hello MJ lovers i need help 1st time grower

i have a space 3ft.length x 2ft wide x 18in height i gonna use a cfl system.what would b ideal 4 my space, scrog vs lst vs topping and fimming. and then also what would u recommend 4 optimal veg height b4 cycle change. any help would be thankful



Well-Known Member
Man that's small in height! I'd lst top and fim. You can lst the branches lower than the rim of the pot, that said mate after you've got your lights in that height will come down 6 inches. You would have to do major lst to keep it low. Some plants double or triple when bloomed. I would skip veg do 12 from seed and utilise lst. That's the best I can come up with Sorry if it's not what you want to hear. cCG


Well-Known Member
w3rd. LST the hell out of it, and it could be done with great results. Try and find a viney strain, one that acts like a ground-creeping plant. You could always get a cheap LED panel and put it at about the 9" mark. I would put the CFL's at one end, and the plant at the other and *trick* it into thinking it's growing upwards. It might look like a bonsai tree, but it'll still grow :)


New Member
w3rd. LST the hell out of it, and it could be done with great results. Try and find a viney strain, one that acts like a ground-creeping plant. You could always get a cheap LED panel and put it at about the 9" mark. I would put the CFL's at one end, and the plant at the other and *trick* it into thinking it's growing upwards. It might look like a bonsai tree, but it'll still grow :)



New Member
Assuming your not a 14 year old. This would be the time to look into autos? My tallest plant in my life was 2.5' and yes LSTing would bring that down to below 18". Good luck


New Member
Man that's small in height! I'd lst top and fim. You can lst the branches lower than the rim of the pot, that said mate after you've got your lights in that height will come down 6 inches. You would have to do major lst to keep it low. Some plants double or triple when bloomed. I would skip veg do 12 from seed and utilise lst. That's the best I can come up with Sorry if it's not what you want to hear. cCG

12/12 from seed always works good too. Right on
thanks 4 the replys. I GOT some mystery bag seed germin hoping 4 a result in a few days. i was wondering what would b an ideal growing soil is it a big difference between lets say miracle grow vs. lets say fox farm all memorys of mom planting flowers was miracle grow.