Who has been pulled over while driving high???


Well-Known Member
Just curious who has been pulled over by police while driving high. I mean really high! Like when you roll down the window and smoke comes billowing out!? And when you look at the officer and your eyes look like Darth Maul? Im curious cause I know they take DUI so seriously. I am wondering what happens when your obviously high as fuck? Do you get an SUI? What happens when your baked, but smoked all the evidence? Please share your state and the penalties for your offense.


bud bootlegger
i've been pulled over multiple times while smoking and driving.. not bragging, but since you've asked, i'm telling... wasn't pulled over for reckless or careless driving or anything one would say about driving under the influence of alcohol..
was pulled over once because my break lights were out.. was smoking as the lights on the cop car came on.. had to remember to blow out the hit before the cop walked up to my car.. i always have a lite cig in the ashtray while i'm smoking for such emergencies.. i was pretty light headed blowing hits of cig all over the car when the cop walked up to the window, i have to say, but he didn't smell shit and let me go with just telling me to fix me lights..

was also pulled over smoking after doing the old california roll through a stop sign.. cop wasn't as nice as i got a ticket for rolling the stop sign, but still felt pretty good about the douche not smelling a whiff of weed in my car although i had been smoking 2 seconds before he pulled me over..


Well-Known Member
Lol that was a close call. But what happens when they smell the weed? Does that give them probable cause to search the whole car? If you dont have weed in the car....can they still screw you? Hmmmn I wonder...


Well-Known Member
I drove while high for the first time the other night.... ill never do it again - I was paranoid cause I was pretty wrecked. Bad judgement on my part :(


Well-Known Member
Lol that was a close call. But what happens when they smell the weed? Does that give them probable cause to search the whole car? If you dont have weed in the car....can they still screw you? Hmmmn I wonder...
That's their #1 excuse to search a car, whether they smell it or not.


Well-Known Member
Who hasnt? Usualy its when im just baked but not smoking in the car itself. But ive had those close calls too. ive never got a dui for being high, maybe because seeing those lights come on in the rearview is a instant buzz kill. Time to get the story straight and stick to it :)


bud bootlegger
I think Im a much better driver while on weed :-)
i wouldn't say i'm a better driver, but only because i don't know how i drive not stoned, lmao.. i kid, i kid, kind of.. but i'll be damned if any can prove to me that driving stoned inhibits driving in say the way that drunk driving or even driving after taking a few prescription pills can..
the only thing i ever notice is that my radio usually gets much louder when i'm stoned, as does my singing along with it.. not sure how that effects my driving though..

i'd love to do a test for say the mythbusters though.. let me smoke a few fatties, get behind the wheel of my automobile and let me lose on a road course.. i'd love to see the results.. :D


bud bootlegger
That's their #1 excuse to search a car, whether they smell it or not.
yah, that's such bs imvho as well.. how can you disprove that a cop smelled or didn't smell weed?? all they have to do is say the smelled weed and they're in your car, complete horse shit, again, just imo..


Well-Known Member
In 45 years of driving high I've been pulled over a dozen times. Twice I've had officers pat me down, find a baggie and confiscate it.
One cop opened the baggie, sniffed it, and put it in his pocket and smiled. Never been popped for a driving offense while high.



Well-Known Member
yah, that's such bs imvho as well.. how can you disprove that a cop smelled or didn't smell weed?? all they have to do is say the smelled weed and they're in your car, complete horse shit, again, just imo..

lol yea.... all they have to say is they smell it. I guess your just screwed if you have any weed on you after that. I try not to travel with anything I am not gonna finish smoking. If the blunt gets small I just throw the roach out. I was just kidding about driving better high. But I do think I drive well enough not to draw attention to myself.


Well-Known Member
In 45 years of driving high I've been pulled over a dozen times. Twice I've had officers pat me down, find a baggie and confiscate it.
One cop opened the baggie, sniffed it, and put it in his pocket and smiled. Never been popped for a driving offense while high.

did the baggie have weed in it?


When I went to college in Pennsylvania, the burn run was the #1 way to get 3 friends high on little green and fat blunts were the weapon of choice. So my friends and I are hot boxing the car real good while driving around some residential areas adjacent to the campus, and my jack-ass friend driving the car pulls up to his homies house and rolls down the front windows letting clouds of sweet ganja smoke escape. Well just at that moment the local pigs turn the corner and flip their lights as we're driving off. They stop us, hand cuff us, searches our pockets, and brings out one of those piece of shit drug sniffing dog to wreck a havoc in my buddy's cavalier. All-in-all, the smoke was in the air, but the dog couldnt find the roach in a grape-flavored "lil huggs." They took us in, wasted a couple hours of our time, and 285$ later I felt totally sodomized and taken advantage of, but if the Reich says herb is bad, it must be bad. After all...our government certainly knows whats best for me.


Well-Known Member
Been pulled over while smoking a joint on the highway. I immediately put it out,lit a cigar and started puffing while lowering all my windows. Cop ran up and said put the windows up and cigar out. Had me get out of the car and go back to the trunk. Questioned me about drugs, I said no, then he asked again while staring at me, I said, "No man, I don't have any heroin, cocaine, marijuana, I don't even have any alcohol", then he said "Do you have any weapons?". I was like no dude.

He asked why my eyes were red and I said because I was driving all night. I had a radar detector and he said it should have been going off, I said "it was, that's why I slowed down and know I wasn't speeding as I came around the corner". He said he clocked me going 5 mph over the speed limit, then let me go.

Another time I was hitting a 1 hitter when a cop lit me up for a tail light out. I lit a cigar again, he didn't question me about pot.

Then as a teen when I didn't have pot my friends/cousin and I were searched all the time for drugs, had them bring a drug dog a couple times. Both my friend and cousin were popped multiple times for a gram or less.

One time in a Ocean City MD I had a gram of cocaine in my zipper belt when we were approached by undercover cops trying to sell us herb. My friend said he already had some, the undercover asked if he wanted to trade, I started laughing, said I don't buy from undercover cops and walked away while my friend stuck around and got arrested.


Well-Known Member
yah, that's such bs imvho as well.. how can you disprove that a cop smelled or didn't smell weed?? all they have to do is say the smelled weed and they're in your car, complete horse shit, again, just imo..
A lot of times now they can in a K9 is they "think" they smell anything. They would like to be sure before tearing a car apart cause if they don't find anything they gotta put it all back together... But if they do find something, they can basically destroy your car and your just screwed.