Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

I get the jist, I'm done arguing with these ignorant morons.
And I don't use that word very often, but these guys really are morons, there is no other word for their behavior.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be this biased and ignorant that even when facts are presented right infront of them they ignore/deny them.

I see UncleShitBritches is, again, posting the account he created on Stormfront in a failed attempt to discredit me. I really have to wonder about your character when you follow such a poor excuse for a man who refuses to work, is supported by his poor wife, and spends all his waking hours on this site, posting under multiple accounts. A clown whose ability to debate is limited to insulting and name calling his opponents. A moron who posted "quotes" he claimed I posted in June on Stormfront, while the account he registered in my name was clearly opened in August. An intellectual midget who doesn't even have the ability to tell a plausible lie. Your "study" is merely the rantings of partisan hack who was censored by his superiors for his lack of objectivity and misrepresentations of fact. The non-partisan CRS you are claiming published this study, in fact, did not support the document, and even forced it's withdraw. Claiming those who disagree with you are ignorant and partisan is, well, ignorant and partisan.
I see UncleShitBritches is, again, posting the account he created on Stormfront in a failed attempt to discredit me. I really have to wonder about your character when you follow such a poor excuse for a man who refuses to work, is supported by his poor wife, and spends all his waking hours on this site, posting under multiple accounts. A clown whose ability to debate is limited to insulting and name calling his opponents. A moron who posted "quotes" he claimed I posted in June on Stormfront, while the account he registered in my name was clearly opened in August. An intellectual midget who doesn't even have the ability to tell a plausible lie. Your "study" is merely the rantings of partisan hack who was censored by his superiors for his lack of objectivity and misrepresentations of fact. The non-partisan CRS you are claiming published this study, in fact, did not support the document, and even forced it's withdraw. Claiming those who disagree with you are ignorant and partisan is, well, ignorant and partisan.

dude, your own rantings that you shit onto this site are more than welcomed over at stormfront.

that ought to clue you in to something there, chief.

the senate republicans quashed this report because it shows how misguided their love of trickle down economics is.
The story posted gives the reason why the study was retracted, because of Republican pressure. Where does it say anywhere that it was retracted because of factual inaccuracies?

Don't get mad, don't come back with personal attacks. Answer the question, where does it say that?

Antonia Ferrier, a spokeswoman for Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah), the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a release Thursday that the CRS report was “highly questionable” and employed “loaded political language.”
Wow your ignorance and stupidity amazes me. I've mentioned several times I do not open pdf files from untrusted sources. It's a security risk. Your refusal to post the text of the file while claiming you have is moronic. Stop claiming you have posted the study. You haven't. A link to a security compromised pdf is not the same as posting this "study". Your failure to inform us the document has been withdrawn is dishonest.

dude, the pdf link comes from, and no one is interested in your little tent grow.

it's more likely that they are interested in the meth you're cooking up in t bathtub in between posting on neo nazi websites.
Antonia Ferrier, a spokeswoman for Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah), the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a release Thursday that the CRS report was “highly questionable” and employed “loaded political language.”

imagine that.

the same douchestick who believes in trickle down condemns a report that empirically shows that trickle down is a failure.

he can't even fault the factual accurcy, he just says he doesn't like the language.

boo fucking hoo.
This whole study that Obama bases his economic plan on is a crock of shit. It was written by a bias Liberal for the intentions of getting Obama reelected. There is nothing "non-partisan" about that. The report was strategically released at the time election season was heating up. Around the same time its author was donating money to Obama's reelection efforts. There is nothing "non-partisan" about that. The title of this thread is a crock of shit.
In a rebuke to long-held Republican economic theory, a nonpartisan report has found that there is no evidence that tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires leads to improved economic growth.The report also found that tax cuts for the wealthy increase income disparities.

The analysis, conducted by the Congressional Research Service, compared tax policy with GDP patterns over the last 65 years. The report's findings undermine a central tenet of Republican party orthodoxy on taxes.

The report was first released in September but was removed from public circulation shortly thereafter, apparently after pressure was applied by Senate Republican leaders.

We are re-posting the report here, in its original form, so that it receives the unfiltered exposure it deserves as a nonpartisan analysis.

Here's the actual study; Top Rates.pdf

I look at studies like commodities charts, past performance never guarantee future performance. There is not one study on the face of the planet that can't be disproved by the next study.

If the study is all you have to go on, then that is a very narrow out look on the subject. Any study that has a .GOV ending has as much truth as fairy tale
story book. there may be some truth to it, but wait for a month and see how much that changes too.
I look at studies like commodities charts, past performance never guarantee future performance. There is not one study on the face of the planet that can't be disproved by the next study.

If the study is all you have to go on, then that is a very narrow out look on the subject. Any study that has a .GOV ending has as much truth as fairy tale
story book. there may be some truth to it, but wait for a month and see how much that changes too.

dude. duuuuuuuuuuude.

we've given trickle down 30+ years to work. 30+ years to produce economic growth and job creation.

so, what happened?
dude. duuuuuuuuuuude.

we've given trickle down 30+ years to work. 30+ years to produce economic growth and job creation.

so, what happened?

Stop trying to sell us your snake oil buck. Nobody is buying that "trickle-down government" fairy dust. Its Marxist propaganda.
Stop trying to sell us your snake oil buck. Nobody is buying that "trickle-down government" fairy dust. Its Marxist propaganda.

please point out where i was selling "trickle-down government", aka the verbatim parroting of your savior, willard.

i was simply pointing out that trickle down economics doesn't trickle down or create job growth. if it did, we'd have the best job numbers that we've had in the last 30 years.

i can't wait for tuesday to get here so you can cry in your cornflakes and go away, only to emerge as another sock puppet at some other time.
You can't debate like an adult. You've exposed nothing, and when questioned why you disagree with it you avoid it like the plague and unjustifiably attack the source. Even when questioned about Reaganomics overall, dismissing the source from the equation completely, all you can do is copy what other people have to say about it, then exclaim victory. That's is truly disappointing.

I hold everyone to the same standards, you disrespect anyone who disagrees with you or isn't a neoconservative.

This attitude does nothing but make our entire nation weaker because we can't come together. All you do is revel in some imaginary political win when everybody else who actually cares about this country loses.

Many of us are ashamed to share the American demonym with people like you. You refuse to acknowledge such faults and instead blame everyone else for them.

And yet, you worship UncleShitBritches. Could it be perhaps you are one and the same?
please point out where i was selling "trickle-down government", aka the verbatim parroting of your savior, willard.

i was simply pointing out that trickle down economics doesn't trickle down or create job growth. if it did, we'd have the best job numbers that we've had in the last 30 years.

i can't wait for tuesday to get here so you can cry in your cornflakes and go away, only to emerge as another sock puppet at some other time.

Reagan was only in office for 8 years, not 30. We have drifted away from his policies. The problem is buck, you let the Bush family define the entire past of the Republican party. Obama does not have the right answers buck. He is doing a terrible, god awful job. It doesn't take a leap of faith to vote for somebody other than Obama.
Forgive me for alienating the Republican party in regards to public education. I'm sure the deomocrats do it too, I'm just not personally aware of such obstruction. I'm a young dude, though that doesn't limit me to republican obstruction. As long as I've been alive, republican policies are what have obstructed proper public education.

I, too, went through the public education system in California. K-12, sub a couple months in the Midwest. As I was growing up, I never realized such bias, perhaps I was naive, maybe not.. Whatever the case, I, even today, feel I grew up with an unbiased public education. I remember my 10th grade biology teacher prefacing evolution, but that's about it, I didn't pay it much attention at the time..

I realized the disconnect when I graduated and started digging deeper for myself.

There's no easy way to say it, and Akin and Broun confirm it, republicans don't understand shit about science and have no business deciding what be taught in science classrooms. Most republicans value religious doctrine over reality, and their actions confirm it.

Basing your opinion of Republicans based on two people is as foolish as basing your opinion of Democrats on, say, VP Biden.
Reagan was only in office for 8 years, not 30. We have drifted away from his policies. The problem is buck, you let the Bush family define the entire past of the Republican party. Obama does not have the right answers buck. He is doing a terrible, god awful job. It doesn't take a leap of faith to vote for somebody other than Obama.


so we stopped with the trickle down nonsense after reagan left office?

i don't think so, socky McJizzsock.


but yes, go ahead and fault the guy who brought us 32 months of consecutive job growth and 5.5 million new jobs.
The story posted gives the reason why the study was retracted, because of Republican pressure. Where does it say anywhere that it was retracted because of factual inaccuracies?

Don't get mad, don't come back with personal attacks. Answer the question, where does it say that?

Janine D’Addario, a spokeswoman for the research service, said she would not discuss why CRS decided to pull the report, which was first published in mid-September.But she did tell The Hill that “to my knowledge — and I have been at CRS for a long time — CRS has never withdrawn a report based solely on the input of members or a congressional committee.”
Janine D’Addario, a spokeswoman for the research service, said she would not discuss why CRS decided to pull the report, which was first published in mid-September.But she did tell The Hill that “to my knowledge — and I have been at CRS for a long time — CRS has never withdrawn a report based solely on the input of members or a congressional committee.”

translation: the level of butthurt of senate republicans with respect to this report is unprecedented.
might want to try running that theory past rolli and reporting back with the results there, stormfront red.

yeah, because there is no such thing as a proxy on the internets.

all a person has to do is hide behind one and there is no way of knowing how many multiple accounts a person has.

you really do have A LOT of weak arguments.
yeah, because there is no such thing as a proxy on the internets.

all a person has to do is hide behind one and there is no way of knowing how many multiple accounts a person has.

you really do have A LOT of weak arguments.

got me.

just like stormfront red claims, i am chesusrice, padawan, unclebuck, and samwellseedwell all at the same time.

no way this could be a matter of his butthurtness, i am simply four different people.

talk about weak.
yeah, because there is no such thing as a proxy on the internets.

all a person has to do is hide behind one and there is no way of knowing how many multiple accounts a person has.

you really do have A LOT of weak arguments.

I am connecting thru multiple proxies. Anyone who doesn't and posts info about an illegal grow is risking arrest.