Well-Known Member
I get the jist, I'm done arguing with these ignorant morons.
And I don't use that word very often, but these guys really are morons, there is no other word for their behavior.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be this biased and ignorant that even when facts are presented right infront of them they ignore/deny them.
I see UncleShitBritches is, again, posting the account he created on Stormfront in a failed attempt to discredit me. I really have to wonder about your character when you follow such a poor excuse for a man who refuses to work, is supported by his poor wife, and spends all his waking hours on this site, posting under multiple accounts. A clown whose ability to debate is limited to insulting and name calling his opponents. A moron who posted "quotes" he claimed I posted in June on Stormfront, while the account he registered in my name was clearly opened in August. An intellectual midget who doesn't even have the ability to tell a plausible lie. Your "study" is merely the rantings of partisan hack who was censored by his superiors for his lack of objectivity and misrepresentations of fact. The non-partisan CRS you are claiming published this study, in fact, did not support the document, and even forced it's withdraw. Claiming those who disagree with you are ignorant and partisan is, well, ignorant and partisan.