The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm getting kinda bored of smoking exo tbh. Don't get me wrong its good and all but i like the knock you on yer arse stone form indica's.


Well-Known Member
you what? use a MH for the last 2 weeks? thats a new one,, to me anyways,
never smoked phsyco, nor gorwn it but not getting itno that one LOL

yeh ther all dodge pots in my area to be honest think they know everything, wen i got exo of user last time i showed it to em they sed was berries even argued with me that it was LOL fucking idiots,, i sold em some jack from seed time ago and they swore it was white rino and said i dont knoww at im on about,, despite me having the seed packet at home,, the fucking morons,lol

divvys that think they know everythgni about fuk all. lol


Well-Known Member
As well as your HPS, eye apparently.

Evening boys.
fek that man,,, il stick to what i know, ordered that ripen last nite, lets see what happens wen i start using it, that powder stuff i cant use coz according to my pen its dropped the PH down to 4.4, i thik my pens waaay out of whack ordered sum buffer to check it out, plus ive no ph up only down, grr


Well-Known Member
Lot of guys use MH throughout flower, there gals never see HPS. Better quality by all accounts but you will loose weight come chop time. I use MH last two wks, the digi 10k lamps look the dogs bollox.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Don why not just use Mono-Potassium Phosphate powder like I do, it's what PK13/14 and Hammerhead are both made from mate.

PK13/14 and Hammerhead (among other products) don't give the results that people expect because they're watered down for profit. It's a load of bollocks, both of those only have 2-3 ingredients in them (which you can buy from ebay).

Here's the Hammerhead label from the AN website.


That particular label lists the NPK as 2-4-10 but AN change the ratios more times than I change my socks, you can get 9/18 also.
Regardless it's always only had 2 chemicals in it, Mono-Potassium Phosphate and Potassium Nitrate. I personally don't want any Nitrogen in my flower nutes so I substitute that for Potassium Sulphate, it does the same job but with no Nitrogen and the plants do well with the slight amount of background sulphur.

So 100% water soluble Mono-Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34) is less than 10 quid for 500g and you need a few teaspoons throughout 8 weeks of flower, if you've got an EC meter then you can push em to the limit after a couple of go's.

Those 'Skunk No1' that I had last time with the vodka bottle size colas only had a small amount of Bio Grow to keep em green and 4-5 teaspoons of Mono-Potassium Phosphate through 8 weeks, fuck all else. They were 4 oz a pop after being cured for a month from a 400w in 9 litre pots, rock solid density.

I'm sure IC3 will confirm is it makes your shit big and hard!


Well-Known Member
yeh it works for sure il agree,,, u said throw the washingpodwer type stuff out rite? i used half a cup of hot water to break it down then added to res

seen this shit

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
fek that man,,, il stick to what i know, ordered that ripen last nite, lets see what happens wen i start using it, that powder stuff i cant use coz according to my pen its dropped the PH down to 4.4, i thik my pens waaay out of whack ordered sum buffer to check it out, plus ive no ph up only down, grr
Numb nut's! :wall:

Why didn't you just order some PH up (it's 5 quid) instead of the Ripen and use the powder!?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeh it works for sure il agree,,, u said throw the washingpodwer type stuff out rite? i used half a cup of hot water to break it down
Eye chuck the washing powder stuff, I found some same from a different supplier that dissolves 100% instead of making the water go cloudy. I'll sort you some of that at some point, that's the one you really want for the last 3 weeks (0-0-40).

You only need tap warm water and a good stir, don't go boiling the kettle for it.


Well-Known Member
Eye chuck the washing powder stuff, I found some same from a different supplier that dissolves 100% instead of making the water go cloudy. I'll sort you some of that at some point, that's the one you really want for the last 3 weeks (0-0-40).

You only need tap warm water and a good stir, don't go boiling the kettle for it.
i only use a half cup of kettle water and tip it in,, i did notice ther was stik sum at the bottom, il hold off on that tilli get ph up, this ripen has no N in it so im guessing its the sam,, im not savvy on all this buisness,, just been up now had to take a second look at one plant seems its starting to fill out i.e u can start to see the surface of the bud rather than just balls with air, one i thinks gunna be popcorn all over but the rest seem sweet as a nut,
remeber to text me that number buddy

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
10 days in 12/12 but I start the clock from first pistils and we're not quit there yet, I think it'll be another 3-4 days before I start counting. ;)


I've ended up with 3 really nice pheno's.

The big one seems to be really 'Lemon' leaning, the other 2 look like an 'AK Assasin' one and a 'livers/Smelly' leaning one (?).


I'm actually standing on a step with the camera at my forehead to take that last shot.


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Little uns, 1 on the left 'AK' and the one on the right 'Livers/Smelly'.


I'm only speculating on how the phenos hang. I'll just have to wait and see how they turn out but I can say they're very fucking healthy and all round fine specimens so far.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
sounds about spot on, what are your temps like? might see some colour.

this is going to end very nicely by looks of them.
Day's been 25-26 constant through veg right up until Friday, it's been 22-23 since.
Night I didn't check at all until last week and it was 15, I don't think it'll have dropped that far maybe 13 the lowest.

Eye I'm looking forward to it mate, I think I'm going to have to make a tough decision when it comes to deciding the keeper.

looking very nice yorkie, what size pots u got those monsters in?
The big one is in a 12L builders bucket, maybe 11L of actual soil in it.
The small two are in I think 9L square Wilma's cut down to about 6L (ish?).

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I have to endorse the soil while I'm here though, it's Plagron's Light Mix. I'm very impressed, it pisses on H&G BatMix and BioBizz All Mix.

Lovely and light, no clogging or compacting, no need to add perlite, I highly recommended it.


Well-Known Member
' yorkie. why do you bother with checking dates mate? surely youve been grwoin long enough now not to need to. personally i just chop when i see there 'ready'... i dont bother checkin trichs' or anything.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
' yorkie. why do you bother with checking dates mate? surely youve been grwoin long enough now not to need to. personally i just chop when i see there 'ready'... i dont bother checkin trichs' or anything.
Lol, eye mate.

To be honest just to give my self an idea of when to pay attention for finishing, I'm a bit of a nerd at heart as most of you have noticed and it would bug me if it wasn't 'just so'.