Global warming

It was a different kind of good pollution back then. Just like weed is bad now, but Newt's weed was given to him by Jesus. Newt is an idiot, though. The only true god is Gaia and she's fucking pissed!
Well, I would say Just cause you clean something up right away, doesn't mean the effects are going to be dramatic and instant. Remember we aren't the only ones on this planet. There are more developing countries in the world. They need sources of power to keep the lights on and some sources of transportation. That is my theory.

how come the more we try to control the environment the worse things seem to get?

back in the 70's the factories spewed hella shit into the air, cars had no smog systems, shit was dumped right into our rivers. now that everything's getting all cleaned up, shit is getting worse every day? hmmmmm ...

Yeah, and back then the big scare was "the coming ice age". The "climate" went from an approaching ice age to seaworld in thirty years. The "climate" sure is fickle.
they are discovering things under the recently melting areas of ice covered land. things that were there before there was ever ice there.

wait a minute ...

i'm confusing myself now. ;)
So when you say all dudes on tv, you mean scientist right?
Yes bulldozers in the rainforest, I knm houses appears from nowhere, but it doesn't
Overpopulation, you really debate that?
Humans are stupid, not realizing a problem until its to late. Story of our lives.
Destroying the world's resources, Sounds like you think wood and fish and other product just appear out of nowhere
Obey your government, not so much. Just open your eyes and your mind.


i can show you a shitload of actual climate scientists and their reports that say anthropogenic global climate change is "Not proved" "Needs More Study" and even "Pure Bullshit". but you dont care about that. those scientists are in the pocket of the koch brothers, they defy the scientific community's agenda and rebel against the official doctrine, are clearly insane and cannot be trusted, and most likely were paid to say that shit. they are filthy apostates and heretics. people you agree with are of course independent minded iconoclasts with a rebellious streak that is admirable rather than criminal.

you ever work as a logger? no i didnt think so. you ever replant a forest after a crownfire killed every tree for miles? no, i didnt think so. you ever wonder why the "rainforest" thats losing 500billion quadrillion acres every year is still there after 20 years of these same claims? no, i didnt think so. stock footage and confident sounding announcers tell you that the "rainforest" is being slashed and burnt to make way for farms and ranches.... it aint that way at all. and even if brazil declares FUCK THE JUNGLE! and starts a program to clear it all to the dirt and build a toxic waste dump, thats brazil's problem, not yours. no less authoratative source than PBS's newshour whith jim lehrer featured footage taken from a helicopter, as it flew over miles and miles of forest that had been "clearcut", all the trees laid out like a bryl cream pompadour, as if somebody came through with a giant comb and laid them all down with a single swipe. cuz thats what actually happened. the jetstream dropped down to the tiops of the rockies for an hour or so (it's happened before and will happen again) and knocked the trees down. and PBS said it was "clearcutting". you lefties will believe anything.

overpopulation is a myth created by a book called "The Population Bomb" it has been thoroughly rej4ected by every peer reviewer. the math doesnt add up, the assumptions are faulty, the premise is shaky and the conclusion is absurd. google it. do "Silent Spring" while youre at it if you want to see another leftist wet dream disintegrate.

the humans YOU know may be stupid, my gang thinks ahead, but doesnt panic when the wind makes the attic window creak and we may sometimes shout ZOINKS!! GHOSTS! but in the end, its always a rubber mask, and inside it, old man witherspoon, owner of the haunted amusement park. and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those snooping kids.

sounds like you think trees dont grow and fish dont spawn. harvesting is not destroying. if it is, youre doing it wrong.

everybody is driving with their eyes closed except you. riiiight.

deez nutz.
Sun spots which occur randomly and slight deviations in earth orbit are to blame IMO. Is there global warming yes, is it man made? Probably not helping but there is no proof.

i can show you a shitload of actual climate scientists and their reports that say anthropogenic global climate change is "Not proved" "Needs More Study" and even "Pure Bullshit". but you dont care about that. those scientists are in the pocket of the koch brothers, they defy the scientific community's agenda and rebel against the official doctrine, are clearly insane and cannot be trusted, and most likely were paid to say that shit. they are filthy apostates and heretics. people you agree with are of course independent minded iconoclasts with a rebellious streak that is admirable rather than criminal.

