Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

What was your source? Who is the "we" in "We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis."

"We" certainly is not the CRS.

awwww, now he's backtracking.

he's trying his best, but all he can manage is an impotent logical fallacy: attack the messenger.

some ice may help with the buttthurt, redtard.
"The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on."
Warren Buffett

Reducing taxes is not "giving" money to anyone. I didn't make you give me half your income, so did I give you anything?
Reducing taxes is not "giving" money to anyone. I didn't make you give me half your income, so did I give you anything?

yes, the freeloader's argument.

you don't mind enjoying all the benefits of the greatest nation on earth, but if anyone asks you to help with the costs, they're stealing from you.

you're a freeloader.

benefits come with costs, stormfront red.
In a rebuke to long-held Republican economic theory, a nonpartisan report has found that there is no evidence that tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires leads to improved economic growth.The report also found that tax cuts for the wealthy increase income disparities.

The analysis, conducted by the Congressional Research Service, compared tax policy with GDP patterns over the last 65 years. The report's findings undermine a central tenet of Republican party orthodoxy on taxes.

The report was first released in September but was removed from public circulation shortly thereafter, apparently after pressure was applied by Senate Republican leaders.

We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis.

Here's the actual study; Top Rates.pdf


Who is proposing tax cuts for the only the rich? Or is this just a speculative thread?
yes, the freeloader's argument.

you don't mind enjoying all the benefits of the greatest nation on earth, but if anyone asks you to help with the costs, they're stealing from you.

you're a freeloader.

benefits come with costs, stormfront red.

Did you just call over 47% of the population freeloaders? I mean, they dont pay federal taxes....

Good Job Flounder!!
Did you just call over 47% of the population freeloaders? I mean, they dont pay federal taxes....

Good Job Flounder!!

no, i called redtard1966 a freeloader.

go back and read again.

by the way, that 47% pays a whole bunch of taxes. most of thm pay payroll taxes, and many others are retired after having worked and paid taxes all their lives.

but a pathological liar like yourself is not interested in the truth.
no, i called redtard1966 a freeloader.

go back and read again.

by the way, that 47% pays a whole bunch of taxes. most of thm pay payroll taxes, and many others are retired after having worked and paid taxes all their lives.

but a pathological liar like yourself is not interested in the truth.

But they dont pay federal taxes which by your definition makes them freeloaders...

You cant have it both ways flounder.
What was your source? Who is the "we" in "We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis."

"We" certainly is not the CRS.

..............................That line: "We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis." is not from the report, the stuff I quoted is from the report....

The report is published by CRS, a link to the report was posted from a democrat blog, but the report itself was not biased and is where the info I posted came from.
UncleButt calling me a freeloader? What a joke. I probably pay more in taxes that bum makes. Freeloading bum sponges off his wife while he sits in front of his wife's computer and tries to pretend he's a man.
But they dont pay federal taxes which by your definition makes them freeloaders...

You cant have it both ways flounder.

again, how is someone that worked their whole life, paid taxes their whole life, and is now retired a freeloader?

how is someone that works and pays payroll taxes, sales taxes, property, taxes, gas taxes, and other taxes a freeloader just because the government tells them they don't make enough to pay taxes?

how is an active duty soldier a freeloader?

we're talking about people that make enough to pay taxes, but take redtard's attitude. again, go back and read.

or just shut the fuck up and go back to studying the geography of iran until you locate the iran-syria border or manage to make the iranian coastline disappear.
..............................That line: "We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis." is not from the report, the stuff I quoted is from the report....

The report is published by CRS, a link to the report was posted from a democrat blog, but the report itself was not biased and is where the info I posted came from.

You didn't post ANYTHING from the report, just from a blog. Someone said the link you posted led to file that wouldn't even open.
You didn't post ANYTHING from the report, just from a blog. Someone said the link you posted led to file that wouldn't even open.

Are you fucking stupid? I copied it right from the reports pdf I got from the gov website..........the one from CRS.....
fuckingstupid.jpg <------The report

fuckingstupid2.jpg <----------- what I quoted


  • fuckingstupid3.jpg
    75.5 KB · Views: 2
again, how is someone that worked their whole life, paid taxes their whole life, and is now retired a freeloader?

how is someone that works and pays payroll taxes, sales taxes, property, taxes, gas taxes, and other taxes a freeloader just because the government tells them they don't make enough to pay taxes?

how is an active duty soldier a freeloader?

we're talking about people that make enough to pay taxes, but take redtard's attitude. again, go back and read.

or just shut the fuck up and go back to studying the geography of iran until you locate the iran-syria border or manage to make the iranian coastline disappear.

You said...

  • you don't mind enjoying all the benefits of the greatest nation on earth, but if anyone asks you to help with the costs, they're stealing from you.​

Those people are not helping with the costs so they are by your definition freeloaders...

You said...

Those people are not helping with the costs so they are by your definition freeloaders...


i bet they would if asked, just as i stated. but the government is not asking them because they don't make enough.

reading is fundamental, kiddo.