first grow leaves are curling under and light green spots


ok i am using miracle grow potting soil i have two plants i already know one is a runt not to worried about it though i have two 45 cfls per plant with reflectie cones temp stays about 78 day and 68 night humdity is around 55 % i am running a 18/6 light cycle and the plants are around four weeks old here are some pics i am worried about the curling people said i may have over watered so i havent watered in four days i purchased a soil test kit today which wasnt that great my soil is betwwen 6 and 7 ph has high nitogen low phosphorus and medium potassium i wish i could give you numbers instead of just low medium and high no shop around for me to get great equipment so i am going with what i can from hardware stores this is my first grow and any help would really be appreciated i am worried about my plants and they are bag seeds dont know strain or anything about them well i am going to go add some perlite to the soil here are some pics i hope you can help thanks



Active Member
I wonder why people use miracle grow soil in the first place? why would you use that when there so many awesome choices you can go with? You need a few more of those lights too. To me your plants look over watered but it could be the PH because of the soil you're using. But all in all in my opinion you are wasting your time if you're not going to do it right then well you are just entertaining yourself with growing bag seed and there's a good chance both your plants are males anyways. Nothing wrong with experimenting and having an interest in growing some marijuana but buy some seeds and get the right amount of light and you will thank yourself in the end rather than hoping that you will get some dank ass buds in the end.


first off i live in a town with now grow stores no nursery of any kind so i go with what i can get which is miracle grow soil that is all the stores are relly carring here right now i want to think you for taking the time to answer this but if all u are going to do is talk shit go fuck urself and dont waste my time and second as far as the lighting issue i was told was 100 watts per plant i got it the math ends up bing 90 per plant right now but i am trying to find the right ballast for a metal halida bulb but all i am finding right now is street light so be constructive and quit being a dick
Can't really add much myself m8 but by lookin it looks like over watering? But like you say you haven't watered in 4 days. They still lookin the same?


Active Member
I am just here to give you my opinion you can take it or leave it. You can grow in MG soil, as far as lighting just buy you a MH street light maybe one thats like 400 watts. and have enough air intake and out take and you will do fine. Thats odd that you dont have a nursery around. usually you can grab some organic stuff from them. Is your soil still moist when you stick your finger in it after the four days of not watering? Have you fertilized them or just letting the soil feed them? check out a marijuana leaf deficiency chart maybe that can help. I cant tell what they look like in the pics there to small. Good Luck.


the soil is still most a couple inches down i took the plants out today and added perlite hoping it will stop it from packing down and air to travel easier so it can dry out i want to get a hd light and i may have to go with the street light set up but then i still have to find a converter to change it to the correct voltage i will check out the chart and see if i can find something though
I'm growing in a all mix medium and I had same trouble as yourself but mine was because I was misting to much and that turnt the leafs. As of today I haven't misted and as I have a 600w hd I hired it up and now my leafs are looking better. Not much help I know but just letting you know leaf curl isn't the end of the world, just watch your watering and lighting.


Well-Known Member
How long ago did they get ugly or have they pretty much looked that way since they sprouted?

Can you get ahold of miracle grow organic soil? I've used that on young plants before and it worked fine. I would never use it again now that I've gone coco, but the plants took off when I first put them in it. I definitely think you are overwatering. Are you using tap water? Do you know the properties of your tap water? My tap water is horrible and I have an RO system now. If you don't know the quality of your water, I would pick up some distilled water at the store and some epsom salt. Water with distilled water with 1 tsp of epson per gallon. Feel the weight of the pots before you water. Water until you get run-off. Don't water again until the soil is dry as determined by the weight of the pot.


Well-Known Member
all the one dude said was he didn't know why ppl use MG. you tell him to go fuck himself. hmmmmm
good luck with your ******* problem;)


Active Member
first off i live in a town with now grow stores no nursery of any kind so i go with what i can get which is miracle grow soil that is all the stores are relly carring here right now i want to think you for taking the time to answer this but if all u are going to do is talk shit go fuck urself and dont waste my time and second as far as the lighting issue i was told was 100 watts per plant i got it the math ends up bing 90 per plant right now but i am trying to find the right ballast for a metal halida bulb but all i am finding right now is street light so be constructive and quit being a dick

Get the fuck off this forum you piece of shit. he was giving you advice and it was GREAT advice.

prob some 16 year old kid

in addition why dont you read something on lightning before you start going on about your 100 watt cfls. your weed is gonna be shit and your grow is gonna be a drag.

He is clearly more experienced and knowledgeable on this subject. You clearly know nothing. Fucking ass wipe.
ok i am using miracle grow potting soil i have two plants i already know one is a runt not to worried about it though i have two 45 cfls per plant with reflectie cones temp stays about 78 day and 68 night humdity is around 55 % i am running a 18/6 light cycle and the plants are around four weeks old here are some pics i am worried about the curling people said i may have over watered so i havent watered in four days i purchased a soil test kit today which wasnt that great my soil is betwwen 6 and 7 ph has high nitogen low phosphorus and medium potassium i wish i could give you numbers instead of just low medium and high no shop around for me to get great equipment so i am going with what i can from hardware stores this is my first grow and any help would really be appreciated i am worried about my plants and they are bag seeds dont know strain or anything about them well i am going to go add some perlite to the soil here are some pics i hope you can help thanks

I personally think it's overwatering which is not just causing harm from overwatering, but you're over feeding cause, unless you're using some special MG soil, there is time release nutrients added to the soil. So every time you water, you give nutrients as well. So from what I was told is the newbie way is to just use MG soil, give it water, every 2-3 days (check for moisture with your finger to determine) and give it bloom nutrients after 2 months of veg, and switch the lights to 2700k spectrum lights and change to a 12/12 light cycle. If you were to use some special soil, then you would need to make sure you're feeding the right nutrients and your ph was perfect, and of course this will make a difference in the quality of your buds, however for the newbie I've gotten heavy recommendations to just use MG and "lazy" grow it, like I explained. Check on it like every day, but end up watering it every 2-3 on average, feeding it nothing as there is plenty in the soil already, when time to bloom then you can feed it some nutrients and switch your lights to a 2700k spectrum and a 12/12 cycle. I laughed when I first heard it being called the "lazy" method of growing.

Anyway, hopefully the damage didn't kill the roots too bad and it may recover, but considering what you said about using MG the most common mistake is to overwater. if this were some custom blended soil you created it would probably not do much damange, but MG is notorious for burning roots and nute locking if you overwater. At least that's what the pros have told me and why they don't recommend using it but for newbies and lazy people. LOL.

george xxx

Active Member
Do some research on lighting. 50 watts per square most desirable, plants can start declining at 75 watts per square foot. 90 watts per plant will bleach them.
ya, overwatering with mg is a big no no with seedlings.. seems everthing they sell has some of their nutes in cant even buy mg perlite without them putting some of their time released nutes in the bag.. there fertilizer is released with h2o... i can just see them little fuckin balls of hot nitrogen exploding while lying next to your delicate young roots.... i think your plants look pretty good considering....