you ever work as a logger? no i didnt think so. you ever replant a forest after a crownfire killed every tree for miles? no, i didnt think so. you ever wonder why the "rainforest" thats losing 500billion quadrillion acres every year is still there after 20 years of these same claims? no, i didnt think so. stock footage and confident sounding announcers tell you that the "rainforest" is being slashed and burnt to make way for farms and ranches.... it aint that way at all. and even if brazil declares FUCK THE JUNGLE! and starts a program to clear it all to the dirt and build a toxic waste dump, thats brazil's problem, not yours. no less authoratative source than PBS's newshour whith jim lehrer featured footage taken from a helicopter, as it flew over miles and miles of forest that had been "clearcut", all the trees laid out like a bryl cream pompadour, as if somebody came through with a giant comb and laid them all down with a single swipe. cuz thats what actually happened. the jetstream dropped down to the tiops of the rockies for an hour or so (it's happened before and will happen again) and knocked the trees down. and PBS said it was "clearcutting". you lefties will believe anything.

overpopulation is a myth created by a book called "The Population Bomb" it has been thoroughly rej4ected by every peer reviewer. the math doesnt add up, the assumptions are faulty, the premise is shaky and the conclusion is absurd. google it. do "Silent Spring" while youre at it if you want to see another leftist wet dream disintegrate.

the humans YOU know may be stupid, my gang thinks ahead, but doesnt panic when the wind makes the attic window creak and we may sometimes shout ZOINKS!! GHOSTS! but in the end, its always a rubber mask, and inside it, old man witherspoon, owner of the haunted amusement park. and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those snooping kids.

sounds like you think trees dont grow and fish dont spawn. harvesting is not destroying. if it is, youre doing it wrong.

everybody is driving with their eyes closed except you. riiiight.

deez nutz.

Sounds like you are a very informed and smart person. Have you ever heard of supply and demand? Just cause fish spawn and trees grow, does not mean that that the fish can spawn and the trees can grow at the same rate as we are consuming them. If you produce 4 oz every three months and smoke a 1/4 everyday, you will not have enough weed to last you till the next harvest. Yes your trees are growing duh, but do you have enough supply to get you through till next harvest.

Sounds like you are a very informed and smart person. Have you ever heard of supply and demand? Just cause fish spawn and trees grow, does not mean that that the fish can spawn and the trees can grow at the same rate as we are consuming them. If you produce 4 oz every three months and smoke a 1/4 everyday, you will not have enough weed to last you till the next harvest. Yes your trees are growing duh, but do you have enough supply to get you through till next harvest.


i'd cut back my smokin, or plant more herb. simple solutions are the best solutions.
trying to force my neighbors to grow weed for me, or robbing the local dealers is NOT a solution.
likewise quitting all weed and becoming a jehovahs witness is also not a solution.
smoking alfalfa is not a solution
switching to cocaine is not a solution
chanting and waving signs by city hall is not a solution.
blaming people who dont smoke weed for not smoking weed is not a solution.
standing on the street begging for buds is also not a solution.
hoping the Weed Fairy leaves a nugg by the leg of my couch IS a short term solution but doesnt solve my long term problem.
i'd cut back my smokin, or plant more herb. simple solutions are the best solutions.
trying to force my neighbors to grow weed for me, or robbing the local dealers is NOT a solution.
likewise quitting all weed and becoming a jehovahs witness is also not a solution.
smoking alfalfa is not a solution
switching to cocaine is not a solution
chanting and waving signs by city hall is not a solution.
blaming people who dont smoke weed for not smoking weed is not a solution.
standing on the street begging for buds is also not a solution.
hoping the Weed Fairy leaves a nugg by the leg of my couch IS a short term solution but doesnt solve my long term problem.

I got to go to work, but I have some rebuttals. I respect your views. Let's continue this soon.

i can show you a shitload of actual climate scientists and their reports that say anthropogenic global climate change is "Not proved" "Needs More Study" and even "Pure Bullshit". but you dont care about that. those scientists are in the pocket of the koch brothers, they defy the scientific community's agenda and rebel against the official doctrine, are clearly insane and cannot be trusted, and most likely were paid to say that shit. they are filthy apostates and heretics. people you agree with are of course independent minded iconoclasts with a rebellious streak that is admirable rather than criminal.

you ever work as a logger? no i didnt think so. you ever replant a forest after a crownfire killed every tree for miles? no, i didnt think so. you ever wonder why the "rainforest" thats losing 500billion quadrillion acres every year is still there after 20 years of these same claims? no, i didnt think so. stock footage and confident sounding announcers tell you that the "rainforest" is being slashed and burnt to make way for farms and ranches.... it aint that way at all. and even if brazil declares FUCK THE JUNGLE! and starts a program to clear it all to the dirt and build a toxic waste dump, thats brazil's problem, not yours. no less authoratative source than PBS's newshour whith jim lehrer featured footage taken from a helicopter, as it flew over miles and miles of forest that had been "clearcut", all the trees laid out like a bryl cream pompadour, as if somebody came through with a giant comb and laid them all down with a single swipe. cuz thats what actually happened. the jetstream dropped down to the tiops of the rockies for an hour or so (it's happened before and will happen again) and knocked the trees down. and PBS said it was "clearcutting". you lefties will believe anything.

overpopulation is a myth created by a book called "The Population Bomb" it has been thoroughly rej4ected by every peer reviewer. the math doesnt add up, the assumptions are faulty, the premise is shaky and the conclusion is absurd. google it. do "Silent Spring" while youre at it if you want to see another leftist wet dream disintegrate.

the humans YOU know may be stupid, my gang thinks ahead, but doesnt panic when the wind makes the attic window creak and we may sometimes shout ZOINKS!! GHOSTS! but in the end, its always a rubber mask, and inside it, old man witherspoon, owner of the haunted amusement park. and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those snooping kids.

sounds like you think trees dont grow and fish dont spawn. harvesting is not destroying. if it is, youre doing it wrong.

everybody is driving with their eyes closed except you. riiiight.

deez nutz.
Doctor, you're becoming hysterical.
Sure plants grow faster. But they can't grow if a D9(bulldozer) is clear cutting the rain forest. Killing the only thing on this planet that converts co2 to o2. You are right we will fuck ourselves. But we will take out most of the planets resources doing it. Only time will tell, as the planet gets more populated and humans use more resources. The Co2 level will rise and there is going to be a consequence to that. Stupid humans won't do anything until the problem is slapping them in the face. Kind of like hurricane Sandy, so many people didn't heed the warning and they paid a price. When the government tells you to evacuate, it's probably a good idea.


So when you say all dudes on tv, you mean scientist right?
Dude, those guys on TV aren't scientists.
Yes bulldozers in the rainforest, I knm houses appears from nowhere, but it doesn't
Overpopulation, you really debate that?
Who decides what is the "correct" population? Who decides which portion must be slaughter to satisfy YOUR whims?
Humans are stupid, not realizing a problem until its to late. Story of our lives.
Destroying the world's resources, Sounds like you think wood and fish and other product just appear out of nowhere
Obey your government, not so much. Just open your eyes and your mind.


Even if it was real, you couldn't get everyone to agree on implementing a redirect on a global scale.

They have to cut down the rainforest, the country is broke and needs the money to sell off to investors so they can pay back the banks. It's either they sell it off and die later, or die now. Then those investors will go consume something else.

Why did Rome fall?

Because of progress.
Even if it was real, you couldn't get everyone to agree on implementing a redirect on a global scale.

They have to cut down the rainforest, the country is broke and needs the money to sell off to investors so they can pay back the banks. It's either they sell it off and die later, or die now. Then those investors will go consume something else.

Why did Rome fall?

Because of progress.
rome never fell, it became the byzantine empire, a christian theocracy. a shadow of its former self.
Even if it was real, you couldn't get everyone to agree on implementing a redirect on a global scale.

They have to cut down the rainforest, the country is broke and needs the money to sell off to investors so they can pay back the banks. It's either they sell it off and die later, or die now. Then those investors will go consume something else.

Why did Rome fall?

Because of progress.

Rome became a christian nation before it even split. Emperor Constantine adopted the religion in 313ish AD

Rome fell because of Christianity. Christianity & their concept of hell completely demoralized the roman army. They feared going to hell for killing innocent people. Rome lost its thug mentality and when Attila the hun came rolling in to Europe like a boss and kicked in Romes door, it started a domino effect. All the pagan tribes that the Romans had occupied by force saw this weakness and revolted. Of course corrupt government and poorly balanced budgets speed this process up.