Typical Veg time to reach 12" height?


Active Member
Hey guys, first time grower here. I'm planning on flipping my babes to 12/12 when they reach 12" tall. How long does it typically take from sprout for the plants to reach a foot in height?


Active Member
I suppose my question is quite the stumper. I figured a site like this would allow noob growers to ask semi specific, somewhat general questions and that experienced growers could quickly and easy give a short and sweet "in the ball park answer" however that rarely seems to be the case on this site. Perhaps grass city or another website could offer something more


New Member
Duuuuude. You posted a topic at midnight eastern time and waited 25 minutes before getting frustrated because no one answered your question that kind of depends on a lot of variables, like strain and phenotype if it has them, environment, style of growing (soil vs hydro), lighting.

The thing is, we can tell you 3 weeks or we can tell you 6+ weeks, you won't know for sure with your setup and genetics until you do it first hand. It would not be good if we told you 3 weeks and then it took you 6+. Or the opposite, we tell you 6+ weeks and then it only takes you 3.

Either way, you come back thinking we don't know what we're talking about...best for us to not make assumptions.

Personally in my hydro system, I can get a seed of good genetics to 12" in 3 to 4 weeks.

Anyways, most important is patience grasshopper. As a first time grower, you will find out soon that things take time...a looooot of it.

Near the end is the worst. You'll be jonesing to chop your plant up. 4+ weeks of staring at snow coated nugs, nugs that you can touch, smell, even taste, but NOT smoke can be...painful. It's a good pain though!

You'll see. :D

Let us know how it goes.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
12 inches of new growth AFTER the clone is rooted and planted in soil..around 2 weeks depending on conditions/strain etc etc.. from seed to 12 inches..3 days sprout time and another 2 1/2 - 3 weeks. once the seed catches up to the clone, it will grow faster and bigger due to it has a tap root (the biggest and strongest root) and a clone does not.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the OP must be 14 yrs old with temper issues.

Why do you guys help little shits like these? Fuck them, let them figure it out on their own.


Well-Known Member
pmsl, Like writing "maybe i should go to grass city" is gonna make us all jump and answer your Q! Your at fault here OP, never told us anything about your operation like seeds,lights and growing style and expect an accurate answer lol. Ssshhh listen......whats that calling??? Grass city me thinks!!!


Well-Known Member
This is garbage. Not one reply to a simple q. Thanks riu folks
Well, you post at midnight, then wait 11 minutes and think everybody will flock to your thread?
C'mon man, cut us some slack.
Where are you, in the Phillipines where your time is 16 hours ahead of us so you are at 4PM?


Active Member
Regardless of what I said, I did get an answer to my q, now didnt I? I apologize for being rude to the good ppl on this site, however a lot of you are ignorant dickheads. Don't call me impatient, the opposite is true. I just don't see the need to wait for a simple answer when other threads were receiving multiple replies when my q simply needed a answer of "3-4 weeks". Thanks to those who replied kindly and I apologize if I offended you good people. The rest of you can fuck off.


Active Member
You say I expect an exact and quality answer? Learn to read dipshit. I want a "in the ballpark answer" faggot