes out of their way to pick up a dollar, other people would rather spend that 10 minutes doing just about anything else because one dollar isn't worth that much of their time. Neither person is wrong. It's just a question of what a dollar means to YOU.

Could I spend less than I do? Sure. I even would spend less if I could find something that worked as well - by my standards, which I'd say aren't the same as yours - and as easily. There's nothing wrong with us having different opinions, and different standards of what constitutes the "same end product". The only problem is when one of us starts assuming their perspective is the one everyone does/should share. I don't run around the forums telling people they're fools for spending less than I do, and I don't tell people that spend more they're rubes. If they're happy with what they spend, and they're happy with what they harvest, that's cool by me. I'll recommend what I use (Advanced Nutrients) to anyone but I don't have any delusions about everyone agreeing with me on that. I just think people should try different things to be sure they like what they like because that's what they actually like best, not because they've only ever tried that one thing.
All this should be more then enough ... no point of buying alllllll there products -_-

A & B hydromax
b52 AN
voodoo AN
sensizym AN
big bud AN
over drive AN
bud candy AN
ryno skin AN
What is A&B hydromax? Shouldnt that be A&B Connoisseur or A&B Sensi Bloom. Also, why is he using Rhino Skin in the veg grow?
I really liked the ADN line, but for some reason they got banned in my countries...
I'll be trying Subcool super soil on my next run - still had enough nutes remaining for that run - you should check it out!
Results are amazing and it could save you time AND money, i'm the kind of guy that wanted the best for his babies and really got happy with ADN when my friend would use plagron or Canna, i could clearly see the difference between our end product. A friend of mine had a pretty impressive grow on an home made soil and i have to give props to subcool for his hash making method that helped me making the best hash i've ever smoked...

I'm now trying sub's beans, nugbuckets main-lining techniques (check it out you'll be impressed) and spending some time on the subcool sub-forum will get you convinced about those things!

What is A&B hydromax? Shouldnt that be A&B Connoisseur or A&B Sensi Bloom. Also, why is he using Rhino Skin in the veg grow?

i use rhino skin in veg because it is useful for building strong plants that will be able to support the monster buds that they will produce in bloom.

that hydromax is garbage. and connoisseur is too strong. stick to the sensi grow and bloom 2 parts. they work great for people who like synthetics
All this should be more then enough ... no point of buying alllllll there products -_-

A & B hydromax
b52 AN
voodoo AN
sensizym AN
big bud AN
over drive AN
bud candy AN
ryno skin AN

this post is not for you fools to post your feeding regiments. this is mine and this post is to answer any questions people have about it.
Will the SensiCal hurt the organics? I have a couple of gallons but was afraid to use them in my natural grows.
I use;

Sensigrow/bloom AB,
Voodoo Juice,
Bud Blood,
Bud Factor X,
Big Bud,
Bud Candy,
Tarantula Powder,

I love AN products, as long as you don't use the recommended quantities on the bottle. I used the calculator on the site based on the nutes I use, and it was over

You make great products, AN.... but holy fuck you suck at giving people the quantities to mix them at... LOL
i use rhino skin in veg because it is useful for building strong plants that will be able to support the monster buds that they will produce in bloom.

AN advertising is the only place you will here this stated. Any botanist will tell you the claim is pretty much bunk....
I certainly respect your right to use whatever nutrients you like and to post your schedule and to help other people follow your schedule. I used to use these nutes and couldn't find a good schedule anywhere and would have appreciated this at the time. That's what these forums are for, so that we can show off our methods and our plants, and so that people can ask for help. My only beef is that this is in the organics forum and most of the products, as you said admittedly, aren't organic. People that are new to growing often stop by the organics section looking for tips on new nutes, products, or methods because they want to grow organic and if they see this AN all over the hydro store with their clever marketing and then they see a thread like this, they may be swayed to spend a bunch of money trying out AN and not realize they aren't using organic products. Most of us organic guys that have been here for awhile are proud of the fact that we use little or no bottles and that we take advantage of more natural methods with less waste. We've found through experience that our flowers taste and smell better just by using teas and organic amendments and we still get comparable yields. So I think some of the old-schoolers were just a little offended, and you'll probably continue to have some people hating for those reason. That being said, the line-up looks good, that's almost exactly what I was using last year when I tried out AN. My yields were a little better and I had less spacing between internodes, as their advertising suggested I would, but it still tasted like I was using hydro nutes unless I flushed for over ten days.

Your plants look really healthy, nice big fat flowers and even the fan leaves all still look great for late flower. And your canopy looks great as well. I build tents the same size, I like the 8x4s. I split 1000w magnetic into two 600s though. Are those the mini clip fans or smaller fans you have up at canopy level? I do the same thing but with 16" wall mount fans, but it seems like there's never a good spot for them..
Will the SensiCal hurt the organics? I have a couple of gallons but was afraid to use them in my natural grows.

no, using a few synthetic nutrients won't hurt your organics. I have come to prefer GH Calimagic over the advanced duo because the GH is more consistent
I use;

Sensigrow/bloom AB,
Voodoo Juice,
Bud Blood,
Bud Factor X,
Big Bud,
Bud Candy,
Tarantula Powder,

I love AN products, as long as you don't use the recommended quantities on the bottle. I used the calculator on the site based on the nutes I use, and it was over

You make great products, AN.... but holy fuck you suck at giving people the quantities to mix them at... LOL

I mix at full strength and I never break 1100ppm. Organics ppm is not as important as with synthetics. Btw my tap water is at 125ppm