about the ph tester after each use ( HANNA 96107)


Active Member
hi guys , in my manual sais "after use store it with few drops of storage of ph 7( hi 7007) solution in the protective cap". i don't have this solution but i have a PH BUFFER 7 for calibrating ph meter. can i put that in the protective cap or let the ph tester without any solution.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Are they not the same thing just one is not the brand of the ph meter?

Personally i just run mine under the bathroom tap and shove the lid on, never misread in 3 years.


Well-Known Member
Yep.. Tip top is on it. You can spend time and money, doing all manor of preventive maintenance,or calibrate every couple of months. As my time is at a premium, I prefer the latter. Never had an issue.