Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

How much money did Obama launder into Seal Team Six, and how much was spent on his partaking in the Thai sex slave industry?
still can't point out a single factual inaccuracy, can ya?


I can point out with factual accuracy that the study has been withdrawn by the CRS. NOT THE REPUBLICANS. If thats my job all of the sudden, then I am getting way under paid. LIKE I SAID, we wait for the Liberals at the CRS to tell us themselves why they retracted it, and then the process will play itself out from their. How is it possible to explain that any more clearly for you.., retard?
I can point out with factual accuracy that the study has been withdrawn by the CRS. NOT THE REPUBLICANS. If thats my job all of the sudden, then I am getting way under paid. LIKE I SAID, we wait for the Liberals at the CRS to tell us themselves why they retracted it, and then the process will play itself out from their. How is it possible to explain that any more clearly for you.., retard?


as in, there are no factual inaccuracies, only butthurt republicans who still believe in the trickle down fairy.
The story posted gives the reason why the study was retracted, because of Republican pressure. Where does it say anywhere that it was retracted because of factual inaccuracies?

Don't get mad, don't come back with personal attacks. Answer the question, where does it say that?

as in, there are no factual inaccuracies, only butthurt republicans who still believe in the trickle down fairy.

Reports are only retracted for good reason, not simply because Republicans don't like what they see.
This one is going to turn around and bite you in the ass.
Without the Trickle Down fairy, I'd never afford a $10,500 projector. God bless the rich and their fickle nature!
Reports are only retracted for good reason, not simply because Republicans don't like what they see.
This one is going to turn around and bite you in the ass.

dude, we already caught you in one lie here. how many more before this thread is over?
LOL. buck, you are so desperate to put me on defense. Its clear the lie that has been exposed here is from Liberals who work for the CRS, and tried to get away with pulling a fast one.
LOL. buck, you are so desperate to put me on defense. Its clear the lie that has been exposed here is from Liberals who work for the CRS, and tried to get away with pulling a fast one.

if you could produce one single iota of evidence, that would be great.

but you have no evidence of that and have been caught in a lie already.
if you could produce one single iota of evidence, that would be great.

but you have no evidence of that and have been caught in a lie already.

You want to take this into a different topic. I'm still posting about this so called "nonpartisan study" , that was written up by a Liberal who donates money to Obama's campaign and also the DNC. Explain how that is not bias. Do it or else that makes you a "liar"
The story posted gives the reason why the study was retracted, because of Republican pressure. Where does it say anywhere that it was retracted because of factual inaccuracies?

Don't get mad, don't come back with personal attacks. Answer the question, where does it say that?

I thought liberals think the free market is evil and government must intervene or we become too greedy? What did you do with the real Buck!
Red... with all due respect... did you even click the link? It is like one paragraph... the cutting and pasting and opining would be more for you to read than the link. :-o

red was asking for the pertinent data from the PDF, not the seething leftist blog entry (at taxpayers expense) to which you refer.

the pdf wont open for me, so i am interested in what is contained within, however your assumption that the blog post was the "pertinent facts" requested sheds a great deal of light on your other comments regarding $250,000 handbags.

aparently you are unaware that "millionaires" and "billionaires" are orders of magnitude apart.

millionaires generally go to work every morning, even if their "work" is not very sweat inducing (with the exception of pro athletes and senators under ethics probes). meanwhile Billionaires are the plutocratic fatcats who swing $250k jeweled handbags (which were NOT made for $20 in singapore, i assure you) and drop 50 racks on politician's rubbery chicken dinners and cold t-bones to support the guy they think will do less damage to their gigantic wallets and swiss bank accounts.

of course then there people like Paris "The Great Redistributor" Hilton, whose retarded spending habits and poor self control provide entire industries withy their livelyhood and prove the truism, "what a man builds, his grandchildren destroy".

Paris and her ilk are the Progressive Tax system the left has been looking for all these years.

youre welcome.

the sources on the bottom of the graphs reveals the most likely problem with this study.


capital gains are not counted as "income" when the number needs to be small, but sur the fuck ARE income when the number has to be large.

most of the hyper-rich do not get "paid" and do not have "income" like the average joe on the street. they have "wealth" and "wealth" is much harder to measure.

in the 40's 50's and 60's top MARGINAL rates were huge, but capital gains and other taxes were collected differently with more loopholes, more tax dodges and fewer methods to bring down the hammer.

in my personal view, the key statistic is not personal income tax rates (especially on people who do not pay income taxes per se), but the overal % of taxation collected by the government as compared to the economy as a whole.

on THAT graph you see the drain the tax man has placed on economic actions reducing the total funds available for private sector investment and eventual taxation.


the savvy observer will notice the close correlation between the various booms and busts to the bite the federal govt takes out of our asses each fiscal year.

the question now becomes, does higher taxation cause the booms, or does it cause the busts?

i for one suspect it causes the busts.

edit: heres an interesting link that indicates BOTH sides may in fact be full of shit.