Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
You should travel the world. You'll find idiots everywhere.1 black president 43 white president
3-4 atheist presidents- 37+ christian presidents.
just some interesting things about democracy is, most people are idiots and that rings especially true in the usa.
Jackson had too much baggage. Part of Obama's appeal was nobody knew anything about him.Has nothing to do with him being qualified or the trash that the GOP are putting up ??? Mccain/Palin or Romney/Biden will make anyone vote for the other team. If "Blacks" only voting for Obama because he black... then Jessie Jackson would have had a better showing when he ran.
Or so his wife tells him.Nah, I am not really upset. I just like to post hypocritical idiocy for all to see when I find it. As far as who controls my life, you are right, it's me.
"Romney/Biden"??Has nothing to do with him being qualified or the trash that the GOP are putting up ??? Mccain/Palin or Romney/Biden will make anyone vote for the other team. If "Blacks" only voting for Obama because he black... then Jessie Jackson would have had a better showing when he ran.
Romney/Ryan...sorry for the confusion"Romney/Biden"??
I would sooner remove my penis with a dull chainsaw than vote for "tooth and nail" Mitt. Having said that... Obama hasn't earned my vote this time around either. Gary Johnson 2012 (and more importantly 2016).Oh yeah definatly the guy I want to elect
Vote for O'Bama's Irish half.what if im a racist? should i vote for romney??
You hate whitey bro?what if im a racist? should i vote for romney??
Some trap.*gullible
are you trying to madbro your way out of that trap you just fell into?
Anybody that votes for Romney and is middle class is a fucking retard. $#@# Mormons dont even consume caffien, not even a coca-cola. Not to mention he will give corporations a license to steal by derugulation....which is what started the mess we are currently in. To bad that most mormons live in Utah, if you talk to anyone who has lived in that state they are either mormon or hate mormons. If he is elected all red blooded americans need to burn down any building with the words "CHURDH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS" .
*don'tAnybody that votes for Romney and is middle class is a fucking retard. $#@# Mormons dont even consume caffien, not even a coca-cola. Not to mention he will give corporations a license to steal by derugulation....which is what started the mess we are currently in. To bad that most mormons live in Utah, if you talk to anyone who has lived in that state they are either mormon or hate mormons. If he is elected all red blooded americans need to burn down any building with the words "CHURDH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS" .
Finally! Some time to write. Listen up UB...the real way to spring a trap.remember this trap question?
would refuse to vote for an agnostic/atheist candidate
2 5.71%
you were saying what about sky daddies now?
boom, roasted. longest ever trap sprung.