Advanced Nutrients Line-up, Need advice on how much to feed and which ones to use!


Active Member
So I currently have the following from Advanced Nutrients:
Sensi Grow A + B
Sensi Bloom A + B
Bud Candy
Big Bud
Ancient Earth
Voodoo Juice

Which ones should I use? and I may have to mix and match for 4 different plants.. since they are all only 8oz or so.


Well-Known Member
Start off 1/4 or 1/2 strength to see how the plants react and you could use all of them but some are applied at different times of the grow cycle also adding tarantula pirahna and voodoo juice is amazing combo... if you go to advanced nutrients website they also have a nutrient calculator...
So I currently have the following from Advanced Nutrients:
Sensi Grow A + B
Sensi Bloom A + B
Bud Candy
Big Bud
Ancient Earth
Voodoo Juice

Which ones should I use? and I may have to mix and match for 4 different plants.. since they are all only 8oz or so.


Well-Known Member
So I currently have the following from Advanced Nutrients:
Sensi Grow A + B
Sensi Bloom A + B
Bud Candy
Big Bud
Ancient Earth
Voodoo Juice

Which ones should I use? and I may have to mix and match for 4 different plants.. since they are all only 8oz or so.
Actually overdrive i think is for plants that are longer to flower than regular so additional week stuff im thinking...


Active Member
So if I am using 2gal smart pot then I should be using 4mL/L would be roughly 32mL for full dose, so use roughly 8mL to start off with of each? if 2mL/L use 4mL of nute?


Well-Known Member
So if I am using 2gal smart pot then I should be using 4mL/L would be roughly 32mL for full dose, so use roughly 8mL to start off with of each? if 2mL/L use 4mL of nute?
You dont go by the size of the pot, it is the amount of water they receive, for soil you would get your desired amount of water each plant would receive from your watering can, and then calculate how much nutrients via the calculator online or directions on bottle... i would use the nutrient calculator though and just enter the amount of water. Ya see?

So if your two gallon smart pot needs a half gallon of water or so for run off, you would then calculate 1/2 gallon for reservoir size and it will automatically tell you how much to add. If you have 6 plants you would multiply 1/2 gallon of water and nutrients by 6..
Right now i'm trying out what you are thinking of doing. But so you know, I am doing this is soil. I was told this line up can also be used with soil. I'm running sensi bloom A+B and the AN hobbyist level, however because voodoo juice is kinda expensive compared the the others, I am using both Piranha and tarantula that I got as freebies. (samples size ones)

I'v been pretty much following their calculator, but I was giving them 1/4 strength nutes but 1/2 strength of the piranha and tarantula for the first two weeks, then bumbed it up to 1/2, and I'm currently 4 weeks in and using 1/2 strength nutes and full strength Big Bud and B-52. (i'm using 1/2 strength nutes because i'm using soil, and so I can use nutes every time I feed.) I mix a 4 liter jug of nutes up, fresh every time i need to feed. (1gal milk jug works great. it's actual only 3.8L, but it works well.) so right now it's 8mL of sensi A+B, 8mL of Big Bud and B-52. shake well, and a few drops of pH up and it's good. I use spring water. with is pH6.5 and the nutes bring it down a little.

I also was planning on using overdrive in the last couple of weeks. However, i was thinking about chewberto's comment about overdrive, but when I added extra weeks, it still only calls for overdrive to be used in the final 2 weeks, before a week of flushing your plants. I'm currently running some Mango Kush I'm about 1 month in. I want to see how well adding these boosters will do seeing how i used straight nutes that last time. I may even go a step further on my next crop and get some Nirvana, and Bud factor X. maybe some Bud ignitor, see if that helps. that suppose to help increase the number of bud nodes in the first couple of weeks of flowering. lol, and maybe go with some Mothers tea.

The photo was taken 5 mins ago.


Well-Known Member
Right now i'm trying out what you are thinking of doing. But so you know, I am doing this is soil. I was told this line up can also be used with soil. I'm running sensi bloom A+B and the AN hobbyist level, however because voodoo juice is kinda expensive compared the the others, I am using both Piranha and tarantula that I got as freebies. (samples size ones)

I'v been pretty much following their calculator, but I was giving them 1/4 strength nutes but 1/2 strength of the piranha and tarantula for the first two weeks, then bumbed it up to 1/2, and I'm currently 4 weeks in and using 1/2 strength nutes and full strength Big Bud and B-52. (i'm using 1/2 strength nutes because i'm using soil, and so I can use nutes every time I feed.) I mix a 4 liter jug of nutes up, fresh everytime i need to feed. (1gal milk jug works great. it's actual only 3.8L, but it works well.) so right now it's 8mL of sensi A+B, 8mL of Big Bud and B-52. shake well, and a few drops of pH up and it's good. I use spring water. with is pH6.5 and the nutes bring it down a little.

I also was planning on using overdrive in the last couple of weeks. However, i was thinking about chewberto's comment about overdrive, but when I added extra weeks, it still only calls for overdrive to be used in the final 2 weeks, before a week of flushing your plants. I'm currently running some Mango Kush I'm about 1 month in. I want to see how well adding these booster will do seeing how i used straight nutes that last time. I may even go a step further on my next crop and get some Nirvana, and Bud factor X. maybe some Bud ignitor, see if that hels. that suspose to help increase the nuber of bud nodes in the first couple of weeks of flowering. lol, and i am go with some Mothers tea.

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The photo was taken 5 mins ago.
Sounds good...i have the 100% complete advanced organic line.... lot of stuff but my plants are happy so far.. in soil


Active Member
Oh damn... I really overfed them then hah.. good thing I flushed and added perlite to the mix. then just watered with 5.9 pH tap water. with couple drops of superthrive. Their roots aren't that vast and extended... it is just a root ball.... idk what to do. It takes about 1.5 L to make them have a run-off, but the roots aren't all the way to the bottom really. :( I will feed about 1.5mL water, 3mL sensi grow a + b, and 1.5mL B-52


Well-Known Member
Oh damn... I really overfed them then hah.. good thing I flushed and added perlite to the mix. then just watered with 5.9 pH tap water. with couple drops of superthrive. Their roots aren't that vast and extended... it is just a root ball.... idk what to do. It takes about 1.5 L to make them have a run-off, but the roots aren't all the way to the bottom really. :( I will feed about 1.5mL water, 3mL sensi grow a + b, and 1.5mL B-52
your in soil right? If so what kind?
I'd say just watch your pH and give it a little time. When I started out, I was reading my plants would grow 1-3 inches a day, but i find they go through growth spurts and on average would grow maybe 1/2 inch a day. it will take some time for the roots large roots to grow. Just make sure over water, and more important not to underwater your plants. once your roots dry up, they loss the little fine hairs and wont ever grow back, only new growth roots with have the fine hairs. and once you've underwatered it once, i find it's more susceptible to underwatering in the future.

I've actually been thinking of getting some sunshine mix#4 for my next grow, i'm still checking it out, so i'm not sure if you would need to add cal/mag to your nutes aswell since you're using a soil-less mixture. chewberto may know